Statistics Explained

Archive:Agricultural accounts and prices

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Data from Month Year. Most recent data: Further Eurostat information, Main tables and Database.

This chapter gives an overview of indicators on agricultural output and income and of agricultural prices in the EU. The data are extracted from Eurostat collections of agricultural statistics in the form of economic accounts for agriculture (EAA), agricultural price indices (API) and absolute agricultural prices. The EAA is a satellite account of the European System of Accounts (ESA 1995). It covers the agricultural products and services produced during the accounting period sold by agricultural units, held in stocks on farms, or used for further processing by agricultural producers. The concepts of the EAA are adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry: for example, the EAA includes not only the production of grapes and olives, but also the production of wine and olive oil by agricultural producers. It includes information on intra-unit consumption of crop products used in animal feed, as well as output accounted for by ownaccount production of fixed capital goods and own final consumption of agricultural units. EAA data are used to calculate income indicators for the agricultural sector. Agricultural price statistics provide information on the trend in producer prices of agricultural products and purchase prices of the goods and services consumed by agriculture in the production process. Data on prices are available for single commodities and for larger aggregates in the form of absolute prices and price indices. Both annual and quarterly time series are published in the free dissemination database on the Eurostat website.

Figure 1: Agricultural income indicator, 2001-2012
(2005=100) - Source: Eurostat (aact_eaa06)
Figure 2: Agricultural income (indicator A) in the EU 2011-2012
(% change with the previous year) - Source: Eurostat (aact_eaa06)
Figure 3: Main component of agricultural income, EU-27, 2011-2012
(% change compared with the previous year) - Source: Eurostat (aact_eaa01)and (aact_eaa04)
Table 1: Agricultural income (indicator A) 2002-2012
(2005 = 100) - Source: Eurostat (aact_eaa06)
Table 2: Agricultural gross value added at producer prices and subsidies, 2005-2012
(Million EUR) - Source: Eurostat (aact_eaa01)
Table 3: Output value of the agricultural industry at producer prices 2005-2010-2012
Source: Eurostat (aact_eaa01)
Table 4: Main components of the output value of the agricultural industry at producer prices 2011 2012
(%) - Source: Eurostat (aact_eaa01)and (aact_eaa05)
Table 5: Intermediate consumption value by crop and animal production,2005-2012
(%) - Source: Eurostat (aact_ali01)
Figure 4: Composition of the value of intermediate inputs consumed by the agricultural industry,EU-27, 2012
(%) - Source: Eurostat (aact_eaa01)
Table 6: Agricultural labour input, 2005-2012
Source: Eurostat (aact_ali01)
Figure 5: Agricultural labour input, 2000-2012
(Million AWU) - Source: Eurostat (aact_ali01)
Table 7: Deflated agricultural price indices, crop and animal output 2008, 2010, 2012 (2005 = 100)
(1) Crop output including fruits and vegetables
Source: Eurostat (apri_pi05_outa)
Figure 6: Output price indices of agricultural goods, EU-27, 2005-2012
(2005 = 100) - Source: Eurostat (apri_pi05_outa)
Figure 7: Deflated price indices of agricultural output, 2012
(% change compared to 2005) - Source: Eurostat (apri_pi05_outa)
Figure 8: Deflated price indices of means of agricultural production, 2012 (% change compared to 2005)
HR not available - Source: Eurostat (apri_pi05_outa)
Table 8: Annual selling prices of agricultural products, 2012 (Absolute prices)
Source: Eurostat (apri_ap_crpouta)and (apri_ap_anouta)

Main statistical findings

<description and/or analysis of most important statistical data, illustrated by tables and/or figures and/or maps>

Text with Footnote [1]

Agricultural income


Indicator A is the real net value added at factor cost of agriculture per annual work unit (AWU). The net value added at factor cost (factor income) is calculated by subtracting the consumption of fixed capital from gross value added at basic prices and adding the value of (other) subsidies, less taxes on production. The AWU is defined as the work volume corresponding to one fulltime worker.

Output of the agricultural industry comprises output from agricultural production and output from non-agricultural secondary activities that are inseparable from the main agricultural activity.

The comparability of data over time is affected by types of subsidies, as product-related subsidies are included in the results in basic prices, whereas general subsidies are only included in income. The shift in types of subsidies from product to production was mainly implemented in 2005 and 2006.

The comparability of factor income and the indicator A is not affected by these changes.

Long-term trends

The agricultural income in the EU-27 has experienced both positive and negative developments in recent years. Compared to 2005, the agricultural income per annual work unit rose by more than 10 % in 2007, 2008 and 2010, but decreased by 1.5 % in 2009.

For 2011, the recent increase brings Indicator A to a level of 119.1 (2005 = 100), following a rise of 11.4 % in 2010. For the EU-15 the level of Indicator A is now higher in 2011 than in 2005 (+ 6.7 %), after reaching 103.7 % last year.

