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Glossary:Farmers training level

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Farm managers' agricultural training is thought to have among others an influence on the environmental impact of farming. The farm manager is the natural person responsible for the normal daily financial and production routines of running an agricultural holding. Per holding only one person can be identified as the farm manager. Sometimes the farm manager is also the owner of the holding, however the farm manager can also be a different person than the owner.

The highest agricultural education level that was obtained by the manager:

  • PRACT - only practical agricultural experience; if the manager's experience was acquired through practical work on an agricultural holding;
  • BASIC - basic agricultural training; if the manager took any training courses completed at a general agricultural college and/or an institution specialising in certain subjects (including horticulture, viticulture, silviculture, pisciculture, veterinary science, agricultural technology and associated subjects); a completed agricultural apprenticeship is regarded as basic training;
  • FULL - full agricultural training; if the manager took any training course continuously for the equivalent of at least 2 years full-time training after the end of compulsory education and completed at an agricultural college, university or other institute of higher education in agriculture, horticulture, viticulture, silviculture, pisciculture, veterinary science, agricultural technology or an associated subject;

Farm managers can also undertake vocational training: a training measure or activity provided by a trainer or a training institution which has as its primary objective the acquisition of new skills related to the farm activities or activities related directly to the holding or the development and improvement of existing ones;

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