Discuss the future of audiovisual media in Europe!

  • Antoaneta Angel... profile
    Antoaneta Angel...
    6 July 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 2

We seek the views of all interested parties on how to make Europe's audiovisual media landscape fit for purpose in the internet age. In a public consultation launched today, we will get structured feedback on the current rules for Europe's audiovisual media landscape (the so-called Audiovisual Media Services Directive - AVMSD). It's an expanded version of a directive first adopted back in 1989, to facilitate the provision of satellite television, "Television without Frontiers". How much have our lives changed since then!

We now want to look at issues such as: how well the current audiovisual regulatory framework works, including the roles and responsibilities of market players (TV broadcasters, on-demand service providers, internet services, telecom operators, etc), the best ways to protect viewers and promote European films and series, as well as the best rules for advertising in the audiovisual online world. We are interested in views on whether we should withdraw any provisions in the current AVMSD because technology or the market has moved on; or even because an objective has been attained and regulation is no longer needed.

This online discussion is an opportunity for everyone interested to  contribute with their policy ideas, evidence and data in support of the views, and debate the questions at stake until 30 September 2015.

Should user-generated content on the Internet be subject to European rules? What kind of rules should we have for editorial content on the Internet?  Do we need to  tackle some online content that may be harmful for children? How far should we rely on parental responsibility? Are the right audiovisual policy measures in place to promote access for people who are hard-of-hearing, blind or partially-sighted? Do you agree that product placement merits the current restrictions? How should measures to promote European series and cinema evolve given all the changes in the market and in technology? These are just some of the questions that we would like you to answer.


Check out our polls section to vote on specific questions posted there!