Statistics Explained

EU statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC) methodology - childcare arrangements

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This article is part of a set of articles describing the methodology applied for the computation of the statistical indicators pertinent to the subject area of Childcare arrangements (ilc_ca) within the overall domain of Income and living conditions. For these indicators, the article provides a methodological and practical framework of reference. The indicators relevant to the subject area of childcare arrangements are the following:

  • Formal childcare by age group and duration - % over the population of each age group
  • Average number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - Children with or without formal care
  • Average number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - Children with at least 1 hour of formal care
  • Median number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - Children with at least 1 hour of formal care
  • Other types of childcare by age group and duration - % over the population of each age group
  • Average number of weekly hours of other types of care by age group - Children with or without other types of care
  • Average number of weekly hours of other types of care by age group - Children with at least one hour of other types of care
  • Median number of weekly hours of other types of care by age group - Children with at least one hour of other types of care
  • Children cared only by their parents by age group - % over the population of each age group

Moreover, since the indicators are of multidimensional structure and can be analysed simultaneously along several dimensions, the separate datasets providing these indicators along with the different combinations of dimensions are also presented.

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  • Formal childcare by age group and duration - % over the population of each age group refers to the percentage of children cared for, by formal arrangements other than by the family during the usual week.
  • The average number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - Children with or without formal care is defined as the weighted average number of weekly hours that children are cared for, by formal arrangements other than by the family during the usual week.
  • The average number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - Children with at least 1 hour of formal care is defined as the weighted average number of weekly hours (greater or equal 1) that children are cared for, by formal arrangements other than by the family during the usual week.
  • Median number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - Children with at least 1 hour of formal care refers to the weighted median number of weekly hours (greater or equal 1) that children are cared for, by formal arrangements other than by the family during the usual week.
  • Other types of childcare by age group and duration - % over the population of each age group is defined as the percentage of children cared for, by arrangements of the child’s family either in child’s home or elsewhere during the usual week.
  • The average number of weekly hours of other types of care by age group - Children with or without other types of care is defined as the weighted average number of weekly hours that children are cared for, by arrangements of the child’s family either in child’s home or elsewhere during the usual week.
  • The average number of weekly hours of other types of care by age group - Children with at least one hour of other types of care is defined as the weighted average number of weekly hours (greater or equal 1) that children are cared for, by arrangements of the child’s family either in child’s home or elsewhere during the usual week.
  • Median number of weekly hours of other types of care by age group - Children with at least one hour of other types of care refers to the weighted median number of weekly hours (greater or equal 1) that children are cared for, by arrangements of the child’s family either in child’s home or elsewhere during the usual week.
  • Children cared only by their parents by age group - % over the population of each age group refers to the percentage of children cared for, by arrangements of the child’s parents either in child’s home or elsewhere during the usual week.

Statistical population

The childcare target population consists of all household members below the age of 12 years old where age refers to the child age. This holds for the following indicators: formal childcare, average number of weekly hours of formal care - children with our without formal care, other types of childcare and average number of weekly hours of other types - children with or without other types of care. Moreover, the indicators cover different subsets of its statistical population when presented along with different dimensions.

For the calculation of the average number of weekly hours of formal care - children with at least one hour of formal care and median number of weekly hours of formal care, all household members below the age of 12 years old with at least 1 hour of formal care, are included.

Moreover, for the calculation of the average number of weekly hours of other types of care - children with at least one hour of other care and median number of weekly hours of other types of care, all household members below the age of 12 years old with at least 1 hour of other care, are included.

Additionally, the calculation of the indicator children cared only by their parents includes only household members below the age of 12 years old with at least one hour of care provided by their parents.

Finally, children living in collective households and in institutions are generally excluded from the target population. In any case, children with missing values for any of the different dimensions that the indicators are presented, are excluded from calculations.

Reference period

All indicators are collected and disseminated on an annual basis and refer to the survey year.

The reference period for all dimensions along with the indicators are disseminated is the survey year. Child age is the age at survey year, with the exception of Ireland and Finland where childage is the age at the end of the previous of survey year.

Unit of measurement

The formal childcare by age group and duration - % over the population of each age group, other types of childcare by age group and duration - % over the population of each age group and children cared only by their parents by age group - % over the population of each age group are given as a percentage of children in the relevant age groups.

The average number of weekly hours of formal care, median number of weekly hours of formal care, average number of weekly hours of other types of care and the median number of weekly hours of other types of care are given in hours.


The separate datasets provide each indicator along with the Geopolitical entity and time dimensions and the dimensions presented below.

The formal childcare and other types of childcare are presented along with the following dimensions: childrens' age group (CHILDAGE) and duration of childcare]

Moreover, the average number of weekly hours of formal care is presented along with the following dimensions: by childrens' age group (CHILDAGE) and number of weekly hours of formal care (children with or without formal care and children with at least 1 hour of formal care).

