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Glossary:European Environmental Economic Accounts

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European Environmental Economic Accounts (short: environmental accounts) is a statistical framework fully compatible with national accounts. Environmental accounts serve as a basis for the analyses of environmental impact of economic activity and policy measures, plus social activity. They allow calculating environmental footprints, environmental intensities or productivities by industries, the parts of the economy, which are ‘green’ or ‘greener’ (environmental jobs, environmental investments), etc.

European Environmental Economic Accounts include the following legally based modules: air emissions accounts (AEA), economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA), environmental taxes by economic activity (ETEA), environmental protection expenditure accounts (EPEA), environmental goods and services sector accounts (EGSS), and physical energy flow accounts (PEFA).

European Environmental Economic Accounts are conceptually founded on the international statistical standard, namely System of Environmental-Economic Accounting – Central Framework (SEEA-CF 2012).

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