Economic accounts for agriculture (aact)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Federal Statistical Office

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Federal Statistical Office

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Environment, Sustainable Development, Territory Section

1.5. Contact mail address

Espace de l'Europe 10, CH-2010 Neuchâtel

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

Main characteristics

2.1.1 Describe shortly the main characteristics of the statistics  

The Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) provide detailed information on income in the agricultural sector. The purpose is to analyse the production process of the agricultural industry and the primary income generated by this production. The accounts are therefore based on the industry concept. The EAA accounts are detailed data on value of output (producer prices and basic prices), intermediate consumption, subsidies and taxes, consumption of fixed capital, rent and interests, capital formation etc. The values are in current as well as in constant prices. Agricultural Labour Input (ALI) and Unit Values (UV) are an integrated part of the overall concept of Economic Accounts for Agriculture.

Reference period

2.1.2 Reference period of the data collection 


2.1.3 Is the reference period based on the calendar year starting January 1st and ending December 31st? Yes
2.1.4 If No, please specify

National legislation

2.1.5 Is there a national legislation covering these statistics?  Yes
If Yes, please answer all the following questions.  
2.1.6 Name of the national legislation 

Ordonnance sur l'évaluation de la durabilité de l'agriculture (RS 919.118)

2.1.7 Link to the national legislation

2.1.8 Responsible organisation for the national legislation 

Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG)

2.1.9 Year of entry into force of the national legislation 


2.1.10 Please indicate which variables required under EU regulation are not covered by national legislation, if any.

Swiss regulation doesn't specify data catalogue, as it relies on Regulation (EC) 138/2004 via Bilateral Statistical Agreement between Switzerland and the European Union.

2.1.11 Please indicate which national definitions differ from those in the EU regulation, if any. 


2.1.12 Is there a legal obligation for respondents to reply?  No

Additional comments on data description

Switzerland published additional informations to the EU data catalogue, e.g. elements of balance sheet (fixed assets), details of output and of intermediate consumption.

Methodological description of Swiss EAA (e.g. chapter 4)
2.2. Classification system

The EAA is an integral part of the European system of accounts and therefore for their compilation the Eurostat's general classification of economic activities, NACE Rev. 2, is used.

2.3. Coverage - sector

EAA cover the Agricultural sector.

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

One of the principal objectives of the EAA is to measure agricultural income and changes therein.
The three agricultural income indicators can be described as follows:
Indicator A: index of the real income of factors in agriculture per AWU
Indicator B: index of real net agricultural entrepreneurial income, per non-salaried AWU
Indicator C: net entrepreneurial income of agriculture

2.5. Statistical unit

In order to analyse flows generated by the production process and the use of goods and services, it is necessary to select units which emphasise relationships of a technico-economic kind. This requirement means that as a rule institutional units must be partitioned into smaller and more homogeneous units with regard to the kind of production. Local kind-of-activity units (local KAUs) are intended to meet this requirement as a first but practically-oriented operational approach

2.6. Statistical population

The agricultural holding, which is the unit currently used for statistical studies of agriculture (censuses, surveys of the structure of agricultural holdings), is the local KAU most appropriate to the agricultural industry.In addition to agricultural holdings, the agricultural industry comprises units made up of groups of producers (e.g. cooperatives) which produce wine and olive oil and specialised units which provide machines, material and labour for the performance of contract work.

2.7. Reference area
2.7.1 Geographical area covered

The entire territory of the country.

2.7.2 Which special Member State territories are included?


2.8. Coverage - Time

1985-2018: all EAA items

A retropolation is available for the period 1848-1984 for following agregates: Output (10 categories), Intermediate Consumption (8 categories), Fixed Capital Consumtiion, Other taxes on production, Other subsidies on production, Factor Income

Swiss agriculture: from output to income, historical time series 1848-2018
Swiss agriculture: Output, historical time series 1848-2018
2.9. Base period

If applicable, mainly 2010 and 2013 (referring to the introduction of ESA2010 in 2014)

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data

Overall summary

3.1.1 Total number of different data sources used

At least 52 data sources are used for compiling the Swiss EAA. Expert values are reported in the EAA inventory (contextual), and are not reported here. Please note that the appended tables 3.1 & 3.3 comprise those 562 data sources, non of which is solely collected for the use of EAA. Table 3.3 has been used here as the structure of information suits better the purpose. Table 3.1 is used solely to precise the sampling methodology of the Swiss FADN, because of it's importance in the elaboration and compilation of EAA.

