Statistics Explained

EU statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC) methodology - 2015 Social/cultural participation and material deprivation

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This article is part of a set of articles describing the methodology applied for the computation of the statistical indicators pertinent to the subject area of 2015 - Social and cultural participation (ilc_scp) within the overall domain of Income and living conditions. For these indicators, the article provides a methodological and practical framework of reference. The indicators relevant to the subject area of social/cultural participation and material deprivation are the following:

  • Participation in any cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by different dimensions
  • Frequency of participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by different dimensions
  • Reasons of non-participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by different dimensions
  • Frequency of practicing of artistic activies in the last 12 months by different dimensions
  • Frequency of getting together with family and relatives or friends by different dimensions
  • Frequency of contacts with family and relatives or friends by different dimensions
  • Frequency of communication via social media by different dimensions
  • Persons who have someone to ask for help by different dimensions
  • Persons who have someone to discuss personal matters by different dimensions
  • Participation in formal or informal voluntary activities or active citizenship in the last 12 months by different dimensions
  • Reasons of non-participation in formal or informal voluntary activities, active citizenship in the last 12 months by different dimensions

Moreover, since the indicators are of multidimensional structure and can be analysed simultaneously along several dimensions, the separate datasets providing these indicators along with the different combinations of dimensions are also presented.

Full article


  • The participation in any cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months along with different dimensions with which is disseminated refers to the proportion of population that participated to any cultural or sport activity in the last 12 months
  • The frequency of participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months along with different dimensions with which is disseminated refers to the distribution of population depending on how many times they participated in the last 12 months in cultural or sport activities. Frequency (FREQ) is displayed in 3 modalities:
  1. Not in the last 12 months (NM12)
  2. From 1 to 3 times (1-3)
  3. At least 4 times (GE4)
  • The reasons of non-participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months along with different dimensions with which is disseminated refers to the distribution of population depending on the reasons they didn't participate in cultural or sport activities. Reasons (REASON) is displayed in 4 modalities:
  1. Finances (FIN)
  2. No interest (NINT)
  3. None in the neighbourhood (NNB)
  4. Other (OTH)
  • The frequency of practicing of artistic activies in the last 12 months along with different dimensions with which is disseminated refers to the distribution of population depending on how many times they participated in the last 12 months in artistic activities. Frequency (FREQ_bis) is displayed in 6 modalities:
  1. Not in the last 12 months (NM12)
  2. At least once a year (GE1Y) but less than once a month
  3. Once a month (1M)
  4. Several times a month (SEV_M) but not every week
  5. Every week (WEEK) but not every day
  6. Every day (DAY)
  • The frequency of getting together with family and relatives or friends along with different dimensions with which is disseminated refers to the distribution of population depending on how many times they met with their family and relatives or with their friends in the last 12 months. Frequency (FREQ_bis) is displayed in 6 modalities which are described in the fourth indicator
  • The frequency of contacts with family and relatives or friends along with different dimensions with which is disseminated refers to the distribution of population depending on how many times they contact their family and relatives or with their friends in the last 12 months. Frequency (FREQ_bis) is displayed in 6 modalities which are described in the fourth indicator
  • The frequency of communication via social media along with different dimensions with which is disseminated refers to the distribution of population depending on how many times they participated actively in social networking sites in the last 12 months. Frequency (FREQ_bis) is displayed in 6 modalities which are described in the fourth indicator
  • Persons who have someone to ask for help along with different dimensions with which is disseminated presents the distribution of persons with two answer categories - "yes" and "no"
  • Persons who have someone to discuss personal matters along with different dimensions with which is disseminated presents the distribution of persons with two answer categories - "yes" and "no"
  • The participation in formal or informal voluntary activities or active citizenship in the last 12 months along with different dimensions with which is disseminated refers to the proportion of population that participated to any formal or informal voluntary activities in the last 12 months
  • The reasons of non-participation in formal or informal voluntary activities, active citizenship in the last 12 months along with different dimensions with which is disseminated refers to the distribution of population depending on the reasons they didn't participate in formal or informal voluntary activities, active citizenship in the last 12 months. Reasons (REASON_bis) is displayed in 3 modalities:
  1. Time (TIME)
  2. No interest (NINT)
  3. Other (OTH)

Statistical population

The statistical population consists of all persons aged 16 and over living in private households. Persons living in collective households and in institutions are generally excluded from the target population.

