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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
11:11, 12 June 2024 Gross value added generated by net exports, EU, 2010-2021.png (file) 26 KB   2
11:10, 12 June 2024 Net imports of cropland, EU, 2014-2019.png (file) 22 KB   2
11:10, 12 June 2024 Net imports of raw materials, EU, 2010-2021.png (file) 26 KB   2
11:10, 12 June 2024 Net imports of CO2 emissions, EU, 2010-2021.png (file) 27 KB   2
11:09, 12 June 2024 Share of forest area, 2021.png (file) 38 KB   2
11:09, 12 June 2024 Total greenhouse gas emissions, 2021.png (file) 52 KB   2
11:09, 12 June 2024 Gross domestic expenditure on R&D, 2021.png (file) 40 KB   2
11:08, 12 June 2024 Employment rate, 2023.png (file) 48 KB   2
11:08, 12 June 2024 Income quintile share ratio.png (file) 37 KB   2
11:08, 12 June 2024 Persons at risk of monetary poverty after social transfers.png (file) 46 KB   2
11:02, 12 June 2024 High-speed internet coverage, by country, 2017 and 2022.png (file) 78 KB   2
11:02, 12 June 2024 High-speed internet coverage, by type of area, EU, 2013-2022.png (file) 34 KB   2
11:01, 12 June 2024 Share of environmental taxes in total tax revenues, by country, 2017 and 2022.png (file) 64 KB   2
11:01, 12 June 2024 Share of environmental taxes in total tax revenues, EU, 2000-2022.png (file) 38 KB   2
11:00, 12 June 2024 EU Imports from developing countries, by country income group, EU, 2000-2023.png (file) 49 KB   3
11:00, 12 June 2024 EU financing to developing countries, by financing source, EU, 2000-2022.png (file) 51 KB   2
10:59, 12 June 2024 Official development assistance, by recipient income group, EU, 2000-2022.png (file) 61 KB   2
10:59, 12 June 2024 Official development assistance as share of gross national income, by country, 2017 and 2022.png (file) 55 KB   2
10:59, 12 June 2024 Official development assistance as share of gross national income, EU, 2000-2022.png (file) 54 KB   2
10:57, 12 June 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index, by country, 2018 and 2023.png (file) 87 KB   2
10:56, 12 June 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index, EU, 2012-2023.png (file) 27 KB   2
10:56, 12 June 2024 Perceived independence of the justice system, by country, 2023.png (file) 67 KB   2
10:56, 12 June 2024 Perceived independence of the justice system, EU, 2016-2023.png (file) 30 KB   2
10:55, 12 June 2024 General government total expenditure on law courts, by country, 2017 and 2022.png (file) 66 KB   2
10:55, 12 June 2024 Victims of trafficking in human beings, by country, 2017 and 2022.png (file) 49 KB   2
10:54, 12 June 2024 Population reporting occurrence of crime, violence or vandalism in their area, by country, 2015 and 2020.png (file) 73 KB   2
10:54, 12 June 2024 Population reporting occurrence of crime, violence or vandalism in their area, EU, 2010-2020.png (file) 34 KB   2
10:53, 12 June 2024 Standardised death rate due to homicide, by country, 2016 and 2021.png (file) 58 KB   2
10:51, 12 June 2024 Grassland butterfly index, EU, 1991-2020.png (file) 39 KB   2
10:51, 12 June 2024 Common bird index, by type of species, EU, 1990-2022.png (file) 50 KB   3
10:51, 12 June 2024 Terrestrial protected areas, by country, 2021.png (file) 52 KB   2
10:50, 12 June 2024 Terrestrial protected areas, EU, 2011-2021.png (file) 26 KB   2
10:50, 12 June 2024 Area impacted by drought, by country, 2017 and 2022.png (file) 60 KB   2
10:50, 12 June 2024 Area impacted by drought, EU, 2000-2022.png (file) 41 KB   2
10:49, 12 June 2024 Area at risk of severe soil erosion by water, by country, 2010 and 2016.png (file) 50 KB   2
10:49, 12 June 2024 Area at risk of severe soil erosion by water, EU, 2000, 2010 and 2016.png (file) 24 KB   2
10:49, 12 June 2024 Share of forest area, by country, 2015 and 2018.png (file) 64 KB   2
10:48, 12 June 2024 Share of forest area, EU, 2009-2018.png (file) 33 KB   2
10:47, 12 June 2024 Estimated trends in fishing pressure, 2003-2022.png (file) 45 KB   2
10:47, 12 June 2024 Estimated trends in fish stock biomass, 2003-2022.png (file) 47 KB   2
10:46, 12 June 2024 Marine protected areas, by country, 2016 and 2021.png (file) 53 KB   2
10:46, 12 June 2024 Marine protected areas, EU, 2012-2021.png (file) 23 KB   2
10:45, 12 June 2024 Bathing sites with excellent water quality, by location, by country, 2022.png (file) 80 KB   2
10:45, 12 June 2024 Bathing sites with excellent water quality, by location, EU, 2011-2022.png (file) 36 KB   2
10:44, 12 June 2024 Marine waters affected by eutrophication, by country, 2018 and 2023.png (file) 54 KB   2
10:44, 12 June 2024 Marine waters affected by eutrophication, EU, 2000-2023.png (file) 44 KB   2
10:43, 12 June 2024 Global mean surface seawater acidity, 1985-2022.png (file) 37 KB   2
10:41, 12 June 2024 Contribution to the international USD 100bn commitment on climate-related expenditure, EU, 2014-2022.png (file) 39 KB   2
10:41, 12 June 2024 Green bond issuance by corporates and governments, by country, 2022.png (file) 51 KB   2
10:40, 12 June 2024 Green bond issuance, by type of issuer, EU, 2014-2022.png (file) 45 KB   2
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