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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
10:56, 21 July 2024 Key figures 2024.png (file) 139 KB   1
11:12, 28 June 2024 European statistical monitor 06 2024.png (file) 284 KB   1
13:35, 27 June 2024 Key Figures 2023.png (file) 136 KB   1
13:33, 27 June 2024 European statistical recovery dashboard 02 2024.png (file) 323 KB   1
13:28, 27 June 2024 STS statistics explained 2024.png (file) 52 KB   1
13:24, 27 June 2024 STS news article 2024.png (file) 66 KB   1
13:20, 27 June 2024 STS selected datasets 2024.png (file) 113 KB   1
12:39, 27 June 2024 STS detailed datasets 2024.png (file) 70 KB   1
09:28, 27 June 2024 STS newsrelease 2024.png (file) 104 KB   1
16:11, 23 January 2020 EU-28, Seasonal pattern of sugar production.png (file) 13 KB   3
17:43, 27 November 2019 EU-28, quarter on quarter rates of change calculated on available monthly data and on complete quarterly data.png (file) 71 KB   1
17:42, 27 November 2019 EU-28, turnover in main service industries, seasonally and calendar adjusted (2015 = 100).png (file) 105 KB   1
17:39, 27 November 2019 EU-28, EA-19, turnover in services seasonally and calendar adjusted (2015 = 100).png (file) 65 KB   1
15:34, 18 October 2019 EU-28 Construction, annual rate of change 2005 - 2018, calendar adjusted data.png (file) 567 KB   1
15:33, 18 October 2019 EU-28 and EA-19 Construction production 2005 - 2019, calendar and seasonally adjusted data (2015 = 100).png (file) 73 KB   1
15:33, 18 October 2019 Construction production per type of construction 2005 - 2019, calendar and seasonally adjusted data (2015 = 100).png (file) 83 KB   1
15:32, 18 October 2019 Construction of buildings and civil engineering, annural rates of change 2005-2018, calendar adjusted data.png (file) 570 KB   1
11:56, 18 October 2019 Building permits, number and useful floor area, annual rates of change, unadjusted data, 2010-2017.png (file) 771 KB   1
11:42, 18 October 2019 EU-28, Buildings permits and building production, 2005 - 2019, calendar and seasonally adjusted (2015 = 100).png (file) 47 KB   1
11:41, 18 October 2019 EU-28, Buildings permits, 2005 - 2019, quarterly data, calendar and seasonally adjusted (2015 = 100).png (file) 61 KB   1
11:18, 17 October 2019 Construction costs, annual rates of change 2005 - 2018, unadjusted data.png (file) 532 KB   2
11:12, 16 October 2019 Industrial production, rate of change 2018.png (file) 78 KB   1
11:01, 16 October 2019 Industrial production, rate of change 2018-2019.png (file) 78 KB   1
09:58, 10 October 2019 Industrial producer prices, total market, annual rates of change 2005 - 2018.png (file) 491 KB   1
09:57, 10 October 2019 EU-28, EA-19 Industrial producer prices Total, domestic and non-domestic market, 2005 - 2019, undadjusted data (2015 = 100).png (file) 109 KB   1
09:57, 10 October 2019 EU-28 Industrial producer prices - total and MIGs 2005 - 2019, unadjusted data (2015 = 100).png (file) 80 KB   1
16:41, 9 October 2019 Industrial import price index per activity a ua 2005-2018.png (file) 573 KB   1
16:41, 9 October 2019 Industrial import price index per country a ua 2005-2018.png (file) 275 KB   1
16:39, 9 October 2019 EA-19 Industrial import price indices total euro and non euro area m ua 2005-2019.png (file) 61 KB   1
16:39, 9 October 2019 EA-19 Industrial import price index total andMIGs m ua 2005-2019.png (file) 76 KB   1
13:54, 9 October 2019 Retail trade volume annual rates of change, calendar adjusted.PNG (file) 540 KB   1
13:52, 9 October 2019 EU-28 retail trade volume main product groups m sa 2005-2019.PNG (file) 82 KB   1
13:51, 9 October 2019 EU-28 retail trade product groups sales type m sa 2005-2019.PNG (file) 83 KB   1
13:05, 9 October 2019 EU-28 turnover total trade motor vehicles wholesale retail m sa 2005-2019.PNG (file) 78 KB   1
12:54, 9 October 2019 EU-28 retail trade turnover and volume m sa 2005-2019.PNG (file) 38 KB   1
11:33, 5 September 2019 EU-28, Index of services production for main service industries (2015 = 100).png (file) 107 KB   1
14:42, 18 September 2018 EU-28, Number of persons employed (employment), hours worked, gross wages and salaries in trade (2015 = 100).png (file) 46 KB   1
14:30, 17 July 2018 Share of industries in total gross value added, 2000 and 2016 (current prices).png (file) 33 KB   1
16:18, 22 May 2018 EU-28, quarter on quarter rates of change on the basis of quarterly and monthly series.png (file) 56 KB   1
16:17, 22 May 2018 Turnover in services (as covered by STS), seasonally and calendar adjusted data (2010 = 100).png (file) 104 KB   1
16:09, 22 May 2018 EU-28, turnover in main service industries, seasonally and calendar adjusted data (2015 = 100).png (file) 60 KB   1
16:03, 22 May 2018 EU-28, EA-19, turnover in services (as covered by STS), seasonally and calendar adjusted data (2015 = 100).png (file) 36 KB   1
15:11, 17 May 2018 EU-28 Construction prices, consstruction cost and cost components 2005 - 2017, undadjusted data (2015 = 100).png (file) 42 KB   1
10:56, 17 May 2018 EU-28, Industrial producer price and consumer price for food products, 2005-2017, unadjusted data (2015 = 100).png (file) 40 KB   1
10:55, 17 May 2018 EA-19 Industrial producer prices non-domestic market, 2005 - 2017, unadjusted data (2015 = 100).png (file) 54 KB   1
10:42, 17 May 2018 EU-28, EA-19 Industrial producer prices, total, domestic and non-demestic market, 2005 - 2017, undadjusted data (2015 = 100).png (file) 86 KB   1
14:59, 10 April 2018 Construction production per type of construction 2005 - 2017, calendar and seasonally adjusted data (2015 = 100).png (file) 85 KB   1
14:58, 10 April 2018 EU-28 and EA-19 Construction production 2005 - 2017, calendar and seasonally adjusted data (2015 = 100).png (file) 71 KB   1
14:37, 4 April 2018 EU-28 Monthly turnover and production in industry, 2005 - 2017, seasonally adjusted data (2015=100).png (file) 68 KB   1
14:36, 4 April 2018 EU-28 Monthly index of turnover in industry, total, domestic and non-domestic, 2005 - 2017, seasonally adjusted data (2015=100).png (file) 70 KB   1
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