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Glossary:African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP)

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The African, Caribbean and Pacific group of states, abbreviated as ACP, is an organisation created by the Georgetown Agreement in 1975. Except for Cuba, all ACP countries are signatories to a partnership agreement with the European Union (EU) known as the Cotonou Agreement.

The ACP group consists of 79 Member States: 48 countries from Sub-Saharan Africa, 16 from the Caribbean and 15 from the Pacific. They are (in order of country code, first row down, then second one, etc.):

Antigua and Barbuda AG Republic of Guinea GN Rwanda RW
Angola AO Equatorial Guinea GQ Solomon Islands SB
Barbados BB Guinea-Bissau GW Seychelles SC
Burkina Faso BF Guyana GY Sudan SD
Burundi BI Haiti HT Sierra Leone SL
Benin BJ Jamaica JM Senegal SN
Bahamas BS Kenya KE Somalia SO
Botswana BW Kiribati KI Suriname SR
Belize BZ St Kitts and Nevis KN São Tomé and Príncipe ST
Central African Republic CF St. Lucia LC Swaziland SZ
Congo CG Liberia LR Chad TD
Côte d’Ivoire CI Lesotho LS Togo TG
Cook Islands CK Comoros KM Timor Leste/East Timor TL
Cameroon CM Madagascar MG Tonga TO
Cuba CU Marshall Islands MH Trinidad and Tobago TT
Cape Verde CV Mali ML Tuvalu TV
Djibouti DJ Mauritania MR Tanzania TZ
Dominica DM Mauritius MU Uganda UG
Dominican Republic DO Malawi MW St Vincent and the Grenadines VC
Eritrea ER Mozambique MZ Vanuatu VU
Ethiopia ET Namibia NA Samoa WS
Fiji FJ Niger NE South Africa ZA
Federated States of Micronesia FM Nigeria NG Zambia ZM
Gabon GA Nauru NR Zimbabwe ZW
Grenada GD Niue NU    
Ghana GH Palau PW    
Gambia GM Papua New Guinea PG    

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