EGTC Platform

  • Paulius Narvydas profile
    Paulius Narvydas
    29 January 2018 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 3


The EGTC Platform integrates the political and technical representatives of all the existing EGTCs, EGTCs under construction and experts. Associations and other stakeholders are also invited to participate. The Platform aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences on the ground, to promote the EGTC as a tool for territorial cohesion and give visibility to the EGTC projects, while supporting the consultative works of the CoR and the European Commission in cross-border issues.


As a meeting place for regions and cities, the CoR organises conferences, seminars and exhibitions in cooperation with local and regional partners and other EU institutions. Once a year, during the European Week of Regions and Cities, the CoR welcomes to its headquarters EGTCs and stakeholders who take part in lively discussions or seek partners to collaborate on joint projects. The main event of the EGTC Platform is the annual meeting that aims at addressing the issues that the EGTCs are facing, as well as it fosters debates on future of Europe and future of cross-border cooperation.


The EGTC Platform is managed by a small secretariat in the CoR that at the same time manages the official EU register of EGTCs.


Since 2006, the CoR has undertaken the task of information and promotion of the EGTC as a tool for better cross-border cooperation, through political mobilisation, dissemination of information, research findings and communication actions. With this purpose, the CoR launched a consultation on EGTC, publishes regular studies including one annual EGTC Report, edits brochures and informative material, runs a thematic EGTC portal and is available for the publication of studies, monographs, articles, theses, academic papers and audiovisuals.


More information is available here