Based on the second estimates provided by the Member States, indicator A in 2011 showed different developments among countries compared to 2005. On this basis, the Member States can be divided into two groups: • The first group includes those countries for which agricultural income in 2011 is above the level recorded for 2005. This group comprises twenty Member States. In fifteen of these countries, the level of agricultural income attained in 2011 is more than 20 index points higher than in 2005, ranging from + 88.7 % in Estonia to + 21.7 % in Finland (Estonia, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, the United Kingdom, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Denmark, Slovakia, Germany, Sweden, Austria and Finland). • The second group includes the other seven Member States where agricultural income in 2011 is below the level recorded for 2005. This group includes Luxembourg, Malta, Greece, Portugal, Italy, Cyprus and Spain. In these countries, the fall in indicator A ranged from – 23.3 % in Luxembourg to – 2.5 % in Spain.

Recent trends

According to the latest information collected by Eurostat, indicator A is estimated to have risen by 7.1 % in the European Union (EU-27) in 2011 compared with the previous year, following an increase of 13.0 % in 2010.

In 2011, the biggest increases were seen in Romania (+ 56.8 %), Hungary (+ 49.2 %), Ireland (+ 27.5 %) and Luxembourg (+ 24.7 %). The biggest decreases, on the other hand, were recorded in Belgium (– 22.5 %), followed by Malta (– 14.0 %), Portugal (– 10.3 %) and the Netherlands (– 8.9 %).

The 7.2 % increase in the value of agricultural output in basic prices is due to higher prices (+ 5.1 %), while the volume is up by 2.0 %. The value of agricultural output in producer prices increased by 7.4 % in real terms between 2010 and 2011. The value for crop output, which accounts for 52.8 % of total output, rose by 7.0 % at basic prices, while animal output, which accounted for about 40 % of total output, was up 8.2 %. The increase in animal output value was a consequence of higher producer prices (7.6 %), although volume increased by only 0.8 %.

The output value of agricultural services grew by 0.7 %, although inseparable non-agricultural secondary activities increased in value by 4.2 % compared to 2010.

The value of intermediate consumption of goods and services rose by 9.4 % in 2011. This is due to a combination of higher prices (+ 8.8 %) and a slightly higher volume (+ 0.5 %) according to the second estimates. Higher prices were observed for feedingstuffs (+ 16.2 %) and fertilizers and soil improvers (+ 15.5 %).

Consumption of fixed capital (‘depreciation’) was slightly lower (– 0.1 %) than in 2010. The value of overall subsidies (productspecific subsidies and other subsidies on production) was up by 0.5 % and worth some EUR 55.5 billion in 2011, accounting for around 39 % of the factor income.

As a result, real agricultural factor income, which is an Indicator A component, increased by 4.2 % compared to the previous year. With the reduction in agricultural labour input (− 2.7 %), Indicator A is estimated to have risen by 7.1 %.

In 2011, gross value added (GVA) at producer prices amounted to more than EUR 148 billion in the EU-27. 83.3 % of this value is generated in the EU-15, although there has been a slight decline in the share since 2000. France, Italy and Spain together produce almost 58 % of the GVA of agriculture in the EU-15.

Between 2000 and 2011, the value of all agricultural subsidies (product subsidies and other production subsidies) recorded in 2010 in the EU-27 amounted to EUR 55.5 billion. The share of new Member States in the total value of subsidies paid to agricultural producers rose from 3 % to 17.7 %.

The type of subsidies has changed over time from subsidies on product to subsidies on production. In 2000, the subsidies on products accounted for EUR 26.6 billion, compared to only EUR 4.7 billion recorded in 2011. Other subsidies on production grew from EUR 12 billion to EUR 50.9 billion during the same period.

Final output

According to the EAA, the output value at producer prices was EUR 385 billion in 2011 for the EU-27. (The producer price excludes subsidies of the agricultural industry, less taxes on products). The new Member States contributed EUR 65.3 billion (17.0 %) to this value., France is the largest agricultural producer in value terms in the EU-27, with an output value of more than EUR 69 billion; it is followed by Germany, Italy and Spain, each of which report an output value of between EUR 40.5 and EUR 52 billion.

The crop output accounts for 52.8 % of the total agricultural output, while the share of animal output was 39.7 % in 2010. The remainder 2 Agricultural accounts and prices 70 Agriculture, fishery and forestry statistics derives from agricultural services (4.4 %) and secondary activities (3.1 %). The main agricultural products are milk (13.5 %) and cereals (11.9 %).

The value of crop production at producer prices in 2011rose by 7.4 %, due to an increase both in volume (+ 3.0 %) and in producer prices (+ 4.3 %). Output volumes of the three largest crop products rose for cereals (+ 2.4 %), fresh vegetables (+ 1.5 %) and fruit (+ 3.9 %). Cereals (+ 21.4 %), sugar beet (+ 20.5 %) and oilseeds (+ 16.3 %) recorded the sharpest increases in crop value at producer prices.