The breakdown is as follows: 
3.1.2 Total number of sources of the type "Census"

1 (Farm Structure Survey, the basic yearly module: jobs, crops, livestock)

3.1.3 Total number of sources of the type "Sample survey"


3.1.4 Total number of sources of the type "Administrative source"


3.1.5 Total number of sources of the type "Experts"

0 (in reality, many expert values are implicitely used in the compilation of EAA; they are part of the inventory of Swiss EAA, and reach over most accounting items)

3.1.6 Total number of sources of the type "Other sources"



If there is a specific census conducted in your country to collect data exclusively for the EAA please describe it in this part. For other data sources please use table 3.1 in the annexed Excel file. If metadata already exist just provide the name of the data source. 
3.1.7 Name/Title

doesn't apply

3.1.8 Name of Organisation responsible
3.1.9 Main scope
3.1.10 List used to build the frame
3.1.11 Any possible threshold values
3.1.12 Population size
3.1.13 Additional comments

Sample survey

If there is a specific survey conducted in your country to collect data exclusively for the EAA please describe it in this part. For other data sources please use table 3.1. If metadata already exist just provide the name of the data source.(e.g. FSS, Crop production, Animal production, Prices in Agriculture) 
3.1.14 Name/Title

doesn't apply

3.1.15 Name of Organisation responsible
3.1.16 Main scope
3.1.17 List used to build the frame
3.1.18 Any possible threshold values
3.1.19 Population size
3.1.20 Sample size
3.1.21 Sampling basis
3.1.22 If Other, please specify
3.1.23 Type of sample design
3.1.24 If Other, please specify
3.1.25 If Stratified, number of strata
3.1.26 If Stratified, stratification criteria
3.1.27 If Other, please specify
3.1.28 Additional comments

Administrative source

If there is a specific administrative source in your country witch provide data exclusively for the EAA please describe it in this part. For other administrative sources please use table 3.1. If metadata already exist just provide the name of the data source. 
3.1.29 Name/Title

doesn't apply

3.1.30 Name of Organisation responsible
3.1.31 Contact information (email and phone)
3.1.32 Main administrative scope
3.1.33 Geospatial Coverage
3.1.34 Update frequency
3.1.35 Legal basis
3.1.36 Are you able to access directly to the micro data?
3.1.37 Are you able to check the plausibility of the data, namely by contacting directly the units?
3.1.38 How would you assess the proximity of the definitions and concepts (including statistical units) used in the administrative source with those required in the EU regulation?
3.1.39 Please list the main differences between the administrative source and the statistical definitions and concepts
3.1.40 Is a different threshold used in the administrative source and statistical data?
3.1.41 If Yes, please specify
3.1.42 Additional comments


If there is a specific expert source in your country witch provide data exclusively for the EAA please describe it in this part. For other expert sources please use table 3.1. If metadata already exist just provide the name of the data source.
3.1.43 Name/Title

Applies, but is explained contextually in the EAA inventory

3.1.44 Primary purpose
3.1.45 Legal basis
3.1.46 Update frequency
3.1.47 Expert data supplier
3.1.48 If Other, please specify
3.1.49 How would you assess the quality of those data?
3.1.50 Additional comments

Other sources

If there is more than one other statistical activity, please describe the main one below and the additional ones in table 3.1 of the annexed Excel file 
3.1.51 Name/Title

doesn't apply

3.1.52 Name of Organisation
3.1.53 Primary purpose
3.1.54 Data type
3.1.55 If Other, please specify
3.1.56 How would you assess the quality of those data?
3.1.57 Additional comments


See Table 3.1 and Table 3.3
3.2. Frequency of data collection


3.3. Data collection


If there is a specific census conducted in your country to collect data exclusively for the EAA please describe the method of data collection in this part. For other data sources please use table 3.3. If metadata alredy exist just provide the name of the data source. 
3.3.1 Name/Title

doesn't apply

3.3.2 Methods of data collection
3.3.3 If Other, please specify
3.3.4 If face-to-face or telephone interview, which method is used?
3.3.5 Data entry method, if paper questionnaires?
3.3.6 Please annex the questionnaire used (if very long: please provide the hyperlink)
3.3.7 Additional comments