The median number of weekly hours of formal care is also given broken down by childrens' age group (CHILDAGE) and number of weekly hours of formal care (children with at least 1 hour of formal care).

The average number of weekly hours of of other types of care is presented along with the following dimensions: by childrens' age group (CHILDAGE) and number of weekly hours of other type of care (children with or without other type of care and children with at least 1 hour of other type of care).

The median number of weekly hours of other types of care is also given broken down by childrens' age group (CHILDAGE) and number of weekly hours of other types of care (children with at least 1 hour of other type of care).

The % of children cared only by their parents is broken down by childrens' age group (CHILDAGE) and number of hours of parental care (with at least one hour of care).

Calculation method

1. Formal childcare by age group and duration - % over the population of each age group:

This indicator describes the distribution of children aged below 12 years old cared for by formal arrangements other than by the family, broken down by age and duration group ([math]FCSHARE_{at\_CHILDAGE/DURATION}[/math]) as a proportion of all children of same age group.

The weight variable used is the Child Weight.

[math]FCSHARE_{at\_CHILDAGE/DURATION}=\frac{\sum\limits_{\forall i\_CHILDAGE/DURATION} Child\;Weight_i}{\sum\limits_{\forall i\_CHILDAGE} Child\;Weight_i} \times 100[/math]

2. Average number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - children with or without formal care:

This indicator describes the weighted average number of weekly hours that children aged below 12 years old are cared for by formal arrangements other than by the family ([math]FCAVEH\_ALL_{at\_CHILDAGE}[/math]) broken down by relevant dimensions.

The weight variable used is the Child Weight.

[math]FCAVEH\_ALL_{at\_CHILDAGE}=\frac{\sum\limits_{\forall i\_CHILDAGE} Formal\;Hours_i \times Child\;Weight_i}{\sum\limits_{\forall i\_CHILDAGE} Child\;Weight_i} [/math]

3. Average number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - children with at least 1 hour of formal care:

This indicator describes the weighted average number of weekly hours that children aged below 12 years old with at least 1 hour of formal care are cared for by formal arrangements other than by the family ([math]FCAVEH\_GE1_{at\_CHILDAGE}[/math]) broken down by relevant dimensions.

The weight variable used is the Child Weight.

[math]FCAVEH\_GE1_{at\_CHILDAGE}=\frac{\sum\limits_{\forall i\in j\_CHILDAGE} Formal\;Hours_i \times Child\;Weight_i}{\sum\limits_{\forall i\in j\_CHILDAGE} Child\;Weight_i} [/math]

where j denotes the population, or subset of population, who is having at least 1 hour of formal care.

4. Median number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - children with at least 1 hour of formal care:

This indicator describes the weighted median number of weekly hours that children aged below 12 years old with at least 1 hour of formal care are cared for by formal arrangements other than by the family ([math]FCMEDH\_GE1_{at\_CHILDAGE}[/math]) broken down by relevant dimensions.

The weight variable used is the Child Weight.

[math]FCMEDH\_GE1_{at\_CHILDAGE}=\left\{\begin{matrix} \frac{1}{2} (Formal\_Hours_{k\_at\_CHILDAGE}+Formal\_Hours_{k+1\_at\_CHILDAGE}), if \sum \limits_{i=1\in j}^{k}Child\;Weight_i=\frac{1}{2}\sum \limits_{i=1\in j}^{k+1}Child\;Weight_i \\ Formal\_Hours_{k+1\_at\_CHILDAGE} , if \sum \limits_{i=1\in j}^{k}Child\;Weight_i\lt \frac{1}{2}\sum \limits_{i=1\in j}^{n}Child\;Weight_i \lt \sum \limits_{i=1\in j}^{k+1}Child\;Weight_i \end{matrix}\right.[/math]

where j denotes the population, or subset of population, who is having at least 1 hour of formal care.

5. Other types of childcare by age group and duration - % over the population of each age group:

This indicator describes the distribution of children aged below 12 years old cared for by arrangements of the child’s family either in child’s home or elsewhere broken down by age and duration group [math](OTCSHARE_{at\_CHILDAGE/DURATION})[/math] as a proportion of all children of same age group.

The weight variable used is the Child Weight.

[math]OTCSHARE_{at\_CHILDAGE/DURATION}=\frac{\sum\limits_{\forall i\_CHILDAGE\_DURATION} Child\;Weight_i}{\sum\limits_{\forall i\_CHILDAGE} Child\;Weight_i} \times 100[/math]

6. Average number of weekly hours of other types of care by age group - children with or without other types of care:

This dataset describes the weighted average number of weekly hours that children aged below 12 years old are cared for by arrangements of the child’s family either in child’s home or elsewhere [math](OTCAVEH\_ALL_{at\_CHILDAGE})[/math] broken down by relevant dimensions.

