Statistics Explained

Archive:Social participation and integration statistics

Data extracted in May 2017. Most recent data: Further Eurostat information, Main tables and Database. Planned article update: June ????.

<This article presents statistics on the involvement of people in social participation in the European Union (EU) in 2015. They are based on data currently available in Eurostat from the EU SILC ad-hoc 2015 Module on Social and cultural participation and Material deprivation which contains, among others, variables measuring social engagement and participation of people aged 16 and over.

For this article, we use the dimensions on formal and informal volunteering, active citizenship, having contact with family and friends, having someone for help or discuss personal matters and communication via social media (for detailed definitions, see the section on Data sources and availability). Active participation in cultural and social life is closely linked with the outlook on the living conditions by households and individuals. This also relates to the concepts of cultural- and social capital which, in addition to economic capital, has significance for the quality of life. Both concepts remind us that social networks and culture have value.

All these items relate to social capital which, in addition to economic and cultural capital, has significance for the quality of life. The concept of social capital can be understood as “networks together with shared norms, values and understandings that facilitate co-operation within or among groups” (OECD definition).

The analyses used for the article cover all EU Member States and several non-EU Member States. >

Table, Figure or Map X: Full title of the Table, Figure or Map
Source: Eurostat (educ_ilang)

Main statistical findings

<description and/or analysis of most important statistical data, illustrated by tables and/or figures and/or maps>

Text with Footnote [1]

Subtitle 1

Subtitle 2

Data sources and availability

<description of data sources, survey and data availability (completeness, recency) and limitations>


<context of data collection and statistical results: policy background, uses of data, …>

See also

Subtitle of Statistics in focus article=PDF main title - Statistics in focus x/YYYY

Further Eurostat information

Data visualisation

  • Regional Statistics Illustrated - select statistical domain 'xxx' (= Agriculture, Economy, Education, Health, Information society, Labour market, Population, Science and technology, Tourism or Transport) (top right)


Publications in Statistics Explained (either online publications or Statistics in focus) should be in 'See also' above

Main tables

Title(s) of second level folder (if any)
Title(s) of third level folder (if any)


Title(s) of second level folder (if any)
Title(s) of third level folder (if any)

Dedicated section

Methodology / Metadata

<link to ESMS file, methodological publications, survey manuals, etc.>

Source data for tables, figures and maps (MS Excel)

Other information

<Regulations and other legal texts, communications from the Commission, administrative notes, Policy documents, …>

  • Regulation (EC) No 1737/2005 (generating url [ Regulation (EC) No 1737/2005]) of DD Month YYYY on ...
  • Directive 2003/86/EC (generating url [ Directive 2003/86/EC]) of DD Month YYYY on ...
  • Commission Decision 2003/86/EC (generating url [ Commission Decision 2003/86/EC]) of DD Month YYYY on ...

<For other documents such as Commission Proposals or Reports, see EUR-Lex search by natural number>

<For linking to database table, otherwise remove: {{{title}}} ({{{code}}})>

External links


  1. Text of the footnote.

[[Category:<Living conditions>|Social participation and integration statistics]] [[Category:<Social participation>|Social participation and integration statistics]] [[Category:<Population and social conditions>|Social participation and integration statistics]] [[Category:<Statistical article>|Social participation and integration statistics]]