Statistics Explained

Glossary:Non-fatal accident at work

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A non-fatal accident at work is an accident which a victim survives and may result in one or more days of absence from work. A serious non-fatal accident at work is an accident at work resulting in more than three days' of absence from work. The Labour Force Survey modules on accidents at work and other work-related health problems report data on all non-fatal accidents (including the possibility to exclude those accidents with less than four days of absence). The administrative data collection on 'European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW)' reports only data on accidents with four days or more of absence as well as fatal accidents at work.

Only full calendar days of absence from work have to be considered, excluding the day of the accident. Consequently, ‘more than three calendar days’ means ‘at least four calendar days’, which implies that only if the victim resumes work on the fifth (or subsequent) working day after the date on which the accident occurred should the incident be included.

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