Statistics Explained

Tutorial:Assigning an article to a unit or a category

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Assigning an article to a unit

All statistical and methodological articles in Statistics Explained are 'owned' by a unit of Eurostat who takes responsability for its content. Glossary pages, however, are not owned individually; thematic glossaries (for instance the Transport glossary) are assigned to the most appropriate unit and as a result responsability is more diffuse - pages are assigned to a Unit, which is responsible for their content. This is done by placing every page into a topic category. Topic categories, starting with X_, are internal categories, hidden from outside users. They are only shown in edit mode. Each page must have exactly one topic category.

In order to assign your article to a Unit, replace <X_topic> with the appropriate topic in {{Unit|topic=<X_topic>}}; all topics are linked automatically to the responsible Unit (see list of all topics and their corresponding Unit), and will be re-allocated automatically in case of a reorgaisation.


To allow users to find similar articles easily, each article must be put into one or several categories (see the list of current categories). Categories are user-oriented ad hoc groupings of similar articles. They serve as a navigation aid for users and make it possible to find other articles possibly of interest. Category pages have no text except a short description of their content and maybe some links, for instance:

Statistical articles can be put in three different types of categories; the first two are mandatory, the third one is to be avoided if possible:

  • 1.theme/subtheme: the hierarchy of themes and subthemes is the producer-oriented nomenclature of Eurostat dissemination products, but the items, preferably at the level of the subtheme, are also used as categories; statistical articles are to be added to one or sometimes several subthemes (see list of statistical themes and subthemes for the exact names);
  • 2.type of article: in this case Statistical article (the alternative for articles is Background article);
  • hoc category: to be used very sparingly and only if it adds value for users: at the moment only 1 ad hoc category for statistical articles is in use: Prices.

Number and ordering of categories

Categories are always in alphabetical order. The number of categories has no limit in theory, but categories should only be added if they offer a real service to users for finding similar articles.

[[Category:<Subtheme category name(s)>|Name of the statistical article]] [[Category:<Statistical article>|Name of the statistical article]]

Assigning an article to a category

  • Remove, at the very end of the page, < > in [[Category:<Under construction>|Name of the statistical article]], thus putting the new article in the category 'Under construction';
  • When the article has been sighted and validated to a stable page, this category must be removed: remove < and > and replace '<Category name(s)>' (do not forget to remove the comment markup < > as well!!!) in [[Category:<Category name(s)>|xxx]] with the name of the appropriate theme or subtheme (capital letter at the beginning!). If you want to put the article in additonal categories, copy and paste [[Category:<Category name(s)>|xxx]] after the first one, separated by a blank, and change it accordingly.

A category which does not yet exist, appears in red in 'page' view. To create it, click on it, add a very brief description of one sentence only in the text frame and then save it.

A category with only one article is not a problem if it is likely to contain more in the future.

When saving an article the name of the article is automatically added at the end of the category link (if no text is yet present there, after the '|'), to be displayed on the category page; in this instance 'Transport infrastructure'.

See also