MID-TERM EVALUATION CEF (Connecting Europe Facility)

  • Giuseppe Silvi profile
    Giuseppe Silvi
    13 February 2017 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

MID-TERM EVALUATION CEF (Connecting Europe Facility)

The data collected by this EU survey (deadline: Monday 27 February 2017) will be useful to the ongoing evaluation (mid-term) of the CEF program that is a common financing program for trans-European infrastructure networks and that it should realise synergies for infrastructure investments in three sectors: CEF ENERGY , CEF TELECOM , CEF TRANSPORT

For transport and energy, the programme was also intended to build synergies with Horizon 2020 and complement research through support for roll-out / pilot projects in innovation and new technologies in these areas.

The approximate time needed for answering is 10 minutes for the general survey and 40 minutes for the targeted stakeholder survey.
Are you directly involved at the design, management or implementation level (including as beneficiaries) of the Connecting Europe Facility ?

Yes, please go to the targeted stakeholder survey

No, please go to the general survey

In my opinion the synergy between transport, energy and telecommunications networks is of great importance in order to realize one technological infrastructure able to provide digital services to libraries, open schools, universities, piazze telematiche (1), and other innovative environments for on-line teaching and longlifelearning (ref .: e-real.net and logosnet.org for virtual reality, holograms, 3D, etc.).

This single common urban and technological infrastructure should be considered as an asset able to facilitate the moving from the physical into the digital world and the development of more efficient public services for energy savings in buildings and electricity networks, as well the birth of other digital services for sustainable mobility and access to education and training for all citizens and then giving life to what is proposed in the Commission's Final Report European 2016: "Analysing the potential for wide-scale roll-out of integrated Smart Cities and Communities solutions".


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(1)The project "PIAZZE TELEMATICHE"was presented in 1996 for the first time at HABITAT II - ISTANBUL in the area dedicated to NGOs and later with the term Piazza telematica on Wikipedia in Italian in 2006 and in English in 2009.

giuseppesilvi aka bitwatt