Digital Europe: Shaping the future of the European Digital Single Market

  • DIGITALEUROPE D... profile
    19 March 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0


Over the last weeks, the members of DIGITALEUROPE were surveyed on their opinion on issues that could have an impact on the digital future of the European Union’s economy and society. They were asked how to achieve DIGITALEUROPE’s vision of a European Union that nurtures and supports digital technology industries, and that prospers from the jobs we provide, the innovation and economic benefits we deliver and the societal challenges we address.

(Full results of the survey are available here)


We received responses from our members, balanced between companies and National Trade Associations. According to a large majority of members, an array of issues could have a high or very high impact on achieving DIGITALEUROPE’s vision. Each of the issues were rated on a scale from 1 to 5 – very low to very high impact. Have a look at the graph below to see what our members think. The top result was: Improve the quality of digital skills.   

(Full results of the survey are available here) 