No specific EAA census is conducted in Switzerland

Sample survey

If there is a specific survay conducted in your country to collect data exclusively for the EAA please describe the method of data collection in this part.For other data sources please use table 3.3. If metadata alredy exist just provide the name of the data source. 
3.3.8 Name/Title

doesn't apply

3.3.9 Methods of data collection
3.3.10 If Other, please specify
3.3.11 If face-to-face or telephone interview, which method is used?
3.3.12 Data entry method, if paper questionnaires?
3.3.13 Please annex the questionnaire used (if very long: please provide the hyperlink)
3.3.14 Additional comments

No specific EAA sample survey is conducted in Switzerland

Administrative source

If there is a specific administrative source in your country to collect data exclusively for the EAA please describe the metod of data collection in this part.For other data sources please use table 3.3. If metadata alredy exist just provide the name of the data source. 
3.3.15 Name/Title

doesn't apply

3.3.16 Extraction date
3.3.17 How easy is it to get access to the data?
3.3.18 Data transfer method
3.3.19 Additional comments

No specific administrative source is collecting data is collecting data exclusively for EAA in Switzerland


If there is a specific expert source in your country witch provide data exclusively for the EAA please describe the metod of data collection in this part. For other expert sources please use table 3.3. If metadata alredy exist just provide the name of the data source.
3.3.20 Name/Title

Wine grapes harvest forecast for first estimation current year: 2-3 experts are contacted beginning of September to give their appreciation of expected grape harvest of the current year under review.

3.3.21 Methods of data collection

Phone and email

3.3.22 Additional comments


3.4. Data validation
3.4.1 Which kind of data validation measures are in place? Manual
3.4.2 What do they target? Completeness
Data flagging
3.4.3 If Other, please specify

Evolutions of FADN results, of VAT statistics (turnover per activity 4 digits) are confronted to EAA results

3.5. Data compilation
3.5.1 Describe the data compilation process

Please see schema added file

3.5.2 Additional comments

Swiss EAA statistical production process
3.6. Adjustment

EAA beeing a macroeconomical synthesis statistic, adjustments are made where needed to damper and eliminate whereever possible the statistical effects of measurement variations in basic statistics as FSS. In the yearly FSS, some specific variables can be subject to variations caused by non response. Especially specific horticulture areas (under glass / under plastic) are subject th yearly unwished variations which are more the expression of missing data or uncertain data entry (e-survey) between detail crop categories than the measure of a real structural change. As in the absolute small area variations may have big monetary consequences (e.g. 1 ha of horticulture under glass can give an output of over 1 million €), it is necessary the proceed to some adjustments in order to avoid unrealistic yearly variations of those specific subcategories of very high output crops.

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance
4.1.1 Is there a quality management system used in the organisation? Yes
4.1.2 If yes, how is it implemented?

Evolutions are analyzed on national and regional level; every dissemination article (tables, data base, grafs, press release, etc.) undergoes an independent double check. Every item is validated during the yearly meeting of the EAA Conference (experts of Federal Statistical Office, Federal Office for Agriculture, Federal Agriculture Research Institute, statistical unit of Swiss Farmer's Union), under strict observation of confidentiality and embargo (European Code of Practice).

4.1.3 Has a peer review been carried out? No
4.1.4 If Yes, which were the main conclusions?
4.1.5 What quality improvements are foreseen? Further automation
4.1.6 If Other, please specify
4.1.7 Additional comments

Quality improvement will mainly be reached by staying relevant in the observation of reality, in improving the coverage of rising activities and lowering non observed economy. The 2020 benchmark revision  of NA will be an opportunity to revise the Swiss EAA.

4.2. Quality management - assessment

Development since the last quality report

4.2.1 Overall quality Stable
4.2.2 Relevance Stable
4.2.3 Accuracy and reliability Stable
4.2.4 Timeliness and punctuality Stable
4.2.5 Comparability Stable
4.2.6 Coherence Stable
4.2.7 Additional comments

Overall stable, but with some deteriotation in available sources (e.g. FADN has been revised, effects can only be taken on board in benchmark revision 2020). Relevance of diffusion articles and user proximity have been improved since 2017, as common simultaneous public presentation of FADN (final data previous year) and EAA (first estimates current year) results is performed beginning of October.

