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13:50, 10 April 2015 Relation between outward mob rate and diversity of countries 2011 2012.PNG (file) 38 KB   4
13:50, 10 April 2015 Top three countries of destination (outward)(¹)(²), 2011 12.PNG (file) 26 KB   4
13:49, 10 April 2015 Top three countries of origin (inward)(¹), 2011 12.PNG (file) 27 KB   5
13:48, 10 April 2015 Mob balance versus outward degree mob rate.PNG (file) 43 KB   5
13:47, 10 April 2015 Mob balance incoming outgoing tertiary students ratio within and outside the EHEA(¹)(²), 2011 12.PNG (file) 27 KB   4
13:47, 10 April 2015 Mob balance incoming outgoing tertiary students ratio within the EHEA(¹), 2011 12.PNG (file) 20 KB   5
13:29, 10 April 2015 Outward degree mobility rate by destination 2011 2012.PNG (file) 48 KB   5
13:28, 10 April 2015 Number of outward degree tertiary education mobile EHEA students within the EHEA, by country of destination(¹), 2011 12.PNG (file) 21 KB   3
13:28, 10 April 2015 Number of incoming degree tertiary education mobile students from the EHEA, by country of destination(¹), 2011 12.PNG (file) 23 KB   3
13:27, 10 April 2015 Incoming degree mobility rate mobile students from the EHEA in the country as pct of the total number of students enrolled(¹), 2011 12.PNG (file) 20 KB   3
13:07, 10 April 2015 Number of outward degree tertiary education mobile students studying outside the EHEA(¹), 2011 12.PNG (file) 22 KB   6
13:06, 10 April 2015 Outward degree mobility rate students outside the EHEA as a pct of the students of the same country of origin, 2011 12.PNG (file) 29 KB   2
13:05, 10 April 2015 Number of incoming degree tertiary education mobile students from outside the EHEA by country of destination(¹), 2011 12.PNG (file) 22 KB   4
13:04, 10 April 2015 Mobile students from outside the EHEA as a pct of the total number of students enrolled, by country of destination(¹), 2011 12.PNG (file) 24 KB   4
11:31, 10 April 2015 Students enrolled in tertiary education, total and by sex, 30 or more years old, 2011 12.PNG (file) 70 KB   2
11:30, 10 April 2015 Students studying part-time in tertiary education, by country and by age, 2011 12.PNG (file) 19 KB   2
11:07, 10 April 2015 Unemployment ratio of tertiary education graduates aged 20-34, by the number of years since graduation (¹) and sex.PNG (file) 57 KB   2
11:06, 10 April 2015 Unemployment ratio of tertiary education graduates aged 20-34, by the number of years since graduation (¹), 2013.PNG (file) 26 KB   2
10:56, 10 April 2015 Unemployment ratio by educational attainment level and sex.PNG (file) 57 KB   2
10:54, 10 April 2015 Unemployment ratio by educational attainment level 2013.PNG (file) 70 KB   2
10:39, 10 April 2015 Net entry rate and net graduation rate, tertiary type B programmes, 2011 12.PNG (file) 32 KB   2
10:38, 10 April 2015 Net entry rate and net graduation rate, tertiary type A programmes, 2011 12.PNG (file) 68 KB   3
10:28, 10 April 2015 Successful attainment of tertiary education by country of birth odds ratio, 2013.PNG (file) 13 KB   3
10:26, 10 April 2015 Early leavers from education and training as percentage of the population born abroad, native born and the total population, 2013.PNG (file) 45 KB   3
10:22, 10 April 2015 Participation rates in tertiary education among the population born abroad, native and total population, 2013.PNG (file) 58 KB   2
10:01, 10 April 2015 Median percentage of women in enrolled students by field of study and level of Bologna structure-(BA and MA), 2011 12.PNG (file) 23 KB   1
09:56, 10 April 2015 Annual expenditure on public and private education institutions per full-time equivalent student in PPS relative to the GDP per capita in PPS, 2005 2008, 2011.PNG (file) 15 KB   1
09:55, 10 April 2015 Annual expenditure on public and private education institutions per full-time equivalent student, 2005, 2008 and 2011 - PPS.PNG (file) 17 KB   1
09:46, 10 April 2015 Annual public expenditure on tertiary education, 2005, 2008 and 2011.PNG (file) 57 KB   2
09:30, 10 April 2015 Distribution of students enrolled in programmes following the Bologna three-cycles structure, by cycle, 2011 12.PNG (file) 66 KB   3
09:27, 10 April 2015 Percentage of students enrolled in programmes following the Bologna three-cycles structure, 2008 09 and 2011 12.PNG (file) 22 KB   2
09:24, 10 April 2015 Enrolment rate in tertiary education for the 18-34 years old 2006 2009 2012.PNG (file) 83 KB   2
09:23, 10 April 2015 Distribution of students enrolled in tertiary level of education by ISCED level, 2011 12.PNG (file) 32 KB   2
09:22, 10 April 2015 Number of students enrolled in tertiary education by ISCED level 2011 12.PNG (file) 21 KB   2
15:52, 12 March 2015 Outward degree mobility rate students outside the EHEA as a pct of the students of the same country of origin, 2011 12.png (file) 29 KB   1
15:47, 12 March 2015 Outward degree mobility rate students abroad outside the EHEA as a pct of the students of the same country of origin(¹)(²), 2011 12.png (file) 29 KB   2
15:30, 12 March 2015 Outward degree mobility students abroad outside the EHEA as pct students of the same country of origin(¹)(²), 2011 12.PNG (file) 22 KB   3
12:37, 11 February 2015 Median of annual gross income of employees by educational attainment, 2013.PNG (file) 20 KB   2
11:36, 11 February 2015 Ratio of median annual gross income of employees with tertiary education to the median (¹), 2013.PNG (file) 29 KB   2
18:01, 10 February 2015 Attainment by gender Gender Parity Index of women to men to attain higher education(¹), 2003-2013.PNG (file) 15 KB   2
14:20, 10 February 2015 Outward degree mobility rate – mobile graduates within the EHEA as a pct of all graduates of the same country of origin, 2011 12.PNG (file) 7 KB   2
15:22, 6 February 2015 Figure 2 Percentage of Women in new entrants in tertiary education by age group2011.PNG (file) 81 KB   2
15:21, 6 February 2015 Figure 1 Distribution of students enrolled in tertiary level of education by ISCED level, 2011 12.PNG (file) 39 KB   2
11:54, 6 February 2015 Figure 4 Median percentage of women in enrolled students in Bologna structures by field (BA and MA), 2011 12.PNG (file) 23 KB   2
12:05, 5 February 2015 Figure 6 Distribution of students enrolled in the Bologna three-cycles structure, by cycle, 2011 12.PNG (file) 33 KB   3
11:47, 5 February 2015 Figure 5 Percentage of students enrolled in the Bologna three-cycles structure, 2008 09 and 2011 12.PNG (file) 22 KB   4
10:48, 30 June 2014 ENPE Employment by economic activity 2002 and 2012.PNG (file) 14 KB   1
14:55, 3 March 2014 CPC Total gross inland energy consumption and energy intensity of the economy 2002 and 2012.PNG (file) 23 KB   1
14:55, 3 March 2014 CPC Primary energy production 2002 and 2012.PNG (file) 22 KB   1
14:55, 3 March 2014 CPC Net imports of energy and energy dependency 2002 and 2012.PNG (file) 26 KB   1
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