Economic accounts for agriculture (aact)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Portugal (Instituto Nacional de Estatística, I.P.)

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Portugal (Instituto Nacional de Estatística, I.P.)

1.2. Contact organisation unit

National Accounts Department (Departamento de Contas Nacionais – DCN) - Satellite Accounts and Quality Assessment of National Accounts Unit (Serviço de contas satélite e de avaliação de qualidade das contas nacionais – CSAQ)

1.5. Contact mail address

Av. António José de Almeida, 5

1000-043 Lisboa




2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 30/09/2018
2.2. Metadata last posted 30/09/2018
2.3. Metadata last update 30/09/2018

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

The Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) provide detailed information on income from agricultural activity.

The methods are laid down in the Regulation (EC) 138/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

3.2. Classification system

The EAA are an integral part of the ESA. As such, they are compiled based on NACE Rev.2, the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community. The list of activities which defines the agricultural industry corresponds, in principle, to Division 01 of that classification: Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities. However, some differences exist and they are detailed in Annex 1 of Regulation (EC) 138/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

3.2.1. Level of detail for compilation of EAA

See the detail below. Components of the Production account : Output

See sheets to in the attached Excel file 'Annex 1 - Components of the Production account - Output' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Components of the Production account : Intermediate consumption

See sheets (a) to (c) in the attached Excel file 'Annex 2 - Components of the Production account - Intermediate consumption' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Components of the Generation of income account

See sheet in the attached Excel file 'Annex 3 - Components of the Generation of income account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Components of the Entrepreneurial income account

See sheet in the attached Excel file 'Annex 4 - Components of the Entrepreneurial income account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Components of the Capital account

See sheet in the attached Excel file 'Annex 5 - Elements of the Capital account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

3.3. Coverage - sector

The sector covers all units involved in agricultural production, even if some of those units have more important economic activities or if the purpose of some others is not commercial. However, kitchen gardens (producing for own-consumption only) are not included.

The list of agricultural activities characteristic of the EAA corresponds to the seven groups of Division 01 of NACE Rev 2 activities (01.1 to 01.7), with the following caveats:

- the inclusion of the production of wine and olive oil (exclusively using grapes and olives grown by the same holding),

- the exclusion of certain activities which, in NACE Rev. 2, are considered as agricultural services (e.g. the operation of irrigation systems - only agricultural contract work is taken into account here).

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

A detailed methodology can be found in Annex I of Regulation (EC) 138/2004.

The EAA are satellite accounts of the European System of Accounts (ESA) providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry.

The EAA are shown as a sequence of inter-related accounts. As the EAA are based on the industry concept, the sequence of accounts is limited to the first accounts of the current account:

- the production account and

- the generation-of-income account

whose balancing items are value added and operating surplus, respectively.

Nevertheless, it should be possible to compile other accounts, at least in part, in so far as the relevant flows can be clearly attributed to them. The accounts in question are the following:

- the entrepreneurial income account (one of the current accounts) and

- the capital account (one of the accumulation accounts).

The EAA provide a wide range of indicators on the economic activities in the agricultural sector: these include output, intermediate consumption, gross and net value added, gross fixed capital formation (GFCF), both in current prices and in constant prices, as well as compensation of employees, other taxes and subsidies on production, net operating surplus or net mixed income, property income and net entrepreneurial income in current prices.

Three indicators of the economic performance of agriculture are defined in the EAA:

•Indicator A: Index of the real income of factors in agricultural per annual work unit.           
•Indicator B: Index of real net agricultural entrepreneurial income per unpaid annual work unit.          
•Indicator C: Net entrepreneurial income of agriculture.

3.4.1. Components of the Production account : Output

Agricultural output is the total of agricultural products and the goods and services produced in inseparable non-agricultural secondary activities created during the accounting period. It is recorded as a resource in the production account and it is valued and recorded at the time it is generated, that is when produced and not when paid by the purchaser.

In the compilation of the EAA, output is progressively broken down in quantity terms (see paragraph 2.037 of Regulation (EC) 138/2004).

Output is valued at the basic price. The basic price is the price receivable by the producers from the purchaser for a unit of a good or service produced, minus any tax (i.e. taxes on products) payable on that unit plus any subsidy (i.e. subsidies on products) receivable on that unit. The basic price excludes any transport charges invoiced separately by the producer. It also excludes holding gains and losses on financial and non-financial assets.

