Waste generation and treatment (env_wasgt)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Ministry of Climate and the Environment   Statistics Poland

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Ministry of Climate and the Environment  

Statistics Poland

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Ministry of Climate and the Environment  - Department of Waste Management

Statistics Poland - Spatial and Environmental Surveys Department 

1.5. Contact mail address Restricted from publication

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

Data on waste for the year 2020, submitted to Eurostat and being Polish official data, come from Poland’s new Product, Packaging and Waste Management Database known as BDO, administrated by the Ministry of Climate and the Environment.


2.2. Classification system

ist all classifications and breakdowns that are used in the data:

1) NACE classifications (any breakdowns) -implemented as  POLSKA KLASYFIKACJA DZIAŁALNOŚCI (PKD 2007) -link: https://stat.gov.pl/Klasyfikacje/doc/pkd_07/pkd_07.htm

2) EWC-Satt ver.4 ( (any breakdowns)

3) KATALOG ODPADÓW ZE WSKAZANIEM ODPADÓW NIEBEZPIECZNYCH -  Polish equivalent of European List fo waste (https://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.nsf/download.xsp/WDU20140001923/O/D20141923.pdf)

National deviations: there are specific Polish codes that have remained in the legal basis, because entrepreneurs asked for it. Some extra types of waste, which referred to particular codes (marked '80'), They were also taken under consideration by assigning their value to a particular code in EWC-STAT catalogue. The detailed table of the transposition is attached as the annex 1 of QR.

2.3. Coverage - sector

In accordance with the requirements of Waste Statistics Regulation

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

In accordance with the requirements of Waste Statistics Regulation.


2.5. Statistical unit

In accordance with the requirements of Waste Statistics Regulation.


2.6. Statistical population

In accordance with the requirements of Waste Statistics Regulation.


2.7. Reference area



2.8. Coverage - Time

reference year: 2020; in accordance with the requirements of Waste Statistics Regulation.

2.9. Base period

In accordance with the requirements of Waste Statistics Regulation.



3. Statistical processing Top

[not requested]

3.1. Source data


Data on waste for the year 2020, submitted to Eurostat and being Polish official data, come from Poland’s new Product, Packaging and Waste Management Database known as BDO, administrated by Marshal Offices and the Ministry of Climate and the Environment.

The objective of the Product, Packaging and Waste Management Database (BDO) is to collect data being the official source of information on the state of waste management in Poland. Records in this program of statistical surveys on public statistics are brought in on the strength of the Cabinet’s regulations every year. They are submitted to the Statistics Poland  and then to Eurostat, the European Commission and other international institutions in the framework of fulfilling the obligation of Poland resulting from the European legislation.

According to the Act of 14th December 2012 on waste (Journal of Laws from 2022, item 699), each waste holder is obliged to keep a register on an ongoing basis of waste according to the catalogue of waste .

According to the Act of 14th December 2012 on waste, a waste holder is any person who actually manages waste (waste producer, any natural person or an organizational unit); it is presumed that the person holding land owns waste located on that property.

Records in database BDO  are accepted every year in the period between 15th  of March and 30th of September by  Marshals of voivodeships.

According to the requirements of Regulation (EC) No. 2150/2002, 2010 data on waste for the year 2020 from BDO were subjected to the comparative assessment by means of  OS-6 - Survey on waste (excluding municipal waste) - statistical survey results as a related standard of aggregated waste data for the same year.and  M-09 survey on municipal waste collection and treatment. OS-6 and M-09 are two mandatory annual statistical surveys conducted by the Statistics Poland.

The data are analyzed at the level of voivodeships (NUTS 2) and whole Poland (NUTS 0), according to the groups, subgroups and types of waste (in compliance with the list of waste).

