Currently I get the following message from Google Inc. because I am

  • Erik Ušaj profile
    Erik Ušaj
    11 May 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 4

Multinational companies don't support a single market 

Companies like Google inc. currently do not support publishers from any EU-member state to conduct business (read: receive payments) via their respective digital assets marketplaces.

For example when I try setting up a Google Merchant Wallet account I receive an error:

"Your country Slovenia is unsupported for this merchant."

Similar situation applies on other digital stores platforms. 

European Union does not provide any legal requirements thus anyone can LIMIT businesses. 

Legally require any digital store provider with a turnover over a certain € amount to provide support for any EU-member business / individuals

Provide a framework directive to legally require:

  • Payments to publishers on SEPA platform (ANY EU-member BANK)
  • VAT payments for ANY taxation system and support for VAT IDs from any EU country