Job vacancy statistics (jvs)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Federal Statistical Office

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Federal Statistical Office

1.2. Contact organisation unit

1.5. Contact mail address

Federal Statistical Office

10, Espace de l’Europe

CH-2010 Neuchâtel

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

Job vacancy statistics (JVS) provide information on the level and structure of labour demand. The country transmits to Eurostat the quarterly data on the number of job vacancies and the number of occupied posts as well as provides the quality report under the JVS framework regulation and the two implementing regulations: the implementing regulation on the definition of a job vacancy, the reference dates for data collection, data transmission specifications and feasibility studies, as well as the implementing regulation on seasonal adjustment procedures and quality reports.

2.2. Classification system

The quarterly data are broken down by economic activity (at section level) in accordance with NACE Rev. 2 - Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community.

2.3. Coverage - sector

All economic activities defined by NACE Rev. 2, except the activities in NACE section A, activities of households as employers and the of extraterritorial organisations and bodies.

We do not publish results for branch 78 for the moment.

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

A 'job vacancy' is defined as a paid post that is newly created, unoccupied, or about to become vacant:

(a) for which the employer is taking active steps and is prepared to take further steps to find a suitable candidate from outside the enterprise concerned; and

(b) which the employer intends to fill either immediately or within a specific period of time.


‘Active steps to find a suitable candidate’ include:

- notifying the job vacancy to the public employment services,

- contacting a private employment agency/head hunters,

- advertising the vacancy in the media (for example internet, newspapers, magazines),

- advertising the vacancy on a public notice board,

- approaching, interviewing or selecting possible candidates/potential recruits directly,

- approaching employees and/or personal contacts,

- using internships.


'Specific period of time’ refers to the maximum time the vacancy is open and intended to be filled. That period shall be unlimited; all vacancies for which active steps are continuing on the reference date shall be reported.


An 'occupied post’ means a paid post within the organisation to which an employee has been assigned.

2.5. Statistical unit

Local unit

2.6. Statistical population

All Enterprises

2.7. Reference area

The whole territory of the country

2.8. Coverage - Time

From 2003 in NACE Rev2

2.9. Base period

Not applicable

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data
Identification of the source of the data Data on job vacancies are collected as part of the quartely business survey (coupled survey).
- Geographical The whole territory of the country (all 7 regions (NUTS II) )
- NACE Sections B to S
- Enterprise size All
Definition of the statistical unit Local unit
Remarks -
Sampling design
Base used for the sample Swiss Business Register from the FSO
Sampling design Two stage sampling, first stage entreprise, second stage local unit. Design of sampling weight at the first stage like a stratified sampling, while sample selection by poisson sampling. (Sample selection in the FSO sample coordination system for enterprise surveys is based on Poisson sampling.) If an enterprise is selected for the sample, then also all its local units (single stage cluster sampling)
Retention/renewal of sampling units Every other year
Sample size 18 000 enterprises / 66 000 local units
Stratification By NACE Rev.2, regions, class sizes (at enterprise level)
Other sources
Maintenance agency The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) publishes administrative data on job vacancies.
Updating frequency Monthly
Rules for clearance (of outdated information) Not applicable
Voluntary/compulsory reporting and sanctions Compulsory for certain economic activities with high unemployment rates.
Remarks All enterprises can announce their job vacancies to the SECO on a voluntary basis. There is no sampling and no grossing up. 
3.2. Frequency of data collection
Reference dates
Last month of each quarter (March, June, September, December)
3.3. Data collection
Brief description of the data collection method(s) Remarks
Data on job vacancies are collected as part of the quartely business survey (coupled survey). Job vacancies are defined in accordance with Eurostat definitions. Data on job vacancies are collected at the enterprise level. Three channels of data collection are used: files, internet and paper questionaires. -
3.4. Data validation

Vacancies are validated against the number of occupied posts. Enterprises are contacted for clarifications.

3.5. Data compilation
Brief description of the weighting method Weighting dimensions
Each unit of the sample is given an initial weight upon sample drawing. Initial weights are then corrected for item non-response and callibration.

Non-response correction at entreprise level using response homogenity groups determined using CHAID algorithm. Then callibration is performed at local unit level using the CALMAR macro (INSEE).

Each unit of the sample is given an initial weight upon sample drawing.
3.6. Adjustment


4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance


4.2. Quality management - assessment


5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs
Description of the national users and their main needs Remarks
The main users are:

- the public in general

- the media

- the Swiss National Bank

- the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO),

- various research institutes

- regional statistical agencies

5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction
Extent to which the needs of national users are satisfied (voluntary) Remarks
Not available -
5.3. Completeness
Description of missing variables and missing breakdowns of the variables Report progress on the implementation measures regarding quarterly job vacancies statistics of Regulation (EC) No 453/2008, including :

- a detailed plan and timetable for completing implementation

- a summary of the remaining deviations from EU concepts

None Implementation: 1st quarter 2011

Deviations: none

5.3.1. Data completeness - rate


6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall


6.2. Sampling error

See below

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators
Coefficient of variation (taking into account the sampling design) or estimated sampling error for the number of job vacancies (see guidelines).
The coefficient of variation is calculated at the section level of the NACE (see "Quality Report Switzerland 2021 with CV and response rates" file in annex)
6.3. Non-sampling error
Information on variables with non-negligible measurement and processing errors Information on main sources of (non-negligible) measurement and processing errors and, if available, on methods applied for correction Estimation bias: An assessment of the non-sampling errors, in terms of the absolute number of vacant posts,  for the total number of job vacancies and, where possible, for aggregation level of NACE Rev. 2 specified in Annex 1 to this Regulation and size classes (1-9, 10 + employees). Remarks
No information No information No estimation available  
6.3.1. Coverage error
Description of any difference between the reference population and the study population Description of classification errors Description of any difference between the reference dates and the reference quarter Any other relevant information
None None None - Over-coverage - rate