Name of institution Description of key responsibilities
Statistics Poland, Spatial and Environmental Surveys Department Coordination of  data collection and preparation Quality Report (QR). Transmission, recalculation and elaboration of data for data set WASTE_TREAT, data elaboration for data set WASTE_GENER
Ministry of Climate Administration of administrative Central Waste System; Preparation of the QR; Production of data for REGIO1 and REGIO2 datasets
Statistical Computing Centre Data recalculation for data set GENER and TREATM
National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management   Production of data on ELV
Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection Production of data in the range of WEEE and waste batteries and waste accumulators



Assessment of the continuity of the data source, e.g. legal basis for the data source:



General description of Data set 1: Waste generation by waste category (EWC-STAT) and economic activity (NACE)

General description of methodology:


Methodology has its grounds in the law. According to the Act of 14th December 2012 on waste, any waste holder keep a register on an ongoing basis. The record of waste is verified by Marshall Office on the basis of an administrative decision (permits for waste generation) released for a particular waste holder. In the case of any doubts, it is possible to ask the waste holder to correct data report,; also an on-site inspection is possible.

It is based on the legal obligations imposed to waste holders on the scope of the waste from columns 01-19.

At the level of voivodeships the verification of data is based on data from previous years and accessible administrative decisions.

On the central level the verification of data is provided on the basis of data analysis collected at the same time by Statistics Poland.



Determination of waste generation in the economy on the basis of information on waste collection

Not applicable.


Determination of waste generation in the economy on the basis of administrative sources

Methodology has its grounds in the law. According to the Act of 14th December 2012 on waste, any waste holder keeps a register on an ongoing basis. The recording of waste is verified by Marshall Office on the basis of an administrative decision (permits for waste generation) released for a particular waste holder.  In the case of any doubts, it is possible to ask the waste holder to correct the data report,; also an on-site inspection is possible. This is based on the legal obligations imposed to waste holders on the scope of the waste from columns 01-19.


At the level of voivodeships the verification of data is based on data from previous years and accessible administrative decisions.

On the central level the verification of data is provided on the basis of data analysis collected at the same time by the Statistics Poland.

 Determination of waste generated by households

The data on waste generated base on municipalities reports. There is no distinction between waste generated by households and waste originated from municipal services or waste from commerce, small business, offices and institutions. 

Data sets 2 and 3: Waste treatment

General description of methodology:

Methodology has its grounds in the law.

The methodology has its basis in law. Each owner of waste keeps an ongoing waste register by entering individual information into the BDO database. Marshal's offices are required to verify these entries and ask the holder for a correction. Waste holders are identified on the basis of waste management permits and concessions. Waste records are verified on the basis of an administrative decision (on waste management) issued for a given waste holder. In case of doubt, it is possible to ask the waste holder to correct the records in the BDO. On-site inspection is also possible.

Records on waste processing in the BDO database are a source of information on the amount and type of waste processed by a given waste holder, as well as a kind of treatment operation.


Identification of relevant treatment facilities:

 The BDO database covers all waste treatment plants. Administrative permits and licenses for waste management are included in the list of permits issued for the generation and production of waste, which is an integral part of the BDO database.


Methodology has its grounds in the law. Any waste holder keeps a record of waste, on the basis of which he prepares an annual collective data report for a previous year and sends it to a proper Marshall Office. Waste holders are identified on the grounds of permits and licenses for waste management. The record of waste is verified on the basis of an administrative decision (for waste management) released for a particular waste holder. In the case of any doubts, it is possible to ask the waste holder to complete the collective data report, to correct it or to submit it; also an on-site inspection is possible.

Collective data reports are the source of information on the amount and type of waste processed by a particular waste holder, as well as a kind of treatment operation.


Data collection on treated quantities:

The BDO administrative base was used for the preparation of the Report. The method used in the system is collecting data directly from waste holders.

The institutions responsible for collecting, analyzing and submitting data on waste are the Ministry of Climate and the Environment and the Environment and the Central Statistical Office.

The legal basis for the development of administrative data is the Waste Act and the ordinance on the program of statistical surveys of official statistics for 2020.


