ACUDE/ consumers and users in digital single market: organization, proposals and objectives

  • Ignacio Fernández profile
    Ignacio Fernández
    10 April 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

ACUDE (Asociación de Consumidores y Usuarios Digitales de España), as a Users and Consumers organization devoted to Digital world, we have a lot of questions and we want to share objectives and proposals.

Consumers education and reasonable convergence between economic growth with digitalization and personś rights are the keys.


EU data protection rules

Reform of telecoms rules

Copyright to reflect new technologies.

Simplifying rules for online purchases.

Easier to start one company

Digital skills and learning

And how on supporting consumer rights in the digital single market ?

Yes, fueling growth, but it means...

a deep impact on the daily political, social and cultural life of consumers and citizens

> the great challenge

Collaborate in the wave of growth.

And at the same time...

Protect and promote the reasonable rights of consumers and users in that growth.

> Organizative Proposals

Digital single market Observatory

Working Group to coordinate

> Action Proposals

Public opinion and Communication

Relation to politics and institutions

Organize and mobilize citizenship


Thank you