Cross border tramline

  • Paulius Narvydas profile
    Paulius Narvydas
    4 January 2018 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 2


Strasbourg and Kehl are separated by the Rhine River. The two cities form the cross border agglomeration of ‘Strasbourg-Kehl’. About 36 000 vehicles cross the bridge linking the two cities every day. To provide an affordable solution for cross border commuters and other travellers, the two cities cooperated in building a tramline linking the two cities.


Between France and Germany.




Before the tramway was built, the main public transport link between Strasbourg and Kehl was a bus line. To provide an affordable solution for cross border commuters, the two cities cooperated in building a tramline linking the two cities. The goal was to connect Strasbourg and Kehl in a comfortable and convenient way, improving existing services and align with a plan for eco-efficient urban development. The authorities agreed that a fair price for tickets should be agreed which should be comparable to a domestic fare. This was achieved creating a common tariff zone.


Strasbourg and Kehl provide an example to other regions seeking to make cross border  transport easier and affordable for their citizens. The tramline began operating in early 2017 across a new bridge. The tram offers a simpler and faster service.  By creating a common tariff zone for cross border transit only, Strasbourg and Kehl found a solution to the problem of ticket pricing. An integrated fare area allows travellers to use a single ticket to access different means of transport or different transport operators within a coverage area.


More information is available here.