Statistics Explained

Archive:Tutorial:Editing with Rich Editor

Editing articles in Statistics Explained can be done either directly in the markup code or using the Rich Editor. Both have their advantages, but working with the Rich Editor is more intuitive and straightforward, rather like simplified MS Word.

This article gives an overview of the features of the Rich Editor and explains how to use them. For a task-oriented rather than this tool-oriented perspective, consult the tutorials on creating a statistical article or a glossary page.

The Rich Editor essentially consists of pre-formatted word processing buttons supplemented with additional ones specially created for Statistics Explained. Those additional buttons, in the bottom row, activate templates for the most frequent actions in Statistics Explained, usually the insertion of a specific link (to Eurostat publications and Database, to a legal text in EUR-Lex, to Glossary pages etc.).

Opening Statistics Explained, 'edit' mode and Rich Editor

Entering and navigating Statistics Explained

Go to the Main Page (URL: At the bottom right of the 'Welcome' box two overviews can be accessed (they are also in the 'navigation' box on the top left of every page):

  • the theme tree or Statistical themes page presents a clickable overview of the Statistical themes and subthemes (the nomenclature of statistical products and product groupings for dissemination purposes);
  • the Categories page lists the ad hoc categories into which Statistical articles and other pages have been grouped, showing also the number of articles and/or subcategories in each category. Categories include the statistical themes and subthemes, but in addition new categories can be created ad hoc whenever they might help users in finding similar pages (see below, #Assigning_an_article_to_a_category).

The 'Special pages' item of the 'toolbox' on the bottom left provides additional access to other overviews: All pages, Popular pages, Recent changes, …

View a specific article by clicking on a page name or, if you know the exact title, by typing it in the 'Search' box on the left top and by clicking 'Go' (if the scrolldown covers the 'Go' button, click ESC to remove it and make 'Go' visible again).

Logging in and entering 'edit' mode

In order to edit pages, you have to log in:

  • click 'Log in' on the top right;
  • complete the boxes (both 'Username' and 'Password' are the regular ones for logging in the system when starting your pc, 7-digit and at least 10-digit, resp.) and click 'Login';
  • click 'Edit' on top, 3rd item.

Activating and disabling the Rich Editor

Click [Rich Editor] just above the editing frame, to the right; or

Loading a Model

Select boilerplate.png

The box 'Select boilerplate' allows you to load a model of a statistical article,image or different types of glossary page (general concept, Nomenclature, statistical concept, statistical indicator, statistical method, Survey or data collection). The models already contain the predefined structure, all headings and templates which could be useful, all in their appropriate place.

WARNING: loading of a Model from the boilerplate will overwrite all existing content! If you want to preserve already existing content, select and copy it, load the Model:Statistical article and then paste it in. If you have inadvertently overwritten something, you can always go to 'history' and roll back or undo.

  • Open the menu under 'Select boilerplate' in the box above (just below the title 'Edit: ...').
  • Select 'Statistical article'.
  • Click 'Load'.
  • Click 'Save page' (bottom of the Edit page, left).

Inserting content

You can either write new content from scratch or, alternatively by converting existing material into Statistics Explained format. This is very easy, essentially copying the original text from a Word document, pdf file, web page, ... and paste it in the appropriate place within the Model.

The text you have inserted only needs basic additional formatting (see below): inserting paragraph separation lines, headings, bullets, indents, bold, italic, , etc.

Text formatting (Row I)

The first two lines of Rich Editor buttons are essentially for formatting selected text, printing, searching, spelling check etc. If you work with MS Word most should already be familiar. They are briefly explained below, in order of appearance; between bracket is their location (row I, II or III, position 1,2,3 etc.).

Rich Editor buttons.png

Wikitext (I1)

By clicking Wikitext you change the view in the editing frame to wiki markup which can be directly edited (see directly in the markup code; it switches off the Rich Editor (thus having the same effect as clicking 'Disable rich editor' on the right above the editing frame). You can revert to the Rich Editor by clicking 'Wikitext' again.

Cut (I2)

Selected text is removed by clicking Cut

Copy (I3)

Copying selected text by clicking Copy may not work; instead, after having selected the text you want to copy, click ctrl+c.

 Paste (I4)

Similarly, clicking Paste in order to paste copied text to the location your cursor is positioned, opens a window in which you can paste the text (via ctrl+v or right mouse button/select and click 'Paste') and insert it by clicking 'OK'.

Print (I5)


Undo (I6)

Clicking Undo undoes the last action performed, then the next-to-last one etc.

Redo (I7)

Clicking Redo redoes the last action undone, then the next one etc.

Find (I8)


Replace (I9)


Select all (I10)

Click Select all to select the whole text. 

Remove format (I11)

Click Remove format to convert selected text back to unformatted 'Normal' text (removing bold, italic, underline, bullets, heading etc). 

Insert special character (I12)


Insert horizontal line (I13)

Click Insert horizontal line to insert a horizontal line below the cursor position. Use this feature sparingly! Normally there is no need in Statistics Explained for horizontal lines. 

