Statistics Explained

Archive:Manufacture of other transport equipment statistics - NACE Rev. 2

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Data from April 2013. Most recent data: Further Eurostat information, Main tables and Database.

This article presents an overview of statistics for other transport equipment manufacturing in the European Union (EU), as covered by NACE Rev. 2 Division 30. This sector includes the manufacture of all transport equipment except motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers which are covered by Division 29.

Table 1: Key indicators, manufacture of other transport equipment (NACE Division 30), EU-27, 2010 - Source: Eurostat (sbs_na_ind_r)
Figure 1: Sectoral analysis of manufacture of other transport equipment (NACE Division 30), EU-27, 2010 (1)
(% share of sectoral total) - Source: Eurostat (sbs_na_ind_r)
Table 2a: Sectoral analysis of key indicators, manufacture of other transport equipment (NACE Division 30), EU-27, 2010 - Source: Eurostat (sbs_na_ind_r)
Table 2b: Sectoral analysis of key indicators, manufacture of other transport equipment (NACE Division 30), EU-27, 2010 - Source: Eurostat (sbs_na_ind_r)
Table 3: Largest and most specialised Member States in manufacture of other transport equipment (NACE Division 30), EU-27, 2010 (1) - Source: Eurostat (sbs_na_ind_r)
Table 4a: Key indicators, manufacture of other transport equipment (NACE Division 30), 2010 - Source: Eurostat (sbs_na_ind_r)
Table 4b: Key indicators, manufacture of other transport equipment (NACE Division 30), 2010 - Source: Eurostat (sbs_na_ind_r)
Table 5: Key size class indicators, manufacture of other transport equipment (NACE Division 30), EU-27, 2010 - Source: Eurostat (sbs_sc_ind_r)
Figure 2: Relative importance of enterprise size classes, manufacture of other transport equipment (NACE Division 30), EU-27, 2010 (1)
(% share of sectoral total) - Source: Eurostat (sbs_sc_ind_r)
Table 6a: Employment by enterprise size class, manufacture of other transport equipment (NACE Division 30), 2010 - Source: Eurostat (sbs_sc_ind_r)
Table 6b: Value added by enterprise size class, manufacture of other transport equipment (NACE Division 30), 2010 - Source: Eurostat (sbs_sc_ind_r)

Main statistical findings

Structural profile

There were 14.3 thousand enterprises operating with other transport equipment manufacturing (Division 30) as their main activity in the EU-27 in 2010. These enterprises employed 705.6 thousand persons, equivalent to 0.5 % of the total number of persons employed in the non-financial business economy (Sections B to J and L to N and Division 95) and 2.4 % of the manufacturing (Section C) workforce. The other transport equipment manufacturing sector generated EUR 46.2 billion of value added in the EU-27 in 2010, which was 0.8 % of the non-financial business economy total and 2.9 % of the manufacturing total.

The apparent labour productivity of the EU-27’s other transport equipment manufacturing sector in 2010 was EUR 65.5 thousand per person employed, close to 50 % above the non-financial business economy average (EUR 44.8 thousand per person employed) and close to 25 % above the manufacturing average (EUR 52.8 thousand per person employed). Average personnel costs within the EU-27’s other transport equipment manufacturing sector were also high in 2010, at EUR 49.1 thousand per employee, compared with an average of EUR 30.9 thousand per employee for the whole of the non-financial business economy and EUR 35.8 thousand per employee for manufacturing.

The particularly high level of average personnel costs pulled the EU-27’s wage-adjusted labour productivity ratio for the other transport equipment manufacturing sector in 2010 down to 133.3 %, in other words, apparent labour productivity was one third (33.3 %) above average personnel costs. As well as being below the non-financial business economy average (144.8 %) and the manufacturing average (148.0 %), this wage-adjusted labour productivity ratio for other transport equipment manufacturing was notably lower than that recorded for motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers manufacturing (146.8 %). Equally, the gross operating rate, which is a measure of operating profitability showing the relation between the gross operating surplus and turnover, was relatively low for the other transport equipment manufacturing sector (7.4 %), but higher than for motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers manufacturing (6.2 %).

Sectoral analysis

The manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery (Group 30.3) was the largest subsector within the EU-27’s other transport equipment manufacturing sector in 2010, accounting for three fifths (59.8 %) of sectoral value added and nearly half (48.8 %) of sectoral employment. The building of ships and boats (Group 30.1) was substantially larger than the manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock (Group 30.2) in terms of employment, but less so in value added terms — see Figure 1. The miscellaneous activity of the manufacture of transport equipment not elsewhere classified (Group 30.9) was the fourth largest subsector, while the manufacture of military fighting vehicles (Group 30.4) was the smallest activity.