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs
5.1.1 If certain user needs are not met, please specify which and why

Unmet user needs mentionned by requests:

- Disagregated GVA per output category (GVA cereals, GVA milk, etc.), Input-Output table for agriculture (physical and monetary)

- EAA (REAA) data on a very small regional scale (municipality)

- Output data according to production labels

- Specific EAA for organic farming

- Agricultural household account and distribution of income

5.1.2 Please specify any plans to satisfy needs more completely in the future
- We give some hints and data, as much as possible (e.g. intra-unit and between agricultural units flows), especially in the context of the National Research Programme "Healthy Nutrition and Sustainable Food Production" (NRP 69), but would like to develop those cross tables to offer a richer perspective on EAA data.
- Bridges with social and environmental dimensions could also be easier made.
- Today, interfaces exist allready between Swiss EAA and SEEA (e.g. AEA, EGSS, MFA).
- In the context of SEEA/EGSS module, we developed the zoom on organic agriculture in compiling a "organic agriculture EAA"; we expect to publish the main results before May 2019.
- Ideas more than plans: Develop a (partial) I/O table specific to EAA (physical and monetary), with layers of factors and coefficients to implement comprehensive bridges (especially to SEEA modules and NA I/O). Limiting factor will be the availability of resources during 2019-2020 (ordinary statistical production, benchmark revision 2020 of EAA and NA, and extensions).
5.1.3 Additional comments

Unit values statistics (implicite by-product of EAA) are much asked for, because they give the physical dimension of output. An extension to EAA in form of I/O tables (physical and monetary) would be a sensible step in building up coherent interfaces, especially with SEEA modules (e.g. AEA, EGSS, MFA, future AFF...) and NA Input/Output Tables.

5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction
5.2.1 Has a user satisfaction survey been conducted? No
If Yes, please answer all the following questions 
5.2.2 Year of the user satisfaction survey
5.2.3 How satisfied were the users?
5.2.4 Additional comments

We measure satisfaction on the media feedback review after getting out with our EAA press release beginning of October (first estimates of current year). In 2018, we released results on 2 October: the prime time news on Swiss german national TV made a comment and interview, added with in depth analysis wirh interviews in the daily focus programme 10vor10. Diffusion on e-medias was satisfactory, but diffusion in the daily newspapers was less successfull this year, because of concurrence of other important matters that day.

5.3. Completeness
5.3.1 Data completeness - rate


5.3.2 If not complete, which characteristics are missing?

- Output of transformed wine (item 17140), like "cognac/grappa/marc", is not recorded (only the value of wine is recorded).
- Fertilisers supplied by other holdings (item 19031) are not recorded (alike, their output counterpart is also not recorded); effect on GVA, factor income and other balance items is null.
- GFCF in farm buildings (item 33210) comprises also content of item 33220 GFCF in other dwellings (except land improvements); actual data sources do not allow separation of both asset sub-categories. Total GFCF for building assets is reputed complete, with some accuracy concerns.

5.3.3 Additional comments

Some productions are very marginal or only the output of a few holdings, and are therefore not recorded (rice, olive oil, silk worms).

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall
6.1.1 How good is the accuracy? Very good
6.1.2 What are the main factors lowering the accuracy? Other
Coverage error
Measurement error
6.1.3 If Other, please specify

Benchmark revision 2020 (coordinated with NA) will look into following topics (according to actual state of knowledge):
- Extrapolation of FADN data for use in EAA: inclusion of FADN revision 2015
- Output: residual non observed economy (e.g. narcotics, merging crop and animal products, secondary activities), horticulture
- Intermediate consumption: testing of alternative sources (energy, fertilisers), introducing revision of fodder balance
- Compensation of employees: testing new data source (based on register data of social welfare contributions)
- Subsidies: improving coverage of local goverment support schemes (Cantons, communes)
- Fixed capital consumption: review mortality functions of PIM, review residual problematic of geometrical approaches
- Rents: test expected increase in rents because of legislation change about fiscal rentability rates on UAA; introduce trend correction if increase observed
- GFCF: review measurement of building assets (e.g. glass houses)
- Capital transfers (receivables): improving coverage of local goverment support schemes (Cantons, communes)
- Labour input: testing of FSS data 2010,2013,2016; cross-check and revision of EAA/ALI if needed

6.1.4 Additional comments
6.2. Sampling error

Doesn't apply for EAA, applies eventually on basic statistics (FSS, FADN).