Check spelling (I14)

Select the text to be checked as to spelling (or click Select all, I10) and click Check spelling.

About FCKeditor (I15)

Click About FCKeditor to find version and similar information on the Rich Editor 'FCKeditor' as well as links to further information.

Text formatting (Row II)

Rich Editor buttons.png

Format (II1)

Click dropdown menu, select and click the format required. Normal is regular text, Heading 1 is page title (not to be used in text itself!), Heading 2 to Heading 6 are the possible levels of headings (don't exaggerate, going beyond Heading 4 is not recommended).

Bold (II2)

Click Bold to convert selected text to bold.

Italic (II3)

Click Italic to convert selected text to italic.

Underline (II4)


Strike Through (II5)


Subscript (II6)


Superscript (II7)


Insert/Remove Numbered List (II8)


Insert/Remove Bulleted List (II9)


Blockquote (II10)



Maximize the editor size (II11)


Insert/Edit Image (II12)

Before you can insert an image in a page, you first have to upload it in Statistics Explained, see Tutorial:Creating_a_Statistical_article#Inserting_an_Image (

To insert an image in a page, click Insert/Edit Image and in the window which opens:

  • paste or type the image file name (or some key words) in the first box Image file name;
  • in the second box Automatic search results (start typing in the above field/ x images found) image file names now appear which contain the text in the first box; if you see the image file you want to insert, click it and it will be displayed in the first box; a preview is shown to the right;
  • in the box Caption insert or paste the text you want to appear as a caption below the image; normally this is the title of the image file you can copy/paste (without underscores!) preceded by 'Table/Graph/Map x:';
  • in the box Special Type choose how the image is to be displayed (normally Thumbnail);
  • in the box Align choose where the image is to be positioned (normally Right);
  • in the box Width insert the size of the image (normally 350);
  • the box Height need not be completed;
  • click OK.

Paste Table (II13)

To paste an Excel table (or part) in Statistics Explain, click Paste Table and in the window which opens:

  • paste the table in the box;
  • below, in the HTML Result preview box, a preview is displayed (if not, position your cursor in the table you inserted and move it);
  • edit the table, if necessary (you can also do so directly in the Rich Editor edit view):
  • .
  • ;
  • if the HTML Result preview is satisfactory, click OK.

Insert/Edit Table (II14)

If you want to insert a blank table (content can be inserted directly in the Rich Editor frame), position your cursor on the location you want to inserblank tabedit the properties of a table, select the table and click Insert/Edit Table and in the window which opens:

Inserting links and objects (Row III)

Rich Editor buttons.png
Important !

The explanations below focus on the insertion of links and objects, but they can also be edited any time: just select the inserted link or object and click the corresponding button.

If, for instance, you want to change the text displayed for a publication, select the inserted publication link and click the Publication button, make the required change and click OK. (alternatively, you can also modify directly by rightclicking mouse, select 'Template properties', make the change and click OK).

Insert/Edit Link (III1)


Remove Link (III2)


Publication (III3)

To insert a link to the download page of a Eurostat publication:

  • click Publication;
  • in the window which opens, insert the Publication code in the first box (the 9-digit publication code can be found in the URL of the publication on the Eurostat website or at the back of the printed version);
  • in the second box insert the Text to display: the exact title of the publication as it appears in the target page, supplemented if necessary by the edition (e.g. '2010 edition') or additional information (e.g. 'Statistics in focus 10/2010');
  • click OK.

Data (III4)

To insert a deep link to a specific dynamic table in the Eurostat Database:

  • click Data;
  • in the window which opens, insert the Data code in the first box (the list of available data codes can be found here: );
  • in the second box insert the Text to display: the exact title as it appears above the target table (do not include the data code, this will be displayed automatically behind the title, between brackets);
  • click OK.

EUR-Lex (III5)

Each EUR-Lex document can be identified by a unique code consisting of number, type and year.

To insert a deep link to the download page of a legal text (Regulation, Directive, Decision or COM final document) in the EUR-Lex database:

  • click EUR-Lex;
  • in the window which opens, complete the 3 first boxes:
  • Year: YYYY
  • Type: choose one of the four types to assign code R, L, D or DC, for Regulation, Directive, Decision or COM final document, respectively;
  • Number: NNNN
  • the fourth box Language is fixed at EN (at the moment English-language only);
  • EURLex product code in the fifth box is generated automatically from the first four entries;
  • as is the Text to display in the fifth box; if the number consists of less than four digits, it may be necessary to remove the 0, 00 or 000 in front.
  • click OK.