The valuation of output at the basic price makes it necessary to distinguish between taxes (other than VAT) on products and subsidies on products, on the one hand, and other taxes and subsidies on production, on the other. 

3.4.2. Components of the Production account : Intermediate consumption

Intermediate consumption represents the value of all goods and services used as inputs in the production process, excluding fixed assets whose consumption is recorded as fixed capital consumption.

The inputs used for intermediate consumption should be valued at the purchaser prices for similar goods and services applicable at the time of their insertion in the production process. The purchaser price includes taxes less subsidies on products (but excluding deductible taxes like VAT on the products). It also includes any transport charges paid separately by the purchaser to take delivery at the required time and place.

3.4.3. Components of the Generation of income account

In the case of the generation of income account, the distributive transactions relate to other taxes on production, other subsidies on production and the compensation of employees.

For details please see sheet 3.4.3 - Other questions in the attached Excel file 'Annex 3 - Components of the Generation of income account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

3.4.4. Components of the Entrepreneurial income account

The entrepre­neurial income account records certain types of property income (mainly land rents, interest and property income attributed to insurance policy holders).

For details please see sheet 3.4.4 - Other questions in the attached Excel file 'Annex 4 - Components of the Entrepreneurial income account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

3.4.5. Elements of the Capital account

In addition to Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF), the capital account records distributive trans­actions corresponding to aid for investment and other capital transfers.

3.5. Statistical unit

The overall unit is the agricultural sector. However, in order to provide more detailed information and to analyse flows generated by the production process and the use of goods and services, it is necessary to select units which emphasise relationships of a technical-economic kind. This means that, as a rule, institutional units must be broken-down into smaller and more homogeneous units with regard to the kind of production (local kind-of-activity units/local KAUs) are intended to meet this requirement (ESA 2010, 2.147).

The local KAU is defined as the part of a KAU which corresponds to a local unit. The institutional unit's information system must be capable of indicating or calculating for each local KAU at least the value of output, intermediate consumption, compensation of employees, the operating surplus and employment and gross fixed capital formation (ESA 2010, 2.148).

The agricultural holding, (the unit currently used for statistical studies of agriculture (censuses, surveys of the structure of agricultural holdings), is the local KAU most appropriate to the agricultural industry (even though certain other units, such as wine or olive oil cooperatives, or units performing contract work, etc., have to be included in it). Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that the variety of agricultural activities that can be performed on agricultural holdings makes them a special type of local KAU. The strict application of the ESA rule to units and their group should in fact result in a division of the agricultural holding into several separate local KAUs in cases where several activities of the NACE Rev. 2 four-digit class are performed on the same holding.

3.6. Statistical population

Although the ESA gives pre-eminence to local KAUs, the unit best suited to analyse the production process is the unit of homogeneous production (UHP). This unit is used to analyse inputs and outputs, since it corresponds exactly to a type of activity. Institutional units are thus divided into as many UHPs as there are activities (other than ancillary). By grouping these units of homogeneous production it is possible to break down the economy into 'pure' (homogeneous) branches. A UHP cannot, as a rule, be directly observed. Therefore, the accounts of homogeneous branches cannot be compiled on the basis of groups of UHPs. The ESA describes a method for compiling these accounts.

The use of the local KAU as the basic unit for the agricultural industry entails recording non-agricultural secondary activities where they cannot be distinguished from the main agricultural activity (inseparable non-agricultural secondary activities of local agricultural KAUs) The selection criterion for inseparable non-agricultural secondary activities is rather the type of activity than the nature of the product. For example, agro-tourism services provided by a farm must only be included if they cannot be separated from its agricultural activities.

3.7. Reference area

All country (Mainland and Autonomous Regions of Azores and Madeira).

3.8. Coverage - Time


3.9. Base period

B2016 (like National Accounts)

4. Unit of measure Top

Millions of euros

Thousands of AWU

5. Reference Period Top


6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

EU legislation:

Regulation (EC) No 138/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 December 2003 on the economic accounts for agriculture in the Community as amended


National legislation: 

There is no specific national legislation covering EAA statistics.

In Portugal, and considering the 2008 National Statistical System Basic Law, Statistics Portugal is responsible for collecting data and information, with a view to producing and disseminating official statistical information.