Households and individuals therein with missing values for any of the relevant dimensions, as well as with missing values for any variables used are excluded from calculations.

Reference period

All indicators are collected and disseminated on an annual basis and refer to the survey year.

The reference period for all dimensions along with the indicators are disseminated is the survey year, except for age, income and household type. As far as age is concerned, it refers to the age of the respondent at the end of the income reference period, based on which the household type is also derived. For income, the income reference period is a fixed 12-month period (such as the previous calendar or tax year) for all countries except the United Kingdom, for which the income reference period is the current year, and Ireland, for which the survey is continuous and income is collected for the last twelve months. Household type is the household type of the respondent at the end of income reference period.

Usual: for the variables related to the “Practise of artistic activities” and “Integration with relatives, friends and neighbours”.

Current: for the variables related to the “Material deprivation”.

Unit of measurement

Indicators are made available as a percentage of population.


The separate datasets provide each indicator along with the Geopolitical entity and time dimensions and the dimensions presented below.

All the indicators are presented along with the following dimensions:

  • age group and sex
  • educational attainment level (ISCED)
  • income quintile
  • degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA)
  • household type

Moreover, the indicators related to the frequency of participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months and reasons of non-participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months are broken down by the type of the sport or cultural activity.

Calculation method

1. Participation in any cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months

The participation in any cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months along with the dimensions (k) [math](PART\_SPORT\_CULTURAL_{at\_k})[/math], is calculated as the share of population that participated at least one time in any cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months. In order to define the participation, the variables PS010 (going to the cinema), PS020 (going to live performances), PS030 (visits to cultural sites) and PS040 (attendance to live sport events) are reworked as follows:

  1. if var = 1 or var = 2 (at most three times or more than three times respectively) then var' = "GE1" (at least one time in the last 12 months)
  2. else var' = "NM12" (never in the last 12 months)

Then, the share of the population when one of the 4 variables is equal to "GE1" is considered.

The variable RES_WGT is a weight assigned to each selected respondent. The algorithm for the calculation of the weight (RES_WGT) uses the following relevant basic SILC variables: PB040 (Personal cross-sectional weight) and PB060 (Personal cross-sectional weight for selected respondent).

RES_WGT is calculated as follows:

If PB060 >0 then RES_WGT=PB060

else RES_WGT=PB040

It should be noted that both PB040 and PB060 refer to all current household members aged 16 and over.

[math]PART\_SPORT\_CULTURAL_{at\_k}=\frac{\sum \limits_{\forall i\; where\;PS010'="GE1" or PS020'="GE1" or PS030'="GE1" or PS040'="GE1"\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i}{\sum \limits_{\forall i\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i } \times 100[/math]


k denotes the respective dimensions

With regard to the calculation of the participation in any cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months, the following methodological issues should be taken into consideration:

  • Going to live performances: Live performances include theatre plays, concerts, operas, ballet, dance performances, etc. Street performances should also be included; however only organised events should be counted. E.g. if the respondent was passing by somebody playing an instrument, this is not counted; on the other hand if the respondent attended a concert played in the park, this should be included
  • Visits to cultural sites: cultural sites such as historical monuments, museums, art galleries, archaeological sites, etc. Only visits whose purpose is to become acquainted with cultural or historical content of the site, either planned or spontaneous, should be included
  • Attendance to live sport events: live sport event whether it was performed by professionals or amateurs. Attending an event to watch one's own children should be included. Only organised events should be included, i.e. watching one’s own children playing football on the playground is excluded. Respondent’s participation in live sporting events is excluded

2. Frequency of participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months

The frequency of participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months, [math](FREQ\_SPORT\_CULTURALxxx_{at\_k})[/math], is calculated as the percentage of people in each k with different frequency of participation defined in FREQ in cultural or sport activities (ACL00) which are:

  1. Going to the cinema - PS010 (AC521)
  2. Going to live performances -PS020 (AC522A)
  3. Visits to cultural sites - PS030 (AC523H)
  4. Attendance to live sport events - PS040 (AC525)
  5. Cultural activities; aggregated modality built with PS010, PS020 and PS030 (AC52A)

The weight variable used is the RES_WGT (defined in the first indicator).

