
  • Niels Gyldenkærne profile
    Niels Gyldenkærne
    17 April 2020 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 0

A new direction, when it comes to vaccination.

/Niels Gyldenkærne, psychotherapist, Denmark

By changing aspects, that strain our body, it seems we can set the body free to perform optimally ex when it comes to dealing with a virus.
It seems, when we reach a “body-balance” of 60% (full is 100 %), we are fully capable of dealing with a virus. It also seems, when we reach a body-balance of 90 %, that we do not infect others.
Always, when we have had a pandemic, more people have survived – than having died.
This gives us the opportunity to focus on survival:

I am Niels Gyldenkærne. I am a psychotherapist – and served in my own clinic in Denmark for more than 20 years.
I experienced I was able to help the people, who came in my clinic. At the same time, I experienced that money again and again limited, what could be solved.

In 2005 I saw the possibility of combining three methods, we have known for quite some time – more than 70, 50 and 40 years – making it possible to create fast and lasting positive changes of both mental or psychological problems – and physical for example disease – completely on our own.

I chose to develop ‘Free by tapping’ – and the first clients could begin to use it early spring 2006. It has been further developed ever since.
‘Free by tapping’ has still not met with anything, it has not been able to help solving – and – I have still not met with a person, who could not use it.

Now I have chosen to make ‘Free by tapping’ for free for all people in the whole world.

‘Free by tapping’ makes it simple and fast to both uncover and change aspects that either strain our mind, our body or both.

Often the new is discovered when we combine methods, we already know – and use them in new ways.

‘Free by tapping’ combines knowledge about how the mind interact from gestalt therapy with kinesiology, which has been developed since 1964, when it was discovered that it is possible to have absolutely reliable answers from the body – with ‘tapping’ – which is part of Thought Field Therapy (which also in some ways spring from kinesiology). To kinesiologists tapping is just one of many ways to restore balance in the body. Tapping is chosen here, because it is for everyone to use in about five minutes.
The answers from the body, you can have with as many decimals, you like.
(Exercise 1 – below)

Even though ‘Free by taping’ combines 3 methods, it is so simple to use – that it can be used from being 10 years old. And – it can be used completely on our own.

All people are unique – and each holds a unique history. ‘Free by tapping’ allows us to create unique solutions.

Typically using just 5 minutes both to uncover and create a lasting change to one aspect of the cause of a problem makes it foreseeable to most people to use.

During the development process I discovered, that ‘Free by tapping’ worked just as well on a screen as on paper – so:
’Free by tapping’ is now also an App (for telephone, tablet or pc) – in 4 different versions: Full edition, Sport, Leadership and PTSD
That means, that you always have the tool at hand.

Some of the fields in which ‘Free by tapping’ is used: physical disease (chronic as well), sport, coaching, stress, food/drink, appearance, weight, exercise, identity, job/career, management/leadership, cooperation, entrepreneur, family, couple/partnership, single life, sexuality, parent, child, loneliness, cancer, depression, PTSD, anxiety, OCD, pain/tensions, addiction and aging.

Easy access:
Open your internet.
Username: health
Password: Free

Exercise 1:
Stand up – and only with your thoughts say down to your body: “I want you to show me a ‘yes’ by tipping a little forward.” – just repeat some times. Then say: “I want you to show a ‘no’ by tipping a little backward.” – again repeat some times. You feel instantly in your ankles, which way you tip. I still have not met with a person, who could not begin with this.

You can also choose to make an agreement, that if your forefinger goes upward, it is a ’yes’ – and downward a ’no’. You can do like this – in order to feel, if it goes upward or downward.

After this you can exercise a little by saying: “My name is – and say your own name.” – and feel your body answer. Then you say: “My name is – and say another name.” – and again feel the answer.

Then you can alternately say ’yes’ and ’no’ – and feel the response from your body.

Now – you can choose to say: “I will also be able to use ‘Free by tapping’? – and have your answer.