Statistics Explained

Glossary:Seeds and seedlings

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Seeds and seedlings are seeds of roots (except potatoes and other plants where the roots are as well used as seeds), fodder crops, grasses, industrial crops (except oilseeds) and seeds and seedlings of vegetables and flowers.


  • areas producing seeds and seedlings for sale
  • bulbs, corms, and other very young plants
  • green forage harvested for seed
  • roots harvested for seed
  • seeds and seedlings of vegetables (for sale)
  • seeds and seedlings of flowers (for sale)


  • seeds and seedlings of those crops where usually the yield can be used as well for seeding (under the respective heading)
  • seeds and seedlings for the own needs of the holding (e.g. young vegetable plants such as cabbage or lettuce seedlings)
  • cereals (C0000 and respective sub-classes)
  • rice (C2000)
  • pulses (P0000 and respective sub-classes)
  • potatoes (R1000)
  • Jerusalem artichoke (R9000)
  • oil seeds (I1100)
  • seeds of Linum usitatissimum L. (I1140)
  • seeds of Gossypium spp. (I1150_2300)
  • young ligneous plants grown for subsequent transplantation (such as fruit trees and berry bushes) (L0000)

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