[math]FREQ\_SPORT\_CULTURALxxx_{at\_k}=\frac{\sum \limits _{\forall i\;where\;FREQ=xxx\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} {\sum \limits _{\forall i\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} \times 100[/math]

where xxx takes the values of NM12 (Not in the last 12 months), 1-3 (From 1 to 3 times), GE4 (At least 4 times) and GE1 (At least 1 time) as described above and k denotes the respective dimensions.

The methodological issues can be found in the section describing the first indicator.

3. Reasons of non-participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months

The reasons of non-participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months, [math](REASON\_ACTIVITIESxxx_{at\_k})[/math], is calculated as the percentage of people in each k with different reasons of non-participation defined in REASON in cultural or sport activities (ACL00) which are:

  1. going to the cinema - PS010 (AC521)
  2. going to live performances -PS020 (AC522A)
  3. visits to cultural sites - PS030 (AC523H)
  4. attendance to live sport events - PS040 (AC525)

The weight variable used is the RES_WGT (defined in the first indicator).

[math]REASON\_ACTIVITIESxxx_{at\_k}=\frac{\sum \limits _{\forall i\;where\;REASON=xxx\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} {\sum \limits _{\forall i\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} \times 100[/math]

where xxx takes the values of FIN (Finances), NINT (No interest), NNB (None in the neighbourhood) and OTH (Other) as described above and k denotes the respective dimensions.

The methodological issues can be found in the section describing the first indicator.

4. Frequency of practicing of artistic activies in the last 12 months

The frequency of practicing of artistic activies activities (PS041) in the last 12 months, [math](FREQ\_ART\_ACTIVITIESxxx_{at\_k})[/math], is calculated as the percentage of people in each k with different frequency of participation defined in FREQ_bis in artistic activites.

The weight variable used is the RES_WGT (defined in the first indicator).

[math]FREQ\_ART\_ACTIVITIESxxx_{at\_k}=\frac{\sum \limits _{\forall i\;where\;FREQ\_bis=xxx\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} {\sum \limits _{\forall i\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} \times 100[/math]

where xxx takes the values of NM12 (Not in the last 12 months), GE1Y (Not in the last 12 months), 1M (Once a month), SEV_M (Several times a month), WEEK (every week) and DAY (every day) as described above and k denotes the respective dimensions.

With regard to the frequency of practicing of artistic activies in the last 12 months, the following methodological issues should be taken into consideration:

  • Artistic activities: artistic activities such as play an instrument, compose music, sing, dance, act, photograph, make video, draw, paint, carve or do other visual arts, handcraft, write poems, short stories, fiction, etc. Only activities performed as a hobby should be included. It is not important if the activities are organised or not. If the respondent performs more than one activity, the time spent on all of them should be counted. All activities performed as respondent's professional activity are excluded.

5. Frequency of getting together with family and relatives or friends

The frequency of getting together with family and relatives or friends, [math](FREQ\_MEETINGxxx_{at\_k})[/math], is calculated as the percentage of people in each k with different frequency of participation defined in FREQ_bis. This indicator is shown depending on the people present in the meeting which could be with :

  1. family and relatives - FAM (PS050)
  2. friends - FRD (PS060).

The weight variable used is the RES_WGT (defined in the first indicator).

[math]FREQ\_MEETINGxxx_{at\_k}=\frac{\sum \limits _{\forall i\;where\;FREQ\_bis=xxx\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} {\sum \limits _{\forall i\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} \times 100[/math]

where xxx takes the values of NM12 (Not in the last 12 months), GE1Y (Not in the last 12 months), 1M (Once a month), SEV_M (Several times a month), WEEK (every week) and DAY (every day) as described above and k denotes the respective dimensions.