Glossary (III6)

To insert a link to a Glossary page:

  • select the word(s) you want to link;
  • click Glossary;
  • in the window which opens, the selected text is displayed in the first box;*at the same time the Rich Editor automatically searches for Glossary pages containing the selected word(s) and displays the result in the second box - only the Glossary Namespace is searched (pages preceded by  'Glossary:');
  • if one or more results are displayed, select the Glossary page you want to link to by clicking on it, then click OK;*if no Glossary page containing the exact word or words is found, you can change the text in the first box and the search will automatically adapt; you can shorten it, for instance, from 'employees' (no results) to 'employee' and link to one of the results of this search, 'Glossary:Employee' - as a result, a link will be created from 'employees', the originally selected word, to 'Glossary:Employee;
  • the word or words linked to a Glossary page can also be modified directly in the text.

Insert/Edit categories (III7)

To assign a page to one or more categories (by adding a category link on the page):

  • click Insert/Edit categories;
  • in the window which opens, the first box Selected categories displays any categories to which the page is already assigned;*the third box Category tree (start typing in the above field) shows all categories - the categories in blue are higher-level categories containing subcategories which can be opened by clicking them;
  • by typing text in the second box Search category the categories displayed in the third box are limited to the ones containing the search term(s);
  • select a category in the third box and click Add new;*if you have added all categories required, click OK.

Insert/Edit Template (III8)

To insert a link to a Eurostat publication:

  • click Insert/Edit Template;
  • in the window which opens, type or paste a template in the box Template raw definition (from Template:To);**click OK.

Insert/Edit Special Tag (III9)

To insert a link to a Eurostat publication:

  • click Publication;
  • in the window which opens, insert the Publication code in the first box (the 9-digit publication code can be found in the URL of the publication on the Eurostat website or at the back of the printed version);
  • in the second box insert the Text to display: the exact title of the publication as it appears in the target page, supplemented if necessary by the edition (e.g. '2010 edition') or additional information (e.g. 'Statistics in focus 10/2010');
  • click OK.

Insert/Edit Reference (III10)

To insert or change the text of a footnote (reference) in the text:

  • position your cursor on the place the link to the footnote should appear;
  • click Insert/Edit Reference;
  • in the window which opens, type or paste the text of the footnote in the first box Reference text (Wikitext); you can add, optionally, a  name for the footnote in the second box Reference name (optional);*click OK;*if you want the footnote actually displayed below at the bottom of the page, you have to add a reference tag (a heading 'References', see III11).

Insert/Edit <references/> tag (III11)

To display the text of a footnote (see III10)  at the bottom of a page

  • create a level 2 heading Notes at the bottom of the page just above the categories and position your cursor below it;
  • click Insert/Edit <references/> tag.

Insert/Edit Formula (III12)

To insert a formula:

  • click Insert/Edit Formula;
  • in the window which opens,
  • click OK.

Adding links to other web sites (External links)

As an extra service to users (and to enhance the 'linkedness' and thus the google ranking) links can be provided to a limited number (not more than 10) of high-quality links to trustworthy (semi-)official external sites (e.g. WHO, ILO, FAO, ECB, UNECE, OECD or NSIs). The links should be as specific to the subject treated as possible and they should be deep links directly to the interesting information, not to the home page!

The Model you loaded from the Boilerplate already contains the formatted line (including bullet) * [http://xxx Name of organisation/web site/deep link]<nowiki/> *Replace 'http://xxx' with the URL of the deep link into the external web site. *Replace 'Name of organisation/web site/deep link' with a user-friendly label or description of the target page of the URL, accompanied by the name of the organisation between brackets (abbreviated if familiar). e.g. <nowiki>*[ Life expectancy: life tables (WHO)] returns Life expectancy: life tables (WHO)

If more external links are to be inserted:

  • Copy & paste the line in the template, including bullet (*).
  • Change the new line accordingly.
It is recommended not to have more than 10 external links.

Adding links to other articles in Statistics Explained (See also)

Adding a link to another article is similar, of course, to inserting an internal link.

The Model you loaded from the Boilerplate already contains the formatted line (including bullet) * [[Glossary:Name of related article|]]

  • Go into 'edit'.
  • Replace 'Name of related article' with the name of the article you want to add a link to.
Warning: The name has to be exactly right, including capital/small letters and special characters such as / _ etc.)
You can of course type this manually too (or, alternatively, type or copy in the name of the article, select it and click the 'Internal link' icon Ab, third one in the icon list above the edit frame).
  • Click 'Save page' (bottom of the Edit page, left).

If you want to link to more articles,

  • copy & paste * [[Glossary:Name of related article|]], including bullet (*);
  • replace 'Name of related Statistical article' with the name of the other article.
It is recommended
  • not to have more than 10 links to other article;
  • to link only to Statistical articles or Background articles, not to glossary items.

Assigning an article to a Unit

All pages are assigned to a Unit, which is responsible for their content. This is done by placing every page into a topic category. Topic categories, starting with X_, are internal categories, hidden from outside users. They are only shown in edit mode. Each page must have exactly one topic category.

In order to assign your article to a Unit, replace <X_topic> with the appropriate topic in {{Unit|topic=<X_topic>}}; all topics are linked automatically to the responsible Unit (see list of all topics and their corresponding Unit), and will be re-allocated automatically in case of a reorgaisation.

See also