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

doesn't apply

6.3. Non-sampling error

doesn's apply

6.3.1. Coverage error Over-coverage - rate Common units - proportion
6.3.2. Measurement error
6.3.3. Non response error Unit non-response - rate Item non-response - rate
6.3.4. Processing error Imputation - rate
6.3.5. Model assumption error
6.4. Seasonal adjustment
6.5. Data revision - policy
Revision policy of EAA follows strictly revision policy of National Account:
- in average, each 5 years: benchmark revision; coming up next: 2020
- in average, each 10 years: methodological revision (e.g. introduction ESA2010); comming up next: 2024-2025
Of course, actualisation is yearly performed on the 3 previous years, as sources give provisional or definitive status of data. This ordinary statistical production process is not beeing regarded as revisions.
6.6. Data revision - practice
6.6.1 Data revision - average size
6.6.2 Were data revisions due to conceptual changes (e.g. new definitions)  carried out since the last quality report? Yes
6.6.3 What was the main reason for the revisions?

Stay close to reality; apply international standards (e.g. ESA1995, ESA2010, NACE Rev1.1, NACE Rev.2), opportun corrections and improvements of compilation techniques, adaptation to new data sources (e.g. replacement of livestock statistical source / census through administrative data from livestock register).

6.6.4 How do you evaluate the impact of the revisions? Important
6.6.5 Additional comments

Some major revisions on EAA methodology and data:

2014: introduction of ESA2010 (e.g. Major land improvement shifted from incorporal to corporal fixed assets), livestock inventory changes based on animal/livestock register (2008-2013), and better alignement of Agricultural Labour Input in the overall total economy productivity analysis. Revision of bridge between EAA and NA (sectoralisation of EAA in institutional sectors S.11, S.13, S.14). 

2012: introduction of NACE Rev.2 (major revision of bridge table between branch 01 account and NA (horticultural landscaping services shifted to third sector of economy, without effect on EAA)

1985-2011: Output and intermediate consumption in rough fodder: bringing in line with forage balance sheet, and introducing an improved price scheme

1985-2011: Output and GFCF of cattle and pigs: introducing new data source (Livestock Database) and neutralising breaks in timeseries caused by changes in data sources (secondary effect: adjustment of output of meat processing / non agricultural non separable secondary activity)

1985-2011: FCC Buildings (secondary effect on intermediate consumption and real estate rents): improved assessment of depreciation periods of different farm building categories, as their composition has significantly changed those last 50 years. Neutralising unwished breaks in timeseries.

1990-2011: Output milk: revised quantity scheme (bringing in line with food and fodder balance sheets)

2004-2008: Output wheat (cereals): adjustment of price scheme

1985-2011: FISIM: revision of National Accounts (introduction of NACE Rev.2 in 2012) had effect on agricultural branch, items intermediate consumption, interests paid and interests received (is of no effect on entrepreneurial income).

1994-2002: Some punctual improvements in GFCF assessment (machinery, software)


FSO can rely on the participation of experts from inside FSO (National Accounts, Agriculture, Labour market, Methodology, Prices, etc.) and external to improve compilation technics, data sources and expert values and coefficients:

- Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG)
- Agroscope (Swiss Federal government agriculture, food and environmental research organisation)
- Swiss Farmer's Union
- Professional organisations (e.g. Jardin Suisse, Swiss horticulture organisation)


7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness
7.1.1 When were  the first  results for the reference period published?

03.10.2017 via Presse Release for the first estimates 2017, 02.10.2018 via Press Release for the first estimates 2018

7.1.2 When were  the final results for the reference period published?

On publication date 03.10.2017, status of data was as following:

current year t (2017): first estimates

previous year t-1 (2016): provisional data

year t-2 (2015): semi-definitive data (FISIM is still provisional, being delivered by National Accounts)

year t-3 (2014): definitive

years t-4 to t-n (where n>4): unchanged definitive data

7.1.3 Reasons for possible long production times?

For historical and state reasons (availability of first estimates early in automn before parliament session), Swiss EAA first estimates have since 2003 been published beginning of October, so very early in international comparision. The reasons of long production times until definitive final results can be published (see 7.1.2) are because of availability of definitive data from some basic statistics (e.g. State finances statistics other all three levels: Federal, Cantons, communes, VAT statistics) and FISIM of NA (only available after +32 months).