With regard to the frequency of getting together with family and relatives or friends in the last 12 months, the following methodological issues should be taken into consideration:

  • Getting together with family and relatives or friends: Only relatives/friends who don't live in the respondent’s household should be considered. If the respondent meets his/her relatives/friends once a year during holidays or feasts, the answer shall be “at least once a year”. To get together means spending some time with relatives at home or elsewhere. It can be talking or doing some kind of activities together. Merely encountering someone by chance is not considered as “being together”. If the respondent gets together with many relatives/friends all meetings should be counted. Family (relatives) should be understood in its widest meaning. It includes father/mother/children, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, families-in-law, etc. Friends should be understood in the widest meaning, as people the respondent enjoys being with and with whom he/she shares private matters. Getting together with friends for professional matters only is excluded.

6. Frequency of contacts with family and relatives or friends

The frequency of contacts with family and relatives or friends, [math](FREQ\_CONTACTxxx_{at\_k})[/math], is calculated as the percentage of people in each k with different frequency of participation defined in FREQ_bis. This indicator is shown depending on the people which are contacted which could be :

  1. family and relatives - FAM (PS070)
  2. friends - FRD (PS080).

The weight variable used is the RES_WGT (defined in the first indicator).

[math]FREQ\_CONTACTxxx_{at\_k}=\frac{\sum \limits _{\forall i\;where\;FREQ\_bis=xxx\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} {\sum \limits _{\forall i\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} \times 100[/math]

where xxx takes the values of NM12 (Not in the last 12 months), GE1Y (Not in the last 12 months), 1M (Once a month), SEV_M (Several times a month), WEEK (every week) and DAY (every day) as described above and k denotes the respective dimensions.

With regard to the frequency of contacts with family and relatives or friends in the last 12 months, the following methodological issues should be taken into consideration:

  • Contacts with family and relatives or friends: Contact can be made by telephone, sms, letter, fax, Internet (e-mail, Skype, Facebook, FaceTime or other social networks and other Internet communication tools), etc. Only relatives/friends who don't live in the respondent’s household should be considered. It should be real contact, e.g. a letter or a conversation. Sharing or viewing photos is not a real contact and is excluded. If the respondent is in contact with many relatives/friends all of them should be counted. Family (relatives) should be understood in its widest meaning. It includes father/mother/children, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, families-in-law, etc. Friends should be understood in the widest meaning, as people the respondent enjoys being with and with whom he/she shares private matters.

7. Frequency of communication via social media

The frequency of communication via social media (PS081), [math](FREQ\_COMxxx_{at\_k})[/math], is calculated as the percentage of people in each k with different frequency of participation defined in FREQ_bis.

The weight variable used is the RES_WGT (defined in the first indicator).

[math]FREQ\_COMxxx_{at\_k}=\frac{\sum \limits _{\forall i\;where\;FREQ\_bis=xxx\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} {\sum \limits _{\forall i\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} \times 100[/math]

where xxx takes the values of NM12 (Not in the last 12 months), GE1Y (Not in the last 12 months), 1M (Once a month), SEV_M (Several times a month), WEEK (every week) and DAY (every day) as described above and k denotes the respective dimensions.

With regard to the frequency of communication via social media in the last 12 months, the following methodological issues should be taken into consideration:

  • Communication via social media: communication via social media is defined as the respondent participates actively in social networking sites, such as community-based web sites, online discussions forums, chat rooms and other social spaces online. Active participation means not only joining social networks but also contributing actively to the discussion. Posting messages, photos, “likes”, etc. is also included. The nature of the issue discussed in the network should not be taken into account. A social media should be understood as any website that enables users to create public profiles within that website and form relationships with other users (not necessarily friends or people really close to him/her) of the same website who access their profile. The examples of such social media can be: Facebook, My Space, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.

