Supporting the implementation of eGovernment at regional and local level (event 15/11/2016)

  • Graziana LONERO profile
    Graziana LONERO
    16 November 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

The objective of the event organised by the European Commission, eGovernment & Trust Unit, was to help regional and local public administrations implement the eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 by presenting to them (and other stakeholders) various funding mechanisms available for actions and discuss how to ensure alignment of these investments with the main policy priorities of the eGovernment Action Plan.

It has contributed greatly to the objective of the eGovernment Action Plan of 'serving as a catalyst to coordinate public sector modernisation efforts, funding resources and accompanying measures that are available to Member States through different EU programmes'. The event provided a comprehensive picture of the various funding instruments, support tools and initiatives that can be used to pursue the acceleration of the digital transformation of government at local and regional level. 

The afternoon panel discussion once again highlighted the importance of bringing funding closer to policy and to ensure synergies between the various funding instruments.

The presentations and a link to the web-streaming as well as the notes from the event will be published on the event site; these will remain a very useful resource for future reference. 

Based on the feedback during the afternoon session, we will be exploring how to further support the implementation of eGovernment at local and regional level, strengthen the link between policy and funding and increase synergies. A short guidance document – capturing the main elements – will be published here shortly.

You can still tell us:

What kind of help (information, guidance…) or actions are you missing to ensure that your eGovernment investments are channelled towards the policy goals stipulated in the eGovernment Action Plan?

Looking forward to your input – tell us how we can help you!