7.2. Punctuality
7.2.1 Were data released nationally according to a pre-announced schedule (Release Calendar)? Yes
7.2.2 If Yes, were data released on the target date? Yes
7.2.3 If No, reasons for delays?
7.2.4 Number of days between the national release date of data and the target date


Press release Economic Accounts for Agriculture: estimates 2017 (released on 3.10.2017)

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

To be assessed by Eurostat

8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient
8.2. Comparability - over time
8.2.1 Length of comparable time series

33 reference periods (since 1985 for all items of EAA). Since 1848 for some major agregates.

8.2.2 Have there been major breaks in the time series? No
8.2.3 If Yes, please specify the year of break and the reason
8.2.4 Additional comments

Please see appended files under point 2.8 (very long time series)

Swiss Agriculture: an economical glance and retrospective 1848 - 2010
8.3. Coherence - cross domain
8.3.1 With which other national data sources have the data been compared?


8.3.2 Describe briefly the results of comparisons

Major trends and evolutions are comparable in direction, levels can selectively be compared. For more information, see FSO News:

8.3.3 If no comparisons have been made, explain why
8.3.4 Additional comments

Major level differences are explained by different accounting methodology and also differences by representated universum of agricultural units:
1) FCC is valuated differently: by FADN, financial accounting allows some fiscal optimisation by years of better income and FCC is valued at aquisition prices; in EAA, the FCC is calculated according to NA-rules, to actual replacement prices; depreciation functions and periods can also be different.
2) The valuation of intra-unit flows is different between FADN and EAA.
3) threshold of FADN does not take into account smaller units (e.g. between 1-10 ha UAA)
4) Swiss FADN puts inclusion priority on food producing units respectively on the threshold of units which benefit of agricultural policy support scheme (direct payments), so that domains like horticulture units  and agricultural services contractors units are not or only scarcely representated
5) FADN valuates the compensation of own (equity) capital (deposits, land, buildings, equipment, etc.), as EAA records only effective property income on deposits and current accounts.
6) Inventories are recorded in FADN following defined thresholds of rounded price levels, as EAA records inventories to the average yearly prices.
Major evolution differences appeared in earlier periods, when the FADN sample was less representative.

The two barometers of Swiss agriculture (available in French, Italian, German)
8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

doesnt't apply

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

Use of EAA-data in NA calculations

Are EAA used by NA as data source for Group 01 Degree of implication Please describe briefly the reasons
Output Main source used

Highly reliable; completed with additional account of small agricultural units

Intermediate consumption Main source used

Highly reliable; completed with additional account of small agricultural units

Fixed capital consumption Secondary source used

Highly reliable; completed with additional account of small agricultural units; used for cultivated assets in accumulation accounts of NA

Compensation of employees Not used

NA are only compiling production account on group level (derogation with Eurostat); extension to primary income per group planned for benchmark revision 2020 of NA; EAA will then be only or main source as beeing highly reliable; No compensation of employees paid out by small agricultural units.

Taxes Secondary source used

NA are only compiling production account on group level (derogation with Eurostat); extension to primary income per group planned for benchmark revision 2020 of NA; EAA will then be only or main source as beeing highly reliable; No compensation of employees paid out by small agricultural units.

Subsidies Secondary source used

NA uses item subsidies of EAA for coherence assessment. NA are only compiling production account on group level (derogation with Eurostat); extension to primary income per group planned for benchmark revision 2020 of NA; EAA will then be only or main source as beeing highly reliable; actually, the VAT under/over compensation as well as the calculated subsidy on interests for public investment loans (credits) according to EAA are taken over by NA.

Rents Not used

NA are only compiling production account on group level (derogation with Eurostat); extension to primary income per group planned for benchmark revision 2020 of NA; EAA will then be only or main source as beeing highly reliable.

Interest Not used

NA are only compiling production account on group level (derogation with Eurostat); extension to primary income per group planned for benchmark revision 2020 of NA; EAA will then be only or main source as beeing highly reliable.