EU-27 apparent labour productivity recorded for these five subsectors ranged in 2010 from EUR 40.5 thousand per person employed for the manufacture of transport equipment not elsewhere classified to EUR 80.4 thousand per person employed for the manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery. The only subsector in the EU-27 with average personnel costs below the manufacturing average (EUR 35.8 thousand per employee) in 2010 was the manufacture of transport equipment not elsewhere classified (EUR 32.1 thousand per employee), but this remained above the non-financial business economy average (EUR 30.9 thousand per employee). The manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery had average personnel costs of EUR 59.0 thousand per employee in 2010 which was almost double the non-financial business economy average and the highest level among the five subsectors.

Relatively high average personnel costs pulled down the wage-adjusted labour productivity ratio for most of the other transport equipment subsectors. Among the five subsectors, the manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock recorded the highest wage-adjusted labour productivity ratio in the EU-27, at 139.0 %. The lowest wage-adjusted labour productivity ratios were recorded for the building of ships and boats subsector (125.1 %) and the manufacture of transport equipment not elsewhere classified subsector (126.3 %), more than 20 percentage points below the manufacturing average.

Equally, none of the subsectors achieved a gross operating rate above the EU-27’s manufacturing average (9.0 %) in 2010, the nearest being 8.3 % for the manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery. The lowest rates were 5.5 % for both the building of ships and boats subsector and the manufacture of transport equipment not elsewhere classified subsector; there were only four manufacturing NACE groups with lower gross operating rates in the EU-27 in 2010.

Country analysis

The other transport equipment manufacturing sector was the only manufacturing NACE division where France had the largest share of EU-27 value added in 2010. France contributed 22.8 % of the EU-27’s value added in the other transport equipment manufacturing sector, with this share rising to 27.5 % for the manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery and 37.3 % for the manufacture of military fighting vehicles. Note that France’s 8.8 % share of EU-27 value added for the manufacture of transport equipment not elsewhere classified was the highest share among the Member States for which data are available, but it should be noted that there is no 2010 value added data for either Germany or Italy, the latter having a 37.1 % share of the EU-27 total in 2009.

Across the whole of the other transport equipment manufacturing sector, the United Kingdom had the second largest share of EU-27 value added in 2010, around one fifth (20.7 %) of the total, and had the largest share within the building of ships and boats subsector. Germany had the third highest share (20.2 %) and also reported the largest share of EU-27 value added for the manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock subsector. The other transport equipment manufacturing was particularly large within Norway, as Norwegian value added in this sector was equivalent to 5.2 % of the EU-27 total, the second highest such ratio for Norway among all of the non-financial business economy NACE divisions in 2010.

France not only accounted for the highest share of EU-27 value added in the other transport equipment manufacturing sector, but also had the largest share in relative terms: as other transport equipment manufacturing generated 1.2 % of non-financial business economy value added in France in 2010. Other Member States where the other transport equipment manufacturing sector recorded a relatively high share of non-financial business economy value added in 2010 included Romania and the United Kingdom; Norway and Croatia were also relatively specialised. The least specialised Member States in the other transport equipment manufacturing sector in 2010 (in value added terms) were Bulgaria, Portugal and Cyprus.

Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland and Portugal all recorded wage-adjusted labour productivity ratios below 100 % for the other transport equipment manufacturing sector in 2010, indicating that average personnel costs per employee were higher than the apparent labour productivity per person employed: these four Member States consequently recorded negative gross operating rates as personnel costs exceeded value added. Only six of the Member States (among the 22 with data available for 2010) recorded wage-adjusted labour productivity ratios and gross operating rates for the other transport equipment manufacturing sector that were above their national non-financial business economy averages in 2010: the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Austria and Poland.

Size class analysis

The EU-27’s other transport equipment manufacturing sector was one of five manufacturing NACE divisions which were dominated by large enterprises (employing 250 or more persons). Large enterprises employed 76.6 % of the workforce within the other transport equipment manufacturing sector in 2010 and generated 84.5 % of total value added; these were the fifth highest shares in 2010 for any of the manufacturing NACE divisions. Due to the higher share in value added terms, large enterprises not only dominated the other transport equipment manufacturing sector, but they also had by far the highest apparent labour productivity: EUR 72.3 thousand per person employed compared with an average for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs, employing fewer than 250 persons) of EUR 43.3 thousand per person employed.