The weight variable used is the Child Weight.

[math]OTCAVEH\_ALL_{at\_CHILDAGE}=\frac{\sum\limits_{\forall i\_CHILDAGE} Other\;Hours_i \times Child\;Weight_i}{\sum\limits_{\forall i\_CHILDAGE} Child\;Weight_i} [/math]

7. Average number of weekly hours of other types of care by age group - children with at least one hour of other types of care:

This dataset describes the weighted average number of weekly hours that children aged below 12 years old with at least 1 hour of other types of care are cared for by arrangements of the child’s family either in child’s home or elsewhere [math](OTCAVEH\_GE1_{at\_CHILDAGE})[/math] broken down by relevant dimensions.

The weight variable used is the Child Weight.

[math]OTCAVEH\_GE1_{at\_CHILDAGE}=\frac{\sum\limits_{\forall i\in j\_CHILDAGE} Other\;Hours_i \times Child\;Weight_i}{\sum\limits_{\forall i\in j\_CHILDAGE} Child\;Weight_i} [/math]

where j denotes the population, or subset of population, who is having at least 1 hour of other types of care.

8. Median number of weekly hours of other types of care - children with at least 1 hour of formal care:

This indicator describes the weighted median number of weekly hours that children aged below 12 years old with at least 1 hour of other types of care are cared for by arrangements of the child’s family either in child’s home or elsewhere [math](OTCMED\_GE1_{at\_CHILDAGE})[/math] broken down by relevant dimensions.

The weight variable used is the Child Weight.

[math]OTCMED\_GE1_{at\_CHILDAGE}=\left\{\begin{matrix} \frac{1}{2} (Other\_Hours_{k\_at\_CHILDAGE}+Other\_Hours_{k+1\_at\_CHILDAGE}), if \sum \limits_{i=1\in j}^{k}Child\;Weight_i=\frac{1}{2}\sum \limits_{i=1\in j}^{k+1}Child\;Weight_i \\ Other\_Hours_{k+1\_at\_CHILDAGE} , if \sum \limits_{i=1\in j}^{k}Child\;Weight_i\lt \frac{1}{2}\sum \limits_{i=1\in j}^{n}Child\;Weight_i \lt \sum \limits_{i=1\in j}^{k+1}Child\;Weight_i \end{matrix}\right.[/math]

where j denotes the population, or subset of population, who is having at least 1 hour of other types of care.

9. Children cared only by their parents by age group - % over the population of each age group:

This indicator describes the distribution of children aged below 12 years old with at least 1 hour of of care provided by their parents as a proportion of all children of same age group.

The weight variable used is the Child Weight.

[math]PARCSHARE_{at\_CHILDAGE/DURATION}=\frac{\sum \limits_{\forall i\in j\_at\_CHILDAGE/DURATION\geq 1} Child\;Weight_i}{\sum \limits_{\forall i\in j\_at\_CHILDAGE} Child\;Weight_i}\times 100[/math]

where j denotes the population, or subset of population, who is having at least 1 hour of care provided by their parents.

With regard to the calculation of all indicators, the following methodological issues should be taken into consideration:

  • Comparability is restricted across countries because of differences among countries due to the age of admission to compulsory primary education. This kind of lack of comparability will be quite difficult to reduce or eliminate, as it would imply a harmonisation of the national educational systems. In addition, the comparability is also restricted due to different length of maternity leave in the countries.
  • The comparability over time is restricted because of the shortness of the time series. For a large number of countries data are available from 2005 onward.

Moreover, there are some methodological limitations that pertain to the following dimensions accompanying the indicator: Duration in childcare.

Main concepts

For the production of the indicators relevant to the subject area of childcare arrangements, the variables listed below are also involved in computations:

Child age (CHILDAGE) and Child Weight.

SAS program files

SAS programming routines developed for the computation of the EU-SILC childcare arrangements datasets along with the different dimensions, are listed below.

Dataset SAS program file
Formal childcare by age group and duration - % over the population of each age group ilc_caindformal
Average number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - Children with or without formal care ilc_camnforall
Average number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - Children with at least 1 hour of formal care ilc_camnforg0
Median number of weekly hours of formal care by age group - Children with at least 1 hour of formal care ilc_camdforg0
Other types of childcare by age group and duration - % over the population of each age group ilc_caindother
Average number of weekly hours of other types of care by age group - Children with or without other types of care ilc_camnothall
Average number of weekly hours of other types of care by age group - Children with at least one hour of other types of care ilc_camnothg0
Median number of weekly hours of other types of care by age group - Children with at least one hour of other types of care ilc_camdothg0
Children cared only by their parents by age group - % over the population of each age group ilc_caparents

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  • Living conditions and welfare (livcon), see:
Income and living conditions (ilc)
Living conditions (ilc_lv)
Childcare arrangements (ilc_ca)