Determination of treated waste quantities

Description of data sources and methods by treatment category

Item 1

      On the basis of the administrative database  BDO

Item 2

Item 3a
(R2 – R11)

Item 3b

Item 4
(D1, D5, D12)

Item 5
Other disposal
(D2,D3,D4, D6,D7)


Data collection on capacity of treatment facilities:

Administrative data is collected directly from waste holders who enter data in the BDO on an ongoing basis.These reports include inter alia sections on the parameters of particular facilities. In the case of particular types of facilities, the following pieces of information on their capacity are included:

a)      facilities and equipment providing recovery and disposal of waste, excluding landfills and facilities for thermal waste treatment – objective capacity [tonnes/year],

b)      landfills – area [ha]: total and in use; volume [tonnes]: objective and in use; amount of waste admitted to deposition [tonnes/year], volume used and volume planned [m3],

c)      facilities for thermal waste treatment – objective capacity [tonnes/year].

The term of “capacity” has not been defined in the Polish law. However, to achieve a permit for running business activity in the field of waste recovery or disposal in an facility or any other installation, it is essential to provide a detailed description of the methods used for recovery and disposal, to present technical abilities that allow to act in a proper way and to take under consideration the number and quality of the facilities and any other equipment meeting the requirements of the environment protection.



3.2. Frequency of data collection


3.3. Data collection


3.4. Data validation

Data are validated in each level (each institution) of elaboration data, waste holder, Marshal Offices, Ministry of Climate and the Environment, Statistics Poland.

Rules validation we used:

- completeness’ databases;

- comparing data on generated waste in each type by each NACE aggregation with adequate for previous years;

- comparing data on treatment waste in each type with adequate for previous years;

- comparison generation to treatment the same type of waste;

- implausible combinations treatment operation / waste categories;

Checks applied manually using generic software: consistency between the data of each statistical unit in the same data collection instance (e.g. detection of outliers), consistency of national aggregates with historical data (time series check), coherence of national aggregates with other related datasets of the  Statistics Poland.

3.5. Data compilation

The figures above pertain to wet matter for sludges generated. Data come from the.database BDO








Industrial effluent sludges

Industrial effluent sludges

Common sludges

Dredging spoils








708 154,8

214 276,1


152 457


The figures above pertain to wet matter for sludges treated. Data on sludges  in dry weight were calculated on the basis of indicators


Wet matter for treated sludges






Industrial effluent sludges

Industrial effluent sludges

Common sludges

Dredging spoils







671 183


156 861



2 972 463

142 759


  The figures above pertain to wet matter for sludge generated. Data on sludges  in wet and in dry weight comes from BDO.




Industrial effluent sludges

Industrial effluent sludges

Common sludges

Dredging spoils











The figures above pertain to wet matter for sludges treated. Data on sludges  in dry weight were calculated on the basis of indicators.

3.6. Adjustment

[not requested]

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

Not available.
New concept added with the migration to SIMS 2.0.
Information (content) will be available after the next collection.

4.2. Quality management - assessment

Statitistics Poland is responsible for report elaboration and transmission and for this purpose cooperates with Ministry of Climate and Environment  responsible for data which are collected in database BDO This cooperation is assessed as good.

5. Relevance Top

The BDO is official collecting data system on the state of waste management in Poland. The users of the system are national government institutions (Minister of Climate and Environment, Chief Inspector for Environmental Protection and Statistics Poland), self-governments and local units of the government (Marshal of a Voivodeship, Voivodes, Voivodeship’s Inspector of the Environmental Protection, Voivodeship’s Statistical Office), as well as local governments (staroste, head of municipality unit, mayor or president of a town). These authorities are responsible for waste management policy in a particular area and for giving permits for waste management.

5.1. Relevance - User Needs

We aim for adaptation statistical survey’s forms and administrative reporting patterns to the information needs of users, including the European Commission.

5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

We aim for adaptation statistical survey’s forms and administrative reporting patterns to the information needs of users, including the European Commission.