6.1.1. Responsible institution for compilation of EAA and unit values of agricultural products

Statistics Portugal (Instituto Nacional de Estatística, I.P.)


6.1.2. Responsible institution for compilation of Agricultural Income Index

Statistics Portugal (Instituto Nacional de Estatística, I.P.)

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing
In accordance with EU legal acts and other agreements, Statistics Portugal is given the mandate to collect data and information, in order to produce and disseminate official statistical information, in the light of the Basic Law of the National Statistical System, 2008.
In accordance with the dissemination policy in force at Statistics Portugal, statistical data are for public access and use.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy
Confidentiality is the fundamental pillar of official statistical production:
• Ensures the protection of information given to statistical authorities to produce official statistics
• Confers the indispensable confidence in the NSS.
The official statistical activity and the application of the principle of statistical confidentiality are carried out in strict compliance with the established i) in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, ii) in Law no 22/2008, of 13 of May, which establishes the principles the norms and the structure of the NSS (SEN Law), iii) Law 67/98 of 26 October, Law on the Protection of Personal Data and iv) Regulation (EC) 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 (European Statistics Regulation) and in accordance with the principles agreed between EU Member States, transposed into the European Statistics Code of Conduct, namely Principle 5 concerning Statistical Confidentiality.
Thus, the duty of confidentiality in relation to the data obeys the following rules:
• Cannot be made available for sanctioning, supervision, or any other similar nature
• No service or authority may order or authorize your access / consultation, inter alia, to courts, police, inspection services or prosecutors
• They may not be disclosed in such a way as to enable direct or indirect identification of the natural and legal persons to which they relate, and should therefore be completely anonymised in accordance with best practice appropriate application solutions
• They constitute professional secrecy for all those working in the production of statistics, even after the end of their duties, whether they are part of the public institutions, whether they are service providers or others who, in the performance of their respective functions, have access to information of an individual. Violation of statistical confidentiality, whether intentional or not (wilful or negligent), is severely punished, constituting a very serious offense; breach of the obligation of professional secrecy entails disciplinary and criminal offense (a crime punishable by up to 5 years' imprisonment), pursuant to Articles 25 and of the National Statistical System Law.
7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment
7.2.1. Confidentiality rules applied to microdata

Since EAA are derivative statistics in Portugal, confidentiality is not a common problem. However, in case it takes place, Eurostat is warned of the confidential nature of data, so that public dissemination does not occur.

In Portugal, individual statistical data collected by statistical authorities are of a confidential nature and constitute a professional secret for all employees or other people who, in any capacity, become aware of them in the exercise or due to their functions related to official statistical activity.

In Statistics Portugal, there is a Data Protection Officer who coordinates matters relating to personal data, namely in compliance with EU Regulations regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

In Statistics Portugal, and in addition to the statistical information that is officially disseminated, there is also the possibility of accessing:

a) Microdata - According to the National Statistical System Basic Law, individual statistical data on natural and legal persons can only be transferred for scientific purposes in an anonymized form, to accredited researchers, upon acceptance of previously established access conditions.

b) Public Use Files - Aiming to respond to users' needs to access more detailed information, Statistics Portugal prepared some files with information at the level of the observation unit. These files (data and metadata) contain anonymized records that are processed and prepared in such a way that the observation unit cannot be identified directly or indirectly, except when dealing with individual statistical data on the Public Administration. They are free to access and comply with the principle of statistical secrecy and protection of personal data, upon acceptance of previously established access conditions.

7.2.2. Comments on the amount of data affected by embargo

Embargo till the dissemination of data on Statistics Portugal website.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar
Statistics Portugal has an annual calendar of dissemination, under the regular Annual Plan of Activities. This pre-announced annual calendar includes all press releases, publications, and data, concerning all statistics disseminated over the year.
Statistics Portugal disseminates a Press Release by mid-December to present the EAA first estimate. All EAA data are disseminated on Statistics Portugal site, under a pre-announced annual calendar.
8.2. Release calendar access

The release calendar is public and accessible on the Statistics Portugal website.

