Boosting Cross-Border Regions through better transport - Conference - Registrations open

  • Ricardo FERREIRA profile
    Ricardo FERREIRA
    17 September 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 2

Conference page



Cross-border regions are the laboratories of European Integration. Daily interactions across the border let citizens experience the benefits of the internal market. However, many factors still prevent individuals and organisations to exploit their full-potential in these regions. The Border Effect (the negative impact of the border on economic relations), is enormous. Cross-border regions could expect an extra increase of 2% in their GDP if 1/5 of existing obstacles would be removed. This would mean one million jobs ("Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions" – COM(2017)534)

With this Communication, the EC has made a strong call for more action to be taken to overcome obstacles that persist to exist on EU Internal Border regions. Lack of cross-border accessibility is one of the main obstacles.

Many have been voicing the need to tackle missing cross-border rail links. It proves that these projects can unite people across borders. Small rail links across the border offer sustainable mobility for people in border regions, providing great value at little cost. DG REGIO has recently published a study on missing rail links (in here).

On parallel, cross-border public transport services are scarce but needed, to facilitate stronger interaction across-borders. The need for enhanced public transport in cross-border regions is patent. However, good practices do exist and show that it is possible to achieve cross border public transport.

DG REGIO organises the conference Boosting Cross-Border Regions through better transport as a natural follow-up to the study on missing rail links. It aims to share the results of the study to a broad range of stakeholders.  It also aims to launch a public debate on the challenges of cross-border public transport services. The outcome of the conference should be a strong multilevel engagement to ensure improved accessibility in cross-border regions. 

The conference is scheduled for the 14th November 2019 in Brussels. EC’s DG REGIO is organising it in cooperation with DG MOVE.  


The conference should bring together two audiences that do not frequently meet. On one hand, the organisations associated with provision of transport networks and transport services. On the other hand, organisations engaged in cross-border cooperation.


This Interactive exchange will take place in 3 plenary panels and 3 and parallel workshops:


• POTENTIAL of connecting cross-border regions

• CHALLENGES for accessibility in cross-border regions

• TOOLS and supporting instruments available



• Rehabilitating missing rail links

• Joint provision of cross border public transport

• Planning and Governance


We are pleased to announce that the registration for the conference is now open. If interested, please access the webpage of the conference at:


Or you can go immediately to the registration page via this link

(Registration is free but obligatory. The European Commission does not provide specific funding for participation in this conference)