Statistics Explained

Article name in slovenščina (Slovenian)

Revision as of 09:58, 13 July 2015 by Peterle (talk | contribs)

<article to be saved as 'Article name in Slovenian/sl' !>

Podatki, pridobljeni Month Year. Najnovejši podatki: Druge informacije Eurostata, glavne tabele in podatkovna zbirka. Angleška različica je novejša. (Only when English version has more recent extraction date!) Predvidena posodobitev članka: Month Year.
Tabela, Slika or Zemljevid X: Full title of the Table, Figure or Map
Vir: Eurostat (educ_ilang)


Glavne statistične ugotovitve


Subdivision 1

Subdivision 2

Text with Footnote [1]

Podatkovni viri in razpoložljivost podatkov




Glej tudi

Druge informacije Eurostata

Prikaz podatkov

  • Regional Statistics Illustrated - Izberite statistično področje 'xxx' (= Agriculture (Kmetijstvo), Economy (Gospodarstvo), Education (Izobraževanje), Health (Zdravstvo), Information society (Informacijska družba), Labour market (Trg dela), Population (Prebivalstvo), Science and technology (Znanost in tehnologija), Tourism (Turizem) or Transport (Promet)) (zgornji desni meni)


Glavne tabele

Title(s) of second level folder (if any)
Title(s) of third level folder (if any)

Podatkovna zbirka

Title(s) of second level folder (if any)
Title(s) of third level folder (if any)

Posebni razdelek


<link to ESMS file, methodological publications, survey manuals, etc.>

Izvorni podatki za tabele, slike in zemljevide (MS Excel)

Druge informacije

<Regulations and other legal texts, communications from the Commission, administrative notes, Policy documents, …>

<For other documents such as Commission Proposals or Reports, see EUR-Lex search by natural number>

<For linking to database table, otherwise remove: {{{title}}} ({{{code}}})>

Zunanje povezave


  1. Text of the footnote.

[[Category:<Statistical article/fr|Article name in slovenščina (Slovenian)>]]

Delete [[Category:Model|]] below (and this line as well) before saving!