Statistics Explained

Archive:EU-Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) - statistics on population, employment and living conditions

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Data up to August 2014. Most recent data: Further Eurostat information, Main tables and Database.

This article presents the latest data on the population of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the EU-28 Member States, focusing on age distribution, educational level, economic activity and employment as well as living conditions.

On average the population of the CIS countries was younger than in the EU-28 Member States (Figure 1), with a larger share of the total population living in rural areas (Figure 2). Moreover, the predominantly rural Central Asian CIS countries corresponded to a significantly greater share of the young population (up to 24 years of age) than the Eastern European CIS countries (especially Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova), since more than 50 % of the population of Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan was up to 24 years of age, while the respective share for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus was under 30 %.

These findings are related to a significantly shorter life expectancy at birth for the Central Asian CIS countries (70 years or less, with the exception of Uzbekistan) compared to the estimations for the Eastern European CIS countries (Figure 5). Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan also had high infant mortality rates (Figure 4). CIS countries generally presented significantly higher infant mortality rates and significantly smaller life expectancy at birth than the EU-28 average.

Tertiary education graduates (according to the ISCED-97 classification) accounted for more than 40 % of the total CIS population aged 25 or older (60.1 % for Russia in 2010), while the EU-28 average was 23.8 %. Significant variations among CIS countries reflect differences in national educational systems and labour market conditions.

CIS countries presented lower unemployment rates than the EU-28 average, except for Armenia which relies heavily on the primary sector (NACE rev. 2 code A) and Tajikistan (NACE rev. 1.1 codes A-B). Further differences in the distribution of employment by sector among the CIS countries are evident (Figure 9). The share of the services sector — with the exception of Tajikistan — ranged from 45.0 % (Armenia) (NACE rev. 2 codes G–U) to 64.9 % (Russia) (NACE rev. 1.1 codes G–Q), while Belarus and Russia also have a substantial industrial sector (NACE rev. 1.1 codes C–F).

Tajikistan is characterised by a significantly large share of the population living below the national poverty line (46.7 %) followed by Kyrgyzstan (38.0 %) and Armenia (32.4 %), while Kyrgyzstan and Russia presented the highest level of income inequality (42.0 in 2012) among the CIS countries (Figures 12 and 13).

Main statistical findings

Population distribution of the CIS countries

Significant variations between Central Asian and European CIS countries

Figure 1 illustrates that in 2013, compared to the Central Asian CIS countries, the European CIS countries presented a considerably larger elderly (65+ years old) share of the population and a significantly smaller young (up to 24 years of age) share of the population. Ukraine and Belarus presented the largest share of elderly population (15.2 % and 13.8 % respectively), while the shares of young population for Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan exceeded 50 % (against less than 30 % in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus).

[Figure 1 to be entered here]

Figure 2 shows that the share of the rural population in Central Asian CIS countries was significantly higher (73.8 % for Tajikistan, followed by Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan) than in European CIS countries (24.2 % for Belarus for instance), with the exception of Moldova (58.1 %). The share of the rural population in the EU-28 Member States (25.6 %) was smaller than the CIS average (35.9 %) with the exception of certain Balkan countries (Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania and Croatia), Poland, Portugal and Ireland.

[Figure 2 to be entered here]

Russia and the EU-28 presented a similar population distribution by age and share of rural population. Russia accounted for 50.8 % of the total CIS population in 2013 (282 million people). Consequently, even though the CIS countries presented a significantly higher rural population share than the EU-28 (by 10.3 %) overall, the population distribution by age was not significantly different between the CIS and the EU-28.

Further demographics and population dynamics

Higher crude birth ratios for Central Asian CIS countries, higher life expectancy for European CIS countries

Figure 3 illustrates that the Central Asian CIS countries and Azerbaijan presented in 2012 a higher crude birth rate and a lower crude death rate than the CIS average (15.3 and 11.6 respectively), while the rest of the European CIS countries presented a higher crude birth rate and a higher crude death rate than the EU-28 average (10.4 and 9.9 respectively), except for Armenia (crude death rate of 9.1 per 1 000 population).