8.3. Release policy - user access

The release policy of Statistics Portugal is public and accessible on website.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top
Statistics Portugal has an annual calendar of dissemination, under the regular Annual Plan of Activities. This pre-announced annual calendar includes all press releases, publications, and data, concerning all statistics disseminated over the year.
Statistics Portugal disseminates a Press Release by mid-December to present the EAA first estimate. All EAA data are disseminated on Statistics Portugal site, under a pre-announced annual calendar.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Annual press release for the media, in mid-December, to disseminate data regarding the 1st EAA estimate.

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

No physical Publications.

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

No Database for EAA.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not applicable.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Yes (excel tables), on the website of Statistics Portugal:

The format proposed by Eurostat was followed.

10.6. Documentation on methodology
10.6.1. Further methodological guidelines available at national level

EAA EU regulation, official handbook, and an additional technical document with methodological notes are available on Statistics Portugal website.

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Methodological documents are public on Statistics Portugal website.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

There exists a quality management system used in the organisation.

11.2. Quality management - assessment
Statistics Portugal began a systematic quality approach in 1996, when it was decided, by its Board, to implement a Quality Management System.
Currently there is a Unit responsible for quality management (the Planning, Control and Quality Department), which reports directly to the Board. Another Unit (the Methodological Unit) also deals with aspects related to product/survey quality.
The three main objectives of Statistics Portugal Quality Management System then defined and still present today are to continuously improve the quality of: i) the products; ii) the services rendered to customers; and iii) the work and inter-department relations at all levels of the organization.
Quality audits, documentation of processes and surveys of users’ satisfaction were significant activities of this system, as the experience shows. It also deals with aspects related to the implementation of the European Statistics Code of Practice and maintains a close relation to the ESS at this level of interest.
This system comprises a wide range of instruments, methods and activities covering process documentation, performance assessment and user relations, such as:
• Internal and external audits
• Performance indicators and management tools, particularly in the context of the Public Administration, as well as a specific set of quality monitoring criteria
• User and respondent satisfaction questionnaires, considering the different services provided
• Suggestions and complaints management system
• Documentation system (e.g., methodological documentation, internal procedures, quality reports and the Statistical Production Process Handbook).

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs
The following information results from the analysis of requests for information on the EAA received in 2020.
The main users of the EAA data were a Portuguese statistical data platform (“PORDATA”), the Ministry of Agriculture, journalists, and students.
The following information needs were recorded: 
1. Doubts of a conceptual and methodological nature - coverage of EAA, units considered in the agricultural activity, etc.
2. Doubts of a methodological and practical nature regarding the relationship and articulation between EAA, National Accounts and Quarterly Accounts - differences and articulation between a satellite account and the framework of national accounts, accounting of wine and olive oil production, etc.
3. EAA data breakdown and detail requests - breakdowns that are not foreseen in the EAA or cannot be calculated due to lack of basic information (other goods and services of intermediate consumption is the main request), information not foreseen in the EAA context, 
like agricultural crop accounts (crop production accounting by ha), etc.
12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

In accordance with the internal dissemination policy, responses to requests for information must be sent within 2/3 working days (maximum 5 working days). However, the internal guidance in force determines the reduction of this period, whenever possible, preferably so that the response is given on the same day. The possibility of having more detailed information online has been evaluated.

12.3. Completeness

Not applicable.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Not applicable to EAA compilation.

13.2. Sampling error

Not applicable to EAA compilation.

13.3. Non-sampling error

Not applicable to EAA compilation.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness
First estimate of year n is carried out on the 30th of November of n; second estimate is carried out on the 31st of January of n+1 (updates 1st estimate); provisional data is carried out on the 30th of September of n+1 and final data is carried out on the 30th of September of n+2.
EAA 2020 1st estimate was published by Statistics Portugal on 10th December 2020, with a Press Release (in Portuguese and in English).
The EAA 2020 final results were disseminated by Statistics Portugal on 30th September 2022, in articulation with Portuguese National Accounts.
14.2. Punctuality
Press Release by mid december to disseminate the EAA first estimate. All EAA data are disseminated on Statistics Portugal website, under a pre-announced annual calendar.  