Gross fixed capital formation Secondary source used

Highly reliable; completed with additional account of small agricultural units; used for cultivated assets in accumulation accounts and balance sheet of NA

Labour input Secondary source used

Highly reliable; completed with additional account of small agricultural units; as NA uses Full Time Equivalents instead of Annual Working Units (Swiss standard: 1 AWU = 2800 working hours per year), NA uses EAA & small units variations of labour input chained on a level fixed for a base year; those labour input data are used for labour and multifactorial productivities of NA.

Use of NA-data in EAA calculations

Are NA used as data source for EAA Degree of implication  Please describe briefly the reasons 
Output Not used

EAA (together with account of small agricultural units) is the source for group 01 of NA.

Intermediate consumption Secondary source used

NA delivers FISIM as an agregate for all the groupes of primary sector (agriculture, forestry and fisheries). The subdivision is then performed by the system of economic and satellite accounts for the primary sector (EAA is a module of this system, acronym = SAKO-1); for all other components of intermediate consumption, EAA (together with account of small agricultural units) is the source for group 01 of NA.

Fixed capital consumption Not used

EAA (together with account of small agricultural units) is the source for group 01 of NA.

Compensation of employees Not used

EAA (together with account of small agricultural units) is the source for group 01 of NA.

Taxes Not used

EAA (together with account of small agricultural units) is the source for group 01 of NA.

Subsidies Not used

EAA (together with account of small agricultural units) is the source for group 01 of NA.

Rents Not used

EAA (together with account of small agricultural units) is the source for group 01 of NA.

Interest Secondary source used

NA delivers FISIM as an agregate for all the groupes of primary sector (agriculture, forestry and fisheries). The subdivision is then performed by the system of economic and satellite accounts for the primary sector (EAA is a module of this system, acronym = SAKO-1); for all other components of intermediate consumption, EAA (together with account of small agricultural units) is the source for group 01 of NA.

Gross fixed capital formation Not used

EAA (together with account of small agricultural units) is the source for group 01 of NA.

Labour input Secondary source used

NA delivers total input in Full Time Equivalents as an agregate for all the groupes of primary sector (agriculture, forestry and fisheries). The subdivision is then performed by the system of economic and satellite accounts for the primary sector (EAA is a module of this system, acronym = SAKO-1), based on labour input volume, which is calculated within the SAKO-1 modules (in AWU's or working hours, as per Swiss definition 1 AWU = 2800 working hours per year).

8.6. Coherence - internal

The double entry (or 4 entry when self produced investment goods are involved) accounting structure of EAA gives a basic internal coherence between output, intermediate consumption, and between output and GFCF (e.g. intra-unit consumption, intra-branch consumption, own account production of capital). Following coherences are for example especially looked into:

- between compensation of employees and salaried AWU's,

- between fluctuations of fruit and grape production and salaried temporary employees

- between animal production, livestock numbers, rough forage production and purchased fodder outside of agriculture

- between agricultural services, crop production and secondary non agricultural output

- between irrigation costs and water needs (drought situations)

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release
9.1.1 Do you publish a news release? Yes
9.1.2 If Yes, please provide a link

Press release
9.2. Dissemination format - Publications
9.2.1 Do you produce a paper publication? Yes
9.2.2 If Yes, is there an English version? Yes
9.2.3 Do you produce an electronic publication? Yes
9.2.4 If Yes, is there an English version? Yes
9.2.5 Please provide a link

Please note that english versions are not available in the full extent than French or German pages.

9.3. Dissemination format - online database
9.3.1 Data tables - consultations

FSO provides through its web site different ways to access EAA data (REAA data is also available, but not included here):

- Indicators: 3000-4000 visits

- Statistical encyclopedia: 2000 downloads (excel-tables)

- Interactive database (PC-Axis): 1000 extracts

9.3.2 Is an on-line database accessible to users? Yes
9.3.3 Please provide a link

Please note that english versions are not available in the full extent than French or German pages.


9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access
9.4.1 Are micro-data accessible to users? No
9.4.2 Please provide a link
9.5. Dissemination format - other

Maps are available for Regional Accounts for Agriculture.

Excel tables are available with specific zooms on output, intermediate consumption and accumulation.

The Swiss EAA integrates also elements of the balance sheet (e.g. fixed assets).


Please note that english versions are not available in the full extent than French or German pages.