[Figure 3 to be entered here]

The Central Asian CIS countries also had a significantly higher infant mortality rate than the European CIS countries and the EU-28 Member States (Figure 4). Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in particular presented an excessively high infant mortality rate (49, 45 and 34 deaths of infants per 1 000 live births in 2012, respectively) compared to the European CIS countries and especially Belarus, which boasts a lower infant mortality rate than the EU-28 average (3.4 infant deaths 1 000 live births). With the exception of Romania (9.0), Bulgaria (7.8) and Latvia (6.3), the infant mortality rate in all EU-28 Member States was lower than 6 infant deaths per 1 000 live births in 2012.

[Figure 4 to be entered here]

Figure 5 shows that life expectancy at birth in 2012 was less than 75 years for all CIS countries, which was significantly lower than the EU-28 average (79.6 years). Lithuania and Latvia were the only EU-28 Member States that presented a life expectancy at birth lower than that of one CIS country (Armenia, 74.3 years), while Central Asian CIS countries, except Uzbekistan, had a life expectancy at birth of less than 70 years.

[Figure 5 to be entered here]

Educational level and tertiary education

CIS countries have a higher level of educational than EU-28 Member States

Figure 6 shows that over 40 % of the total CIS population aged 25 or older had a tertiary education degree (ISCED 5–6) while the EU-28 average was significantly lower (23.8 %). Variations among CIS countries were notable, with shares of tertiary education graduates varying from 10.6 % (Tajikistan, 2000) to 60.1 % (Russia, 2010).

The share of post-secondary non-tertiary education (ISCED 4) graduates in Moldova, Armenia and Kazakhstan was considerably higher than in Azerbaijan or Russia. This indicates that the function of different education institutions varied between CIS countries — an issue that will not be discussed in detail in this article.

The top 3 CIS countries in terms of share of tertiary education graduates corresponded to the countries with the greatest shares of women with tertiary education: Russia, Ukraine (both 55.8 %) and Belarus (55.5 %) (Figure 7). The CIS average stood at 55.5 %, which was more than the EU-28 average (52 %). The share of women in tertiary education in the CIS countries was generally larger than in the EU-28 Member States, even though Tajikistan had the third lowest share among all the countries considered (50.7 %), behind only Malta (50.6 %) and Cyprus (49.4 %).

[Figure 6 to be entered here] [Figure 7 to be entered here]

Employment and unemployment

High unemployment in Armenia and Tajikistan

Kazakhstan and Russia presented the greatest activity (71.7 % and 68.7 % respectively) and employment rates (67.9 % and 64.9 % respectively) among CIS countries, while Moldova and Tajikistan both had activity and employment rates of less than 50 % (Figure 8).

[Figure 8 to be entered here]

Figure 9 illustrates the considerable differences between CIS countries in terms of the distribution of employment by sector of economic activity. Russia (27.8 %) and Belarus (according to the population census 2009) (33.7 %) presented the largest shares of employment in industry (including construction, NACE rev. 1.1 codes C–F). Tajikistan (2009, NACE rev. 1.1 codes A–B) (52.9 %), Azerbaijan (37.7 %) and Armenia (37.3 %) on the other hand relied heavily on the primary sector (NACE rev. 2 code A). Ukraine had a services-oriented (NACE rev. 1.1 codes G–Q) economy, (62.1 %) second only to Russia (64.9 %).

The share of employment in the primary sector in the CIS countries was larger than the EU-28 average by 9.9 percentage points (14.9 % and 5.0 % respectively), while the share of employment in the tertiary (services) sector was smaller in the CIS countries (60.4 % against 70.3 % in the EU-28).

[Figure 9 to be entered here]

EU-28 Member States generally presented a higher unemployment rate than the CIS average (Figure 10). Germany, Austria, Luxembourg and the Netherlands were the only EU-28 Member States to present an unemployment rate lower than the CIS average (6.0 % in 2012), while Armenia (17.3 %) and Tajikistan (11.5 % in 2009) were the only CIS countries with unemployment rates over the EU-28 average (10.6 %).

