Statistics Explained

Tutorial:How to create an article - checklist before validation

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This tutorial is part of How to create an article step by step and provides a checklist to use before sending an article for approval.

Once your text is ready and your tables and graphs are inserted, please make a last check before sending it for validation to your hierarchy.

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Checklist: Text

  • Is the introduction short and does it inform the reader about the content of the article?
  • No mandatory section missing? (Main statistical findings, Data sources and availability, Context, See also, Further Eurostat information)? Not applicable for background articles.
  • Are all acronyms explained the first time they appear?
  • Are all statistical and technical terms linked to the corresponding glossary page when they first appear?
  • Do the figures in the text correspond to the figures in the tables/graphs?
  • Is the ranking of Member States in the text in the right order?
  • Are the references to the tables and graphs correct?
  • No spelling mistakes? (TIP: If you edit the article using Firefox as browser the spell-check is activated and all mistakes are highlighted.)

Checklist: Tables and graphs

  • Do the tables and graphs follow the Eurostat layout (are the appropriate theme colours used)?
The colour palettes.jpg
  • Are graphs, tables and maps positioned optimally with regard to the related text?
  • Do the titles follow the guidelines?
  • Do the titles include unit and period?
  • Do the tables and graphs include the data sources?
  • Are the tables and graphs easily readable when clicked on?
  • Are possible footnotes included below the image?

Checklist: Maps

All maps should be sent to the GISCO team for opinion/approval before inserting into the Statistics Explained article, using the following Teams group: GRP-ESTAT GISCO MAP CHECKING

Checklist: Links

  • Do all links work?
  • Are Regulations, Directives, Commission documents mentioned in text linked to EUR-Lex product page? (using the EUR-Lex template)
  • Is the Excel file with the source data for tables, figures and maps present? Are the images it contains formatted according to the layout rules?
  • Are all technical terms linked to glossaries?
  • Are Eurostat publications mentioned linked to the publication product page?
  • Are there links to Eurostat data?

Checklist: Language

  • Important: has a native English speaker read and corrected the article?
  • All articles must be first proofread by a native speaker (within your unit if available) or sent for proofreading to DGT via Poetry (the author is responsible for requesting the proofreading).
  • Is the style adapted to a non-specialist audience?

Checklist: Layout

  • Is the first screen view balanced and informative? - containing the introduction, an image and at least a part of the table of contents.

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