8. Persons who have someone to ask for help

Persons who have someone to ask for help (PS090) broken down by combination of dimensions (k) [math](SOMEONE\_ASK\_HELPxxx_{at\_k})[/math] is calculated as the percentage of people in each k who have or do not have someone to ask for help in case of need.

The weight variable used is the RES_WGT (defined in the first indicator).

[math]SOMEONE\_ASK\_HELPxxx_{at\_k}=\frac{\sum \limits _{\forall i\;where\;PS090=xxx\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} {\sum \limits _{\forall i\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} \times 100[/math]

where xxx takes the values YES and NO.

With regard to the frequency of persons who have someone to ask for help, the following methodological issues should be taken into consideration:

  • Persons who have someone to ask for help refers to the respondent's ability to ask for help (any kind of help: moral, material or financial) from any relatives, friends or neighbours. Both relatives and friends should be understood in their widest meaning. The question is about the possibility for the respondent to ask for help whether the respondent needs it or not. Only people who don't belong to the respondent’s household should be considered.

9. Persons who have someone to discuss personal matters

Persons who have someone to discuss personal matters (PS091) broken down by combination of dimensions (k) [math](SOMEONE\_DISCUSSxxx_{at\_k})[/math] is calculated as the percentage of people in each k who have or do not have someone to discuss personal matters in case of need.

The weight variable used is the RES_WGT (defined in the first indicator).

[math]SOMEONE\_DISCUSSxxx_{at\_k}=\frac{\sum \limits _{\forall i\;where\;PS091=xxx\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} {\sum \limits _{\forall i\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} \times 100[/math]

where xxx takes the values YES and NO.

With regard to the frequency of persons who have someone to ask for help, the following methodological issues should be taken into consideration:

  • Persons who have someone to discuss personal matters refers to the presence of at least one person the respondent can discuss personal matters with. The potential is of having somebody to discuss personal matters with, whether the respondent needs it or not. It can be anybody, including household members and not necessarily family or friends.

10. Participation in formal or informal voluntary activities or active citizenship in the last 12 months

The participation in formal or informal voluntary activities or active citizenship in the last 12 months along with the dimensions (k) [math](PART\_VOLUNTARYxxx_{at\_k})[/math], is calculated as the share of population that participated at least one time in formal or informal voluntary activities or active citizenship in the last 12 months. In order to define the participation, the variables PS100 (AC42A, participation in informal voluntary activities), PS101 (AC41A, participation in formal voluntary work) and PS102 (AC43A, active citizenship) are reworked as follows:

  1. if var = 1 (yes) then var' = "yes" (participated in the last 12 months)
  2. else var' = "no" (never participated in the last 12 months)

The weight variable used is the RES_WGT (defined in the first indicator).

[math] PART\_VOLUNTARYxxx_{at\_k}=\frac{\sum \limits _{\forall i\;where\;PSyyy’=xxx\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} {\sum \limits _{\forall i\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} \times 100[/math]


k denotes the respective dimensions, xxx takes the values YES and NO and yyy takes the value 100, 101 and 102.

With regard to the calculation of the participation in any cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months, the following methodological issues should be taken into consideration:

  • Participation in formal voluntary work: If the respondent, during the last twelve months, did any unpaid non-compulsory work for or through an organisation, a formal group or a club. It also includes unpaid work for charitable or religious organisations. Attending meetings connected with these activities is included. Unpaid non-compulsory work should be understood as volunteer work conducted to help other people, the environment, animals, the wider community, etc. Unpaid internship in the company that makes profit is excluded.
  • Participation in informal voluntary activities: If the respondent, during the last twelve months, undertook any informal unpaid activities that were not arranged by any organisation. It includes such activities as:
  1. helping other people, including family members not living in the same household (e.g. cooking for others; taking care of people in hospitals/at home; taking people for a walk, shopping, etc)
  2. helping animals (e.g. taking care of homeless, wild animals)
  3. other informal voluntary activities such as cleaning a beach, a forest etc.

Any activity that respondent undertakes for his/her household or in his/her work are excluded. Activities undertaken within charitable organisations should also be excluded.