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical
The delimitation of the territory of the Portuguese Republic and the definition of residents are in line with the definitions set out in ESA 2010 (§2.04 to §2.08). 
Portuguese territory includes:
• Mainland Portugal
• The Autonomous Region of Azores
• The Autonomous Region of Madeira.
15.2. Comparability - over time

There are no breaks in 1980-2021 series.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain
EAA data are compared with other statistics, namely: National Accounts, Simplified Business Information, Farm Structural Surveys, Agricultural census. 
Comparison with National Accounts is made on annual basis; for final data, through bridge tables that are regularly sent to Eurostat. Figures are identical (except for conceptual differences stated by EAA regulation).
15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable (EAA do not produce sub annual data).

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

In Statistics Portugal, the EAA and the National Accounts (NA) are closely linked, being elaborated in an articulated and integrated way. Due to the calendar of each statistical operation, and because the EAA have specific sources for the agricultural activity, EAA data are used in the compilation of NA, Group 01. However, when the definitive EAA data are calculated, they assume the final version of the NA (bearing in mind the conceptual differences).

15.4. Coherence - internal

In Statistics Portugal, the EAA and the National Accounts (NA) are closely linked, being elaborated in an articulated and integrated way, in the same Department.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Presenting the costs of EAA for a calendar year, or comparing the EAA costs between two years, may not be fully adequate measures to assess the effort or the efficiency to produce this statistic. Tasks carried out are not identical in all years and, consequently, the costs of EAA in different years reflect different realities (e.g., benchmark year revision, replies to Eurostat on ongoing studies and developments, etc.). Since EAA are derivative statistics in Portugal, burden reduction is not specific for these statistics. However, at Statistics Portugal level, measures have been taken to reduce the statistical burden on respondents, such as: more intensive use of sources of information with administrative data, simplification of questionnaires, more user-friendly questionnaires, easier data transmission, etc..

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy
According to Statistics Portugal revision policy, the major changes in data sources and methods are made in the context of revisions of benchmark years (in September 2019 Portuguese National Accounts revised from 2011 to 2016 benchmark year). In normal subsequent years, only regular revisions, and data sources’ updates, according to regular respective timetables, take place.
As a Satellite Account of National Accounts, the Portuguese EEA follows the same data review policy rules. In addition to these national rules, the EAA complies with Eurostat's data production, updating and transmission rules in accordance with the EAA Regulation.
17.2. Data revision - practice
17.2.1. Years where retropolations are carried out and (if they are not yet available) when they will be available

The implementation of Base 2016 of EAA (in line with ESA 2010) carried out retropolations from 1980 onwards, that are already available.

17.2.2. Details of retropolation method used : items for which estimations are made and assumptions on which these estimations are based

The retropolation from the benchmark year (2016), backwards till 1980, was conducted with maximum detail. The basic method of calculation for output (most cases) consisted in determining the value, for each item and each year, by multiplying quantity by price. In other cases (of output or other items of the account), where no methodological changes have taken place or when it was not possible to obtain detailed data for the period 1980-2011, the calculation was based in projections settled on volume and price indices implicit in Base 2011.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data
18.1.1. Data sources used - Components of the Production account : Output

See sheet 18.1.1 of the attached Excel file 'Annex 1 - Components of the Production account - Output' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

18.1.2. Data sources used - Components of the Production account : Intermediate consumption

For detailed explanations on data sources used, please see remarks under concept 18.1.3.

18.1.3. Data sources used - Individual intermediate consumption items

See sheet 18.1.3 of the attached Excel file 'Annex 2 - Components of the Production account - Intermediate consumption' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

18.1.4. Data sources used - Components of the Generation of the income account

See sheet 18.1.4 of the attached Excel file 'Annex 3 - Components of the Generation of income account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

18.1.5. Data sources used - Components of the Entrepreneurial income account

See sheet 18.1.5 of the attached Excel file 'Annex 4 - Components of the  Entrepreneurial income account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

18.1.6. Data sources used – Elements of the Capital account

See sheets 18.1.6 of the attached Excel file 'Annex 5 - Elements of the Capital account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

18.2. Frequency of data collection
18.2.1. Time of the year where the updates of the EAA are carried out

First estimate is carried out on the 30th of November; second estimate is carried out on the 31st of January (updates 1st estimate); final data is carried out on the 30th of September.

18.2.2. Years covered by each of these updates (i.e. update in September of year n for the years n-1, n-2, n-3 )

1st estimate on the 30th of November of year n covers year n; 2nd estimate on the 31st of January of year n covers year n-1; final data on the 30th September of year n covers year n-1 (provisional data) and n-2 (definitive data). These updates of final data of years n-1 and n-2 may be amended due to NA calendar.

