Statistics Explained

Archive:Farm structure in Luxembourg - 2007 results

Data from December 2008, most recent data: Further Eurostat information, Main tables and Database.
File:Distribution of the utilised agricultural area.PNG
Graph 1: Distribution of the utilised agricultural area
File:Description of the labour force in Germany.PNG
Graph 2: Description of the labour force in Germany
File:Distribution of the number of livestock units.PNG
Graph 3: Distribution of the number of livestock units
File:Labour force by size of the farms.PNG
Table 1: Labour force by size of the farms
File:Agricultural holdings by size.PNG
Table 2: Agricultural holdings by size
File:Land use by size of the farms.PNG
Table 3: Land use by size of the farms
File:Livestock by size of the farm.PNG
Table 4: Livestock by size of the farm
File:Subsistence farming.PNG
Table 5: Subsistence farming

This article is part of a series of country-specific publications on the results of the European Union (EU) Farm structure survey (FSS) 2007. It provides a brief but nevertheless comprehensive insight into the farm structure in Germany.

The 2007 FSS shows that 370 500 agricultural holdings were recorded in Germany (5% less than in 2005) and that 23 % of the agricultural holdings are engaged in other activities.

Main statistical findings

In 2007, 94% of the German agricultural holdings (348 500) had an economic size of at least 1 European size unit (ESU), compared with 371 000 in 2005 (a 6% reduction).

They used about 16.9 million ha of utilised agricultural area (UAA), a decrease of 1% compared with 2005. This area represented 99.6% of the UAA in Germany and an average of 48 ha per holding (compared with 46 ha in 2005).

These holdings employed 600 000 annual work units (AWUs), the equivalent of 600 000 people working full time; (5% less than 2005).

They had 18 million livestock units (LSU) in 2007, slightly less (1%) than in 2005.

Amongst these 348 500 agricultural holdings:

  • 35% made use of less than one AWU, while another 27% made use of 2 or more AWUs;
  • 7% used less than 2 ha, while 25% used 50 ha or more;
  • 45% of German farms specialised in livestock, a 2% increase compared with the 2005 value;
  • 21% of the holdings specialised in dairy farming;
  • 14% specialised in cereals, oil seed and protein crops;
  • 10% of the holdings were raising sheep, goats and other grazing livestock.

The family labour force has decreased by 7% from 2005 to 2007 and it now is 68% of the total labour force in German holdings.

Amongst the sole holders:

  • 9% were women;
  • 29% were aged 55 or more and 8% were younger than 35 years;
  • 45% of the sole holders had another gainful activity in 2007 and for 40% this other activity was the main gainful activity.

In Germany in 2007, 37% of the agricultural area was farmed by its owners.

4% of the holdings are classified as practicing organic farming. The area of organic farming in Germany increased by 7% from 2005 to 2007.

23% of German holdings have another gainful activity.

The production of renewable energy has risen, involving 7% of holdings in 2007 vs. 4% in 2005.

There was a 15% increase in the rape and turnip area from 2005 to 2007. The amount of arable land occupied by these crops increased, from 11% in 2005 to 13% in 2007.

There was a decrease in the number of livestock, except from equidae (+5%), pigs (+1%) and poultry (+4%).

Data sources and availability

Due to the different coverage of the FSS across Member States, the total number of farms is not comparable between countries. This is why the present analysis, including Tables 1-4 and the graphs focus on holdings of at least one European size unit (ESU).

The 2007 FSS was a decentralized statistical operation carried out in the Federal Republic of Germany by the Federal Statistical Office in collaboration with the Land Statistical offices. The survey was organized using a combination of exhaustive survey (for the land, livestock, labour force and their other gainful activities and profit accounting and tax) and sample survey (for tenure, sources of income from outside the holding, production and use of animal origin fertilizers, more detailed information on the labour force, other non-agricultural gainful activities related to the holding). The only the full records were transmitted to Eurostat.

The reference period for land use, labour force and other gainful activities was the period between May 2006 and April 2007, for livestock characteristics it was the 3rd of May 2007. The threshold for including an agricultural holding in the FSS 2007 was having an UAA of at least 2 hectares. Farms with less than 2 ha were included if they have at least 8 bovines or pigs, or 20 sheep, or 200 poultry (hens, cocks, geese, ducks or turkeys), or 0.3 ha of one of the following crops: vineyards, fruit trees, hops, tobacco, nurseries, outdoor cultivation of vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants, aromatic, medicinal or culinary plants, garden seeds, or 0.03ha of vegetables, flowers or ornamental plants under glass.

The frame for the survey was the Farm Register (374 500 holdings) which was consolidated with the 2003 FSS and with administrative sources such as the Integrated administrative and control system (IACS) and the livestock register. For the sample survey a total of about 96 700 farms were selected from 26 strata using a single stage stratified sample. The sampling was based on geographical location, typology, UAA. The sample included also a separate stratum of all the new farms. Administrative sources (IACS) were also used in 10 of the 15 Länder for some of the land use and livestock characteristics. Depending on the Länder, personal interviews, postal surveys, telephone surveys or on-line surveys were used for the data capture of the German 2007 FSS.

Between FSS 2005 and 2007 "maintaining land in good agricultural and environmental conditions" (GAEC) became an agricultural activity and the concerned land has been included in the agricultural area. In Germany it covers close to 12 100 ha, 87% in holdings with at least 1 ESU. For each activity (`enterprise`) on a farm (for instance wheat, dairy cow or vineyard), a Standard Gross Margin (SGM) is estimated, based on the area (or the number of heads) and a regional coefficient. The sum of such margins in a farm is its economic size, expressed in European Size Units (ESU, 1 ESU is a 1200-euro SGM).

An Annual work unit (AWU) is equivalent to a worker employed on a full time basis for one year. In Germany it is 1760 hours (220 working days of 8 working hours per day). A Livestock Unit (LSU) is equivalent to a dairy cow. The number of animals (number of heads) is converted into LSU using a set of coefficients reflecting the feed requirements of the different animal categories.


Rural development policy aims to improve competitiveness in agriculture and forestry, improve the environment and countryside, improve the quality of life in rural areas and encourage the diversification of rural economies. As agriculture modernised and the importance of industry and services within the economy increased, agriculture became much less important as a source of jobs. Consequently, more and more emphasis is placed on the role farmers can play in rural development, including forestry, biodiversity, diversification of the rural economy to create alternative jobs and environmental protection in rural areas. The FSS continues to be adapted to try to provide the necessary data to help analyse and follow these types of developments.

Further Eurostat information



Main tables

Structure of agricultural holdings (t_ef)


Structure of agricultural holdings (ef)

Dedicated section

See also

External links