9.6. Documentation on methodology
9.6.1 Are national reference metadata files available? Yes
9.6.2 Please provide a link

This methodology in English has since then been updated (but only available in French or German), and covers the methodology reference 2018:

9.6.3 Are methodological papers available? Yes
9.6.4 Please provide a link

9.6.5 Is a handbook available? Yes
9.6.6 Please provide a link

Economic and satellite accounts for the primary sector: an introduction in theory and practice (3rd edition 2018 only available in French or German)
9.7. Quality management - documentation
9.7.1 Metadata completeness - rate

Rate depends on metadata system used. It belongs to Eurostat to fullfill metadata system for EAA diffusion articles.

9.7.2 Metadata - consultations


9.7.3 Is a quality report available? Yes
9.7.4 Please provide a link

This document is the actual quality report

10. Cost and Burden Top
10.1 Efficiency gains if compared to the previous quality report Further automation
Increased use of administrative data
Further training
10.2 If Other, please specify
10.3 Burden reduction measures since the previous quality report Multiple use of the collected data
10.4 If Other, please specify

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy
11.1.1 Are confidential data transmitted to Eurostat? Yes
11.1.2 If yes, are they confidential in the sense of Reg. (EC) 223/2009? No
11.1.3 Describe the data confidentiality policy in place

So called final data for EAA are send to Eurostat under embargo, because they haven't yet been published in Switzerland. This is because the deadline for final data is end of September, and the dissemination day of this final data in Switzerland is beginning of October. This embargo is noted in the comments when transmitting the data to Eurostat. Confidentiality applies for a few days only. This data is not confidential in the strict sense of Regulation (EC) 223/2009, as it cannot allow to identify individuals or enterprises.

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment
11.2.1 Describe the procedures for ensuring confidentiality during dissemination

Basically, EAA is a synthesis macroeconomics statistics, and confidentiality would be only a marginal issue. As explained under point 5.3_3, productions which are performed by a very few units are not covered by EAA, or merged within an other item (example: if significative but only very few producers, quinoa would be merged with major crop rye).

11.2.2 Additional comments

For Regional Accounts for Agriculture, the Canton "Basel-Stadt" is merged with Canton "Basel-Landschaft", because less than 25 holdings exist, and individual identification would be possible as their production patterns are specific.
It is to be noted that some marginal crop and animal categories published by FSO in the domain of the yearly farm structures are more detailed than e.g. the economic output values published by FSO in the domain of EAA.

Confidentiality issues appear during compilation of EAA:

a) extraction of FSS microdata: only trusted FSO statistical personal (operating under respect of federal statistics and data protection legislation); microdata are in protected databases, on protected servers.

b) data sources under embargo: FADN data, price statistics, production statistics: this is common as needed for early first estimates sometimes several weeks before dissemination of those basic input statistics; only trusted FSO statistical personal (operating under respect of federal statistics and data protection legislation); microdata and macrodata are in protected databases, on protected servers.

c) first pilot estimates are discussed in the expert group "EAA Conference" (ordinary yearly quality insurance process for first estimates, taking place in September of current year under review), joining statistical experts from Federal Statistical Office, Federal Office for Agriculture, Agroscope (agricultural economy research institute, FADN), statistical unit of Swiss Farmer's Union: all trusted persons are trusted with confidentiality rules

12. Comment Top

Detailed information can be found in the Swiss EAA inventory, or in the public methodological report (3rd edition only available in French or German):
It is to be noted that before 2003, the Swiss EAA (EAA89 methodology) had been elaborated and produced by the Swiss Farmer's Union, partly financed by the Federal Office for Agriculture. In the context of the introduction of ESA1995 in the Swiss NA, FSO decided to centralize all satellite accounts. FSO revised the EAA with the contribution of the Swiss Farmer's Union, in order to introduce EAA97 (ESA1995) in 2003, as a source for revised NA (ESA1995) to be introduced in 2004. Since then, the Swiss EAA are produced by FSO, with the statistical unit of Swiss Farmer's Union acting as contractor for half of the work involved. Financement of this outsourcing is insured by both FSO and Federal Office for Agriculture. Institutional independance according to Code of Practice is garanteed as the statistical unit of Swiss farmer's Union ist an official statistical institution according to the Swiss Federal Statistical Law.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
ESQRS Annexe Switzerland 2018