Still a few days to apply to b-solutions and answer the survey

  • Ricardo FERREIRA profile
    Ricardo FERREIRA
    6 October 2020 - updated 7 months ago
    Total votes: 1

11 of October is approaching fast. It is the deadline for two open opportunities for cross-border regions. Don’t miss them:

Call for proposals b-solutions – This aims at identifying specific obstacles that are hampering some type of cross-border exchange, in different sectors including Employment, Healthcare, Transport, Education, Institutional Cooperation. Successful applicants to this call will receive technical support to make the legal analysis to identify the root causes of the obstacle, and to devise a possible solution (the call is managed by the Association of European Border Regions). You may wish to consider submitting one of those cases that impede normal interactions in your cross-border regions.

The application process is quite simple. Access it at:

Survey on “overcoming cross-border obstacles” – To ensure that European policy can be closer to the needs of Europeans, the Commission regularly uses public consultations to better know those needs. This consultation is aimed at better assessing how different types of obstacles are affecting cross-border regions, so that the European support can be better aligned to those territories needs. This is an opportunity to make your voice heard contributing to better shape political decisions.

The survey can be responded by individuals and organisations. Access it at: