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Glossary:Fallow land

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Fallow land is all arable land either included in the crop rotation system or maintained in good agricultural and environmental condition (GAEC), whether worked or not, but which will not be harvested for the duration of a crop year. The essential characteristic of fallow land is that it is left to recover, normally for the whole of a crop year.

On land lying fallow there shall be no agricultural production. Land lying fallow for more than 5 years for the purpose of fulfilling the ecological focus area shall remain arable land.

Fallow land may be:

  • bare land with no crops at all
  • land with spontaneous natural growth which may be used as feed or ploughed in
  • land sown exclusively for the production of green manure (green fallow)


  • arable land lying fallow for less than 5 years
  • arable land lying fallow for 5 years or more if for the purpose of fulfilling the ecological focus area


  • successive crops
  • areas which were planted with permanent crops (e.g. vineyards), ploughed and left idle for one growing period waiting to be planted again with permanent crops (ARA)
  • permanent grassland no longer used for production purposes and eligible for financial support (J3000)
  • land taken out of production for more than 5 years which is maintained in good agricultural and environmental conditions (J3000)
  • areas the farmer declares that are put out of production (not only for resting), immediately from the first year of declaration (NUAA)
  • arable land taken out of production for more than 5 years that are not part of the land kept in good agricultural and environmental condition (NUAA)

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