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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
14:39, 20 August 2009 Conference on Patent statistics for Decision Makers.PNG (file) 129 KB   1
14:35, 20 August 2009 Conference on Patent statistics for Decision Makers.JPG (file) 14 KB   1
12:42, 23 July 2009 Employed doctorate holders by occupation.PNG (file) 46 KB   1
12:35, 23 July 2009 Doctorate holders having lived stayed abroad in the 10 last years.PNG (file) 24 KB   1
12:12, 23 July 2009 Doctorate holders by sex.PNG (file) 27 KB   1
16:03, 22 July 2009 Share of women in S&T occupations by NUTS 1 region, age 25-64 years, 2006.PNG (file) 144 KB   1
16:02, 22 July 2009 Share of non-national human resources in science and technology (HRST), aged 25-64 years, in EU-27 and selected countries, 2006.PNG (file) 22 KB   1
16:02, 22 July 2009 HRST by age group, EU member states and selected countries, 2006.PNG (file) 101 KB   1
16:01, 22 July 2009 Distribution of human resources employed in an S&T occupation by type of occupation, aged 25-64, 2006.PNG (file) 28 KB   1
16:00, 22 July 2009 25 regions (NUTS level 2) with the highest shares of HRSTC in the regional labour force (aged 25-64), 2006.PNG (file) 101 KB   1
13:55, 24 June 2009 Employment in manufacturing in 2006, by selected sectors, in thousands, percentage of women and AAGR 2001-2006, EU-27 and selected countries.PNG (file) 59 KB   1
13:55, 24 June 2009 Economic statistics on high-tech sectors, EU-27, 2004.PNG (file) 73 KB   1
13:55, 24 June 2009 Top 20 leading regions (NUTS level 2) in terms of employment in high-tech sectors in 2006, as a share of total employment, in thousands and AAGR 2001-2006.PNG (file) 44 KB   1
13:54, 24 June 2009 World market share of high-tech exports, leading high-tech trading countries, 2006.PNG (file) 16 KB   1