Statistics Explained

Glossary:Scientists and engineers

This is the stable Version.

Scientists and engineers (S&E) refer to persons who, working in those capacities, use or create scientific knowledge and engineering and technological principles, i.e. persons with scientific or technological training who are engaged in professional work on science and technology (S&T) activities, high-level administrators and personnel who direct the execution of S&T activities.

In the case of human resources in science and technology (HRST) S&E are those people who conduct research, improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods and/or apply scientific knowledge relating to fields which are covered by one of the following occupations defined in the International standard classification of occupations (ISCO-08):

  • 21 Science and engineering professionals;
  • 22 Health professionals;
  • 25 Information and communications technology professionals.

In the case of research and development (R&D) activities, "scientists" are synonymous with researchers and assistant researchers engaged both in the natural sciences and in social sciences and humanities.

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  • OECD/Eurostat - "The measurement of scientific and technological activities; manual on the measurement of human resources devoted to S&T; Canberra Manual", OECD, Paris, 1995, p. 69 - pdf