The value added share of large enterprises within the other transport equipment manufacturing sector reached 92.9 % in France in 2010, with a further seven EU Member States recording shares for large enterprises that were above 80.0 %, as did Switzerland. In only four of the Member States was the value added share of large enterprises below 50.0 %, namely, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Estonia and Cyprus, with the latter two indicating they had no large enterprises active in the other transport equipment manufacturing sector.

Data sources and availability

The analysis presented in this article is based on the main dataset for structural business statistics (SBS) and size class data, all of which are published annually.

The main series provides information for each EU Member State as well as a number of non-member countries at a detailed level according to the activity classification NACE. Data are available for a wide range of variables.

In structural business statistics, size classes are generally defined by the number of persons employed. A limited set of the standard structural business statistics variables (for example, the number of enterprises, turnover, persons employed and value added) are analysed by size class, mostly down to the three-digit (group) level of NACE. The main size classes used in this article for presenting the results are:

  • small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): with 1 to 249 persons employed, further divided into;
    • micro enterprises: with less than 10 persons employed;
    • small enterprises: with 10 to 49 persons employed;
    • medium-sized enterprises: with 50 to 249 persons employed;
  • large enterprises: with 250 or more persons employed.


This article presents an overview of statistics for the other transport equipment manufacturing sector in the EU, as covered by NACE Rev. 2 Division 30. This division includes the manufacture of transportation equipment (and parts thereof) such as ships, boats, locomotives, aircraft, military vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles.

The building of ships and boats includes all floating structures for transportation, other commercial purposes, sport and recreational purposes. The manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock includes the manufacture of electric, diesel, steam and other rail locomotives, self-propelled railway or tramway coaches, vans and trucks, maintenance or service vehicles and the manufacture of railway or tramway rolling stock that is not self-propelled. Also included are the manufacture of mechanical and electromechanical signalling, safety and traffic control equipment.

The manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery includes the manufacture of airplanes for transport, use by the defence forces, sport or other purposes, as well as helicopters, gliders, hang-gliders, dirigibles, hot air balloons, spacecraft, launch vehicles, satellites, orbital stations and intercontinental ballistic missiles. It includes the manufacture of major assemblies such as fuselages, wings, doors, control surfaces, landing gear, as well as motors and engines of a kind typically found on aircraft. The overhaul and conversion of aircraft or aircraft engines is also included.

The manufacture of military fighting vehicles includes the manufacture of tanks, armoured amphibious military vehicles and other military fighting vehicles.

The manufacture of motorcycles includes the manufacture of motorcycles, mopeds and cycles fitted with an auxiliary engine and includes the manufacture of motorcycle engines as well as sidecars and parts and accessories. The manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages includes the manufacture of non-motorised bicycles and other cycles (such as tricycles), invalid carriages with or without a motor and baby carriages. The manufacture of other transport equipment not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) includes the manufacture of hand-propelled vehicles (such as luggage trucks, handcarts, sledges and shopping carts) and vehicles drawn by animals.

This NACE division is composed of five groups:

  • the building of ships and boats (Group 30.1);
  • the manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock (Group 30.2);
  • the manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery (Group 30.3);
  • the manufacture of military fighting vehicles (Group 30.4);
  • the manufacture of transport equipment n.e.c. (Group 30.9).

The manufacture of weapons and ammunitions is classified within the manufacture of fabricated metal products, Division 25, while the manufacture of marine and locomotive engines is classified within NACE as part of machinery and equipment, Division 28. Wheeled toys designed to be ridden, including plastic bicycles and tricycles, are classified as toys and their manufacture is included in other manufacturing, Division 32.

Further Eurostat information


Main tables


SBS - industry and construction (sbs_ind_co)
Annual detailed enterprise statistics - industry and construction (sbs_na_ind)
Annual detailed enterprise statistics for industry (NACE Rev.2 B-E) (sbs_na_ind_r2)
Preliminary results on industry and construction, main indicators (NACE Rev.2) (sbs_na_r2preli)
SMEs - Annual enterprise statistics broken down by size classes - industry and construction (sbs_sc_ind)
Industry broken down by employment size classes (NACE Rev.2 B-E) (sbs_sc_ind_r2)
SBS - regional data - all activities (sbs_r)
SBS data by NUTS 2 regions and NACE Rev.2, from 2008 onwards (sbs_r_nuts06_r2)

Dedicated section

Source data for tables and figures (MS Excel)

Other information

External links

See also