Europe as a Platform for Innovation

  • Robert Madelin profile
    Robert Madelin
    1 February 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

Please join our conversation if you care about innovation, and want Europe to be a better supporter of innovation in the global 21st Century.

Innovation. What's that? The very idea of innovation has moved a long way beyond the stuff you can derive from upstream technological research. That is just one part of the many flavours of research.


Innovation flavours

It is clearer than ever, too, that "research and development" is not the only starting point for, nor even the dominant determinant of, what innovation gets offered to society. Innovations are the outputs of a complex adaptive system.  So we need to listen to more stakeholders and connect them all with everyone else. Have we got the right map yet?


We need to be much more modest than is comfortable about the scope for government to predict, procure and control innovation. And perhaps more conscious of how many ways there are for well-intended actions either to waste tax money without boosting innovation or to misapply regulation in ways that will drive innovative minds to create good things elsewhere on the planet, rather than in Europe.

If innovation is much-needed, for sustainability, for well-being and for economic resilience; if innovation is complicated and imperfectly understood: what is to be done?

Rather than tweak the pipework for public money (although that may play a minor role), what else needs to be looked at? Are your instincts and visions captured by the sorts of questions so far being asked?


What can you do? Please join this Startup debate (it will not last forever!) Please share your data and knowledge. Please critique the emerging mind-maps that underpin this project.