  • Active citizenship: If the respondent, during the last twelve months, participated in activities related to active citizenship, such as participation to the activities of a political party or a local interest group, participation in a public consultation, peaceful protest including signing a petition, participation in a demonstration, writing a letter to a politician, writing a letter to the media. Active participation via Internet (e.g. petition, letter, etc.) should be taken into account. Attending meetings connected with these activities is included. There should be no mention or discussion of political affiliation or the nature of the activities undertaken. Voting should not be considered as active citizenship (in some countries voting is compulsory).

11. Reasons of non-participation in formal or informal voluntary activities, active citizenship in the last 12 months

The reasons of non-participation in formal or informal voluntary activities, active citizenship in the last 12 months, [math](REASON\_VOLUNTARYxxx_{at\_k})[/math], is calculated as the percentage of people in each k with different reasons of non-participation defined in REASON in formal or informal voluntary activities, active citizenship (ACL00) which are:

  1. participation in informal voluntary activities – PS100 (AC42A)
  2. participation in formal voluntary work –PS101 (AC41A)
  3. active citizenship – PS102 (AC43A)

The weight variable used is the RES_WGT (defined in the first indicator).

[math]REASON\_VOLUNTARYxxx_{at\_k}=\frac{\sum \limits _{\forall i\;where\;REASON\_bis=xxx\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} {\sum \limits _{\forall i\_at\_k} RES\_WGT_i} \times 100[/math]

where xxx takes the values of TIME (Time), NINT (No interest) and OTH (Other) as described above and k denotes the respective dimensions.

The methodological issues can be found in the section describing the tenth indicator.

Main concepts used

For the production of the indicators relevant to the subject area of housing deprivation, the variables listed below are also involved in computations:

Equivalised disposable Income (EQ_INC), Income quintile.

SAS program files

The SAS programming routines developed for the computation of the EU-SILC personal well-being datasets along with the different dimensions, are listed below.

Dataset SAS program file
Participation in any cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by sex, age and educational attainment level (ilc_scp01)
Participation in any cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation (ilc_scp02)
Frequency of participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by sex, age, educational attainment level and activity type (ilc_scp03)
Frequency of participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by income quintile, household type, degree of urbanisation and activity type (ilc_scp04)
Reasons of non-participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by sex, age, educational attainment level and activity type (ilc_scp05)
Reasons of non-participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by income quintile, household type, degree of urbanisation and activity type (ilc_scp06)
Frequency of practicing of artistic activities in the last 12 months by sex, age and educational attainment level (ilc_scp07)
Frequency of practicing of artistic activities in the last 12 months by income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation (ilc_scp08)
Frequency of getting together with family and relatives or friends by sex, age and educational attainment level (ilc_scp09)
Frequency of getting together with family and relatives or friends by income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation (ilc_scp10)
Frequency of contacts with family and relatives or friends by sex, age and educational attainment level (ilc_scp11)
Frequency of contacts with family and relatives or friends by income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation (ilc_scp12)
Frequency of communication via social media by sex, age and educational attainment level (ilc_scp13)
Frequency of communication via social media by income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation (ilc_scp14)
Persons who have someone to ask for help by sex, age and educational attainment level (ilc_scp15)
Persons who have someone to ask for help by income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation (ilc_scp16)
Persons who have someone to discuss personal matters by sex, age and educational attainment level (ilc_scp17)
Persons who have someone to discuss personal matters by income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation (ilc_scp18)
Participation in formal or informal voluntary activities or active citizenship by sex, age and educational attainment level (ilc_scp19)
Participation in formal or informal voluntary activities, or active citizenship by income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation (ilc_scp20)
Reasons of non-participation in formal or informal voluntary activities, active citizenship in the last 12 months by sex, age and educational attainment level (ilc_scp21)
Reasons of non-participation in formal or informal voluntary activities, active citizenship in the last 12 months by income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation (ilc_scp22)

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  • Living conditions and welfare (livcon)
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EU-SILC ad-hoc modules (ilc_ahm)
2015 Social and cultural participation (ilc_scp)