Statistics Explained

Glossary:Total general government revenue

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Colloquially put, total revenue is all the income a government receives. More formally, total revenue is the aggregate of all transactions recorded under resources in the ESA framework, including subsidies receivable in the current accounts and capital transfers receivable recorded in the capital account.

A revenue transaction is one that increases net worth. Revenue is presented in the tables as the sum of taxes, net social contributions, sales (defined as market output, output for own final use and payments for non-market production), other current revenues and capital transfer revenues. Total taxes are composed of taxes on production and imports (so-called indirect taxes), current taxes on income and wealth (direct taxes), and capital taxes (some classifications of taxes include capital taxes as a component of direct taxes). Net social contributions consist of actual social contributions by employers and households collected as well as imputed social contributions, households' social contribution supplements and social insurance scheme service charges. 'Other current revenues' consist of the categories property income earned, other subsidies on production received and other current transfers.

Summarising, total revenue of general government is defined in ESA 2010 (8.100 and chapter 20) as comprising the following categories of the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010):

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