18.3. Data collection

As derived statistics and satellite accounts, EAA use different sources of information: censuses, survey data, administrative data, estimates, expert information, etc. Data are collected, as available, and in accordance with the production plan, data transmission to Eurostat and dissemination by Statistics Portugal.

18.4. Data validation

The data collected from the various data sources are validated with each other and qualitative information published on each calendar year and agricultural year. In addition, a whole coherence validation work is carried out, as described in point 15.3.

18.5. Data compilation
18.5.1. Calculation procedures Components of the Production account - Output

See sheet of the attached Excel file 'Annex 1 - Components of the Production account - Output' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

See also Excel file 'Annex 6 - Calculation methods output'. Components of the Production account : Intermediate consumption

See sheet (a) and (b) of the attached Excel file 'Annex 2 - Components of the Production account - Intermediate consumption' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Components of the Generation of income account

See sheet of the attached Excel file 'Annex 3 - Components of the Generation of income account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Components of the Entrepreneurial income account

See sheet of the attached Excel file 'Annex 4 - Components of the Entrepreneurial income account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Elements of the Capital account

See sheets 'Annex 5 - Elements of the Capital account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

18.5.2. Estimations Components of the Production account : Output

See sheets of the attached Excel file 'Annex 1 - Components of the Production account - Output' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Components of the Production account : Intermediate consumption

See sheet of the attached Excel file 'Annex 2 - Components of the Production account - Intermediate consumption' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Components of the Generation of income account

See sheet of the attached Excel file 'Annex 3 - Components of the Generation of income account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Components of the Entrepreneurial income account

See sheet of the attached Excel file 'Annex 4 - Components of the Entrepreneurial income account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Elements of the Capital account

See sheet of the attached Excel file 'Annex 5 - Elements of the Capital account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. 

18.5.3. Numerical example Components of the Production account : Output

See the attached Excel file 'Annex 7 - Numerical examples' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Components of the Production account : Intermediate consumption

See the attached Excel file 'Annex 7 - Numerical examples' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Components of the Generation of income account

See the attached Excel file 'Annex 7 - Numerical examples' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Components of the Entrepreneurial income account

See the attached Excel file 'Annex 7 - Numerical examples' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Elements of the Capital account

See the attached Excel file 'Annex 7 - Numerical examples' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

18.5.4. Provisional and semi-definitive accounts and agricultural income index vs. definitive accounts Components of the Production account : Output

See sheet of the attached Excel file 'Annex 1 - Components of the Production account - Output' in the section Annexes at the end of the file. Components of the Production account : Intermediate consumption

See sheet of the attached Excel file 'Annex 2 - Components of the Production account - Intermediate consumption' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

18.5.5. Calculation of non-deductible VAT

See sheet 18.5.5 of the attached Excel file 'Annex 2 - Components of the Production account - Intermediate consumption' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

18.5.6. Calculation of compensation of VAT

Calculation of compensation of VAT on Other taxes on production:


Calculation of compensation of VAT on Other subsidies on production:


18.6. Adjustment
18.6.1. Components of the Production account : Output

See sheet 18.6.1 of the attached Excel file 'Annex 1 - Components of the Production account - Output' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

18.6.2. Components of the Production account : Intermediate consumption

See sheet 18.6.2 of the attached Excel file 'Annex 2 - Components of the Production account - Intermediate consumption' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

18.6.3. Components of the Generation of income account

See sheet 18.6.3 of the attached Excel file 'Annex 3 - Components of the Generation of income account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

18.6.4. Components of the Entrepreneurial income account

See sheet 18.6.4 of the attached Excel file 'Annex 4 - Components of the Entrepreneurial income account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

18.6.5. Elements of the Capital account

See sheet 18.6.5 of the attached Excel file 'Annex 5 - Elements of the capital account' in the section Annexes at the end of the file.

19. Comment Top

List of abbreviations:

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
Annex 1 - Component of the Production account - Output
Annex 2 - Component of the Production account - Intermediate Consumption
Annex 3 - Component of the Generation of Income account
Annex 4 - Component of the Entrepreneurial Income account
Annex 5 - Elements of the Capital account
Annex 6 - Calculation_methods - Output
Annex 7 - Numerical_example