Statistics Explained

Glossary:Gainful activities of the farm

This is the stable Version.

Gainful activities of the farm comprise all activities other than farm work having an economic impact on the holding.

It refers to:

  • other gainful activities directly related to the holding where either the resources of the holding (area, buildings, machinery, etc.) or its products are used in the activity
    • on the holding, such as tourism, handicraft, processing of farm products or forestry
    • out of the holding, such as agricultural and non-agricultural contractual work
  • other gainful activities not directly related to the holding
    • on the holding, such as non-farm work on the holding
    • out of the holding, such as working in a bank or teaching

Other gainful activities related to the agricultural holding


  • provision of health, social or educational services
  • tourism, accommodation and other leisure activities
  • handicraft
  • processing of farm products
  • production of renewable energy
  • wood processing (e.g. sawing)
  • aquaculture
  • contractual work using production means of the holding (agricultural or non-agricultural work)
  • forestry


  • pure financial investments
  • renting out the land for diverse activities without being further involved in these activities
  • commercial activity not linked to any agricultural holding activity and localised on the holding (for example a hairdresser, an insurance company)
  • renting agricultural machinery that is not used on the holding
  • shops where no own products are sold
  • hunting activities

Other gainful activities not related to the agricultural holding

If only the farm labour force (family and non-family) and no other resources of the holding are used for the other gainful activities, the workers are seen as working under two separate arrangements, and these other gainful activities are thus not seen as being directly related to the holding.


  • a hairdresser on the farm
  • activities using only human resources from the holding labour force and no other type of resources from the farm
  • work in the bank
  • teaching
  • accountancy


  • farm work on the holding
  • other gainful activities of the holder, directly related to the holding

Further information

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