As far as the youth unemployment rate is concerned (Figure 11), Armenia stood out with 35.4 %, while the CIS average was 14.5 %. Kazakhstan presented a very low youth unemployment rate of 3.9 %, while the youth unemployment rate in all other CIS countries (except Armenia) was lower than that of most EU-28 Member States (except Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark and Malta).

[Figure 10 to be entered here] [Figure 11 to be entered here]

Income and living standards

Highest poverty headcount ratio in Tajikistan, highest income inequality level in Russia

Figure 12 illustrates that a considerable share of the population of Tajikistan (46.7 %), Kyrgyzstan (38.0 %) and Armenia (32.4 %) lived below the national poverty line, while the corresponding shares for Kazakhstan (3.8 %), Azerbaijan (6.0 %) and Belarus (6.3 %) were significantly lower. Baltic and Balkan EU-28 Member States also presented considerably high shares (greater than 20 % in Bulgaria, Croatia and Latvia).

[Figure 12 to be entered here]

Income inequality is commonly measured through the Gini coefficient, which is a measure of statistical dispersion intended to represent the income distribution of a nation’s residents. The coefficient varies between 0, which reflects complete equality and 100, which indicates complete inequality (one person has all the income or consumption, all others have none). Figure 13 shows that Kyrgyzstan and Russia presented the highest level of income inequality (42.0 in 2012) among CIS countries. The levels of income equality of Ukraine (24.8), Kazakhstan (28.4) and Belarus (28.5) were even lower than the EU-28 average (30.6) for the 2010–12 period. Even though the income inequality level in Azerbaijan (33.0 in 2008) was relatively high, it was still lower than that of certain EU-28 Member States (Latvia, Spain, Portugal and Greece).

[Figure 13 to be entered here]

Data sources and availability

All data used in this publication are provided by CIS-STAT (latest annual data per indicator presented), except for the data mentioned below.

Education data stem from the UNESCO web database (UIS.Stat). The reference year corresponds to the latest data available by country. No data are available for Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

EU-28 data used for the study of the age distribution of the population and the population dynamics (Crude birth ratio/crude death ratio, infant mortality rate and life expectancy) stem from Eurostat (available on annual basis).

EU-28 data on economic activity, employment and unemployment also stem from Eurostat, except for data on employment by economic activity sector which stem from the OECD web database. All employment data originate from EU-LFS (available on annual and quarterly bases, only annual data were used in this publication). The same data are also provided by the ILO.

The data used for the study of the rural population, the Gini coefficients used for the study of income inequality and the poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line for certain EU-28 members stem from the World Bank web database (available on annual basis).

Missing data on population dynamics for CIS countries were filled in by (annual) data from the World Health Organization (Global Health Observatory Data Repository).

Data provided by different sources are comparable at indicator/figure level.


<context of data collection and statistical results: policy background, uses of data, …>

See also

Subtitle of Statistics in focus article=PDF main title - Statistics in focus x/YYYY

Further Eurostat information

Data visualisation

  • Regional Statistics Illustrated - select statistical domain 'xxx' (= Agriculture, Economy, Education, Health, Information society, Labour market, Population, Science and technology, Tourism or Transport) (top right)


Publications in Statistics Explained (either online publications or Statistics in focus) should be in 'See also' above

Main tables

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Title(s) of third level folder (if any)


Title(s) of second level folder (if any)
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Dedicated section

Methodology / Metadata

<link to ESMS file, methodological publications, survey manuals, etc.>

Source data for tables, figures and maps (MS Excel)

Other information

<Regulations and other legal texts, communications from the Commission, administrative notes, Policy documents, …>

  • Regulation 1737/2005 (generating url [ Regulation 1737/2005]) of DD Month YYYY on ...
  • Directive 2003/86/EC (generating url [ Directive 2003/86/EC]) of DD Month YYYY on ...
  • Commission Decision 2003/86/EC (generating url [ Commission Decision 2003/86/EC]) of DD Month YYYY on ...

<For other documents such as Commission Proposals or Reports, see EUR-Lex search by natural number>

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