NGI data gathering tool@NLnet is online - Tell us how to change the Internet for the better!

  • Nicole Muessigmann profile
    Nicole Muessigmann
    11 July 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0

Your contribution to the NGI data gathering tool is needed!

When it comes to important ideas that can help improve our society, there really are no boundaries. The challenge is to turn those opportunities into reality. Great ideas just come, but they are gone in a breeze as well. Lets make good use of them.

The NGI initiative wants to support the creation of an internet that supersedes the current internet, which supports citizens and businesses push further the frontiers of technology, an internet which retains people's trust in the online environment as well as their internet engagement, which is more human-centric and which offers the same fair opportunities to everyone (level playing field). Europe aims to shape this future Internet as a powerful, open, data-driven, user-centric, interoperable platform ecosystem.

Which brings us to you, to the here and now. If you were given the opportunity to suggest funded research and development, what would you suggest to make the Internet better? The key thing we ask you to help us with, is to understand the issues and possible approaches to solve them.

In short: 'what do you believe are the actionable issues we as the Internet’s stakeholders should collectively solve to be ready for the future?'

Go to the online tool!

This form was created by NLnet and Gartner for the European Commission's Next Generation Internet initiative.