Optional Common units - proportion


6.3.2. Measurement error

[see 6.3. non-sampling error]

6.3.3. Non response error

See below Unit non-response - rate
Unit response rate
86.1% (2nd quarter 2021) Item non-response - rate


6.3.4. Processing error

[see 6.3. non-sampling error] Imputation - rate
Item imputation rate and methods and, where possible, the effect of imputation on the estimates for the variables transmitted
In general no imputation is performed. However in some special multi-establishment cases, due to practical reasons a model-based imputation was performed to complete missing information in local units. Due to the small amount of treated cases, the impact may be assumed to be very small.
6.3.5. Model assumption error
If modelling is used, include a description of the models used. Particular emphasis should be given to models for imputation or grossing-up to correct for unit non-response.
Initial weights are corrected for item non-response at grossing up using the CHAID algorithm and the CALMAR macro (INSEE)
6.4. Seasonal adjustment
Brief description of seasonal adjustment procedures, in particular with regard to the European Statistical System guidelines on seasonal adjustment which have been endorsed and supported by the SPC.
Seasonal adjustment is conducted using X-12 ARIMA in full accordance with the European Statistical System guidelines. The following steps are used:

a)     All series are examined for the existence of a quarterly periodicity in the data. If no such periodicity is detected no adjustment is performed.

b)     For series in which a periodicity is detected, a model is searched and applied

c)     We apply the method of direct adjustment for all levels of data aggregation

d)     Models are checked upon sample renewal and adapted if necessary

(See also "Seasonal adjustment annex Switzerland 2021" in annex)

6.5. Data revision - policy


6.6. Data revision - practice
Provide a revision history, including the revisions in the published number of job vacancies and a summary of the reasons for the revisions.
1992-2000: Collection of data on job vacancies was started in 1992, but no data were published until 2000; the publication started in an index form.

2000-2010: The collection of the data was progressively improved and extended to big companies. A first method of correction for non-response was introduced in 2004. Data were still published in index form.

2011: Following the introduction of a new sampling approach in the quarterly business survey and the development of new method for handling non-response (CHAID algorithm), the data are published in absolute figures.

Series in absolute figures are available from the 2nd quarter 2003.

2015: Adaptation of the population, based on the new register based enterprise census. Adaptation of the sampling design and estimation method to meet the new needs.

Annual or biannual adaptations: the series are adapted once the sample has been updated.

6.6.1. Data revision - average size


7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness

See below

7.1.1. Time lag - first result
Information on the time span between the release of data at national level and the reference period of the data.
The results are released within 55 days after the end of the reference month
7.1.2. Time lag - final result


7.2. Punctuality

See below

7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication
Deadlines for the respondents to reply, also covering recalls and follow-ups Period of the fieldwork Period of data processing Dates of publication of first results Remarks
25 days after the reference month Fieldwork starts 20 days before the end of the reference month and ends 30 days after the reference month 35-40 days after the reference month 55 days days after the reference month -

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical
Information on differences between national and European concepts, and — to the extent possible — their effects on the estimation.
No difference with Eurostat concepts
8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient


8.2. Comparability - over time
Information on changes in definitions, coverage and methods in any two consecutive quarters, and their effects on the estimation. Remarks
No differences between quarters. Metadata sheets and tables are updated each quarter.  -


Additional information to be provided for the FIRST Quality Report
Description of the sources used for the back data and the methodology employed 2000-2010: The collection of the data was progressively improved and extended to big companies. A first method of correction for non-response was introduced in 2004.
Description of any differences between the coverage (economic activities, employees, variables) of the back data and that of the current data None
Description of the comparability of the back data and the current data Data are harmonised and fully comparable
Remarks -
8.2.1. Length of comparable time series


8.3. Coherence - cross domain
Comparisons of data on the number of vacant jobs from other relevant sources when available, in total and broken down by NACE at section level when relevant, and reasons if the values differ considerably.
Data on JVS from the FSO are fully comparable with Eurostat standards. They considerably differ from the results published by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) which are based on administrative data, since no sampling design, nor grossing up methods are applied in the latter (see also "Beveridge curve and comparision between JVS and LFS data" in annex)
8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics


8.5. Coherence - National Accounts


8.6. Coherence - internal


9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

Regular Press releases

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications
Dissemination scheme, including to whom the results are sent Periodicity of national publication References for publications of core results, including those with commentary in the form of text, graphs, maps, etc. Information on what results, if any, are sent to reporting units included in the sample
Results are published in the quarterly JOBSTAT’s press release. All tables can be downloaded on the website of the FSO Quartely Quarterly press release “Employment barometer in xxth quarter 20xx” in English, German, French and Italian None
9.3. Dissemination format - online database


9.3.1. Data tables - consultations


9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access


9.5. Dissemination format - other


9.6. Documentation on methodology


9.7. Quality management - documentation
Description of and references for metadata provided References for core methodological documents relating to the statistics provided Description of main actions carried out by the national statistical services to inform users about the data Remarks
Metadata are available for download in ad-hoc methodological sheets and tables. Guidelines for publication and limitation on use are sent on request to users. Methodological documents are available online and can be downloaded on the website of the FSO No actions carried out -
9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate


9.7.2. Metadata - consultations


10. Cost and Burden Top


11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy


11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment
Disclosure rules: Brief description of when data have to be deleted for reasons of confidentiality

12. Comment Top
Special remarks

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
Response rate and cvs for 2nd quarter 2021
Beveridge curve
Quality Reporting on seasonal adjustment
Comparison LFS and JVS Data