The increase in the value of animal output in 2011 (+ 8.5 %) was due to an increase in both output volumes (+ 0.8 %) and producer prices (+ 7.6 %). The final result in the real value of milk production was driven by an increase in prices (+ 8.6 %), while volume was up by 1.2 %. On the animal output side, the biggest increases in volume and producer prices were observed for poultry, with a 2.2 % increase in volume and a 10.7 % increase in producer prices. The value of eggs developed in the opposite direction, due to a 2.1 % fall in volume, while producer prices remained at almost the same level as 2010 (+ 0.4 %).

It should be noted that the concept of producer prices in the EAA differs somewhat from agricultural price statistics (API). The price indices in EAA relate to the previous year, whereas API is based on the weighting structure of 2005. There are also differences in the values that are taken into account in the weighing scheme and the reference period.


Intermediate consumption in 2011 in the EU-27 accounted for more than 61 % of the output value of the agricultural industry at producer prices. In 2005, the similar percentage was around 58 %. The main input from intermediate consumption is represented by animal feedingstuffs, which account for 39 % of the total value of intermediate consumption. Energy and lubricants account for 12 % of the total value of intermediate consumption, while the fertilizers and soil improvers amount to around 8 %. The main intermediate input items for crop production are fertilisers, plant protection products and seeds and plants, which together account for 17 % of total agricultural intermediate consumption.

The margin between output and direct related input are different for crop and animal production. The costs for seeds and plantings, fertilisers and plant protection products accounted for 19.4 % of the crop output at producer prices in 2011, while costs of feedingstuffs and veterinary products were 64.3 %. In 2000, the respective shares were 18.8 % and 53.8 %.

Agricultural labour input

Agricultural labour input (ALI) is the second component in calculating Indicator A after factor income. The data presented here differ to some extent from the Census data in Chapter 1. AWU data from ALI statistics are usually higher than FSS data, because they also cover the labour input of agricultural units below the threshold of FSS and agricultural work used for agricultural services, inseparable secondary activities and hunting.

In total, the agricultural labour input in EU 2011 was 10.7 million AWU. The total agricultural labour input is divided almost equally between EU-15 and EU-12, whereas 85 % of the total agricultural Gross Value Added is generated in EU-15. Consequently, the relationship between GVA and labour input is different when one compares EU-15 with EU-12.

During the period 2000 to 2011, agricultural labour input in the EU-27 fell by around 28 %. The rate of change was steeper in EU-12 (– 36.3 %) than in other parts of the EU.

In 2011, total agricultural labour input continued to decline in all Member States, with the exception of Slovakia (+ 7.9 %). It is estimated that the biggest decreases are to be found in Bulgaria (– 9.3 %), Belgium (– 9 %) and Romania (– 6.7 %). Overall, EU agricultural labour input is down by 2.7 % in 2011 compared with 2010.

Prices indices

The final data for 2011 reveal that the level of agricultural prices for crop output in real terms was 14.6 % up on 2005, while the prices for animal output were up by 6.4 %.

The output price indices of agricultural goods for the European Union (EU-27) rose by 28.2 % in nominal terms compared to 2005. When adjusted for inflation (using the Harmonised Consumer Price Index HCPI), this represents an increase of 10.5 %. Only four of the 27 Member States − namely Spain (– 18.8 %), Malta (– 7.6 %), Portugal (– 5.4 %) and Belgium (– 5.2 %) − reported a decrease in the real crop output price index. All the other countries registered increases, with fifteen Member States seeing the biggest increases exceeding 20 %. These increases ranged from 48.2 % in the United Kingdom to 20.1 % in Ireland. The real price index of animal output increased in sixteen Member States. The biggest increases were in the United Kingdom (28.9 %), Ireland (19.8 %), Sweden (11.6 %) and Finland (11.3 %), while the increase for the other countries was between 9.4 % in Germany and 0.2 % in Slovenia. Among the 11 Member States who registered a decrease in the animal output price index, the steepest falls were in Slovakia (– 20.4 %), Czech Republic (– 15.4 %) and Latvia (– 11.1 %).

Data sources and availability

<description of data sources, survey and data availability (completeness, recency) and limitations>


<context of data collection and statistical results: policy background, uses of data, …>

Further Eurostat information


Main tables

Economic accounts for agriculture (t_aact)
Agricultural prices and price indices (t_apri)


Title(s) of second level folder (if any)
Title(s) of third level folder (if any)

Dedicated section

Methodology / Metadata

<link to ESMS file, methodological publications, survey manuals, etc.>

Source data for tables, figures and maps (MS Excel)

Other information

<Regulations and other legal texts, communications from the Commission, administrative notes, Policy documents, …>

  • Regulation 1737/2005 (generating url [ Regulation 1737/2005]) of DD Month YYYY on ...
  • Directive 2003/86/EC (generating url [ Directive 2003/86/EC]) of DD Month YYYY on ...
  • Commission Decision 2003/86/EC (generating url [ Commission Decision 2003/86/EC]) of DD Month YYYY on ...

<For other documents such as Commission Proposals or Reports, see EUR-Lex search by natural number>

<For linking to database table, otherwise remove: {{{title}}} ({{{code}}})>

External links

See also


  1. Text of the footnote.