Welcome to the Next Generation Internet!

  • Jesus Villasante profile
    Jesus Villasante
    10 November 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

Through this website, we invite you to participate in the development of the Internet of the Future.

In the decades to come, the Internet will be radically different from what it is today. It will offer brand new functionalities and interact with us in ways we cannot imagine right now; it really will change our lives. However, we need to work together to shape it, to ensure that it fulfils the expectations of individuals and societies as a whole.

Europe will be an active player in this adventure. This is why the European Commission is preparing an ambitious initiative on the Next Generation Internet (NGI).

Your input is key; we want to know your views, your concerns and your expectations. That's why we've created this Futurium space – a living, online place to explore the future of the Internet.

So let's get started!

You can begin by participating in The Next Generation Internet Consultation. This is easy - just a few questions so that you can give us your expectations for a new and better Internet and propose areas of technology that you consider crucial for the Next Generation Internet. There's also some space for additional input if you've got further suggestions.

The consultation closes on 9 January 2017. In the meantime, we'll regularly publish a summary of your replies so that you can debate on the input received so far. Later on, we'll publish a report summarising the main outcomes of the consultation.

But that's not all!

This website will be a source of information, participation and sharing of knowledge. Documents, studies, background information and scientific papers will be made available here and forthcoming events (both internal and external to the EC) will be announced. In the Blogs section, individuals, as well as EC staff, will write regular posts aiming at creating a lively debate on the topic. With your help we can create a dynamic community of people who, not only discuss online, but also meet personally. 

This is your page. You can add documents, reports, events and other relevant information by sending us an e-mail. We're looking forward to hearing from you… and don’t forget to reply to the consultation!

This is the beginning of a brand new technological initiative: the Next Generation Internet. It's open to everyone. Join us and be part of it.