5.3. Completeness


Description of missing data in data sets 2 and 3 on treated waste quantities and capacities

Description of missing data
(waste category, treatment category, region, ..)


How to overcome the deficit

Dataset FAC Table1, recovery -backfiling number facilities

no adequate definition

the definition will be implemented


In principal, in the case of reporting for 2020 and in previous years, information on backfilling was collected in terms of data on the amount of waste and treatment processes, which could be considered as a backfilling process. It should be noted that the very definition of this process has been implemented into the national waste act on the basis of Directive 2008/98/EC  and is only valid from 2021.
Backfilling calculation included data from BDO on waste subject to recovery outside the installation or device and data on waste transferred for use to individual persons or organizational units, other than entrepreneurs, for their own needs.
However, in the case of data for 2020, the national reporting did not collect information on sites where the backfilling process was specifically applied.


5.3.1. Data completeness - rate


6. Accuracy and reliability Top

In Poland keeping a record of waste is mandatory for all waste holders upon Act of 14th December 2012 on waste, so there is no need of running surveys in this field. Described data comes from an administrative database.

Validation file
6.1. Accuracy - overall

In Poland keeping a record of waste is mandatory for all waste holders upon Act of 14th December 2012 on waste, so there is no need of running surveys in this field. Described data comes from an administrative database.

6.2. Sampling error

Not applicable - exhaustive surveys.

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not applicable - exhaustive surveys.

6.3. Non-sampling error


6.3.1. Coverage error


Coverage of waste statistics with regard to extractive waste1)






Completely covered





Partially covered





Generally excluded





1)Please mark with an X whether the listed materials are completely covered, partially covered or generally excluded from waste statistics.

Inert waste and unpolluted soil are classified with the appropriate waste codes. European waste catalog does not provide a separate code for inert waste and unpolluted soil, which makes it difficult to identify them (a matter of exclusions from 2006/21/EC and 2008/98/EC directives are separate issue).

Description of issues related to the allocation of mining waste to NACE section B or C:

 Allocation waste to NACE code based on Polish Classification of Economic Activities of waste holder. Mining waste generated by units operating in the mining industry are allocated in NACE section B.


Annex I on waste generation:

In the field of generation of waste (Annex I) as well as its processing (Annex II), keeping a record and submitting data on waste to a Province Marshall Office is mandatory for all waste holders. Owing to that, it may be claimed that 100% of waste holders are covered by the system of obtaining administrative data. Data are obtained by a collective data report form, and then submitted by voivodeship’s by  to the CWS which is run by the Minister of Climate.

In the Regulation of 23th December 2019 on  types  and amounts of waste for which there is no obligation to keep waste records which shall not require the keeping of waste records there has been indicated what types and amounts of waste generated yearly by a waste holder, release him from keeping a mandatory waste record (Journal of Laws from 2019 item 1431) .  


Types and amount of waste for without waste record b obligation

no waste code amount [Mg]/year
1 3 4
1 02 01 03  without limitation 
2 02 01 06  without limitation 
3 02 01 07 up to 10
4 02 01 10 up to 10
5 03 01 01 up to 20
6 03 01 05 up to 20
7 08 03 18 up to 0,2
8 12 01 01 up to 0,1
9 12 01 03 up to 0,05
10 13 02 08* up to 0,02
11 15 01 01 up to 0,5
12 15 01 02 up to 0,5
13 15 01 03 up to 1
14 15 01 04 up to 1
15 15 01 05 up to 0,5
16 15 01 07 up to 0,5
17 15 01 09 up to 0,2
18 15 01 10* up to 0,2
19 ex3) 15 01 11* up to 0,05
20 15 02 03 up to 0,2
21 16 02 13* up to 0,05
22 16 02 14 up to 0,1
23 16 02 16 up to 0,05
24 16 03 04 up to 0,2
25 16 03 06 up to 0,2
26 16 03 80 up to 0,1
27 16 06 03* up to 0,005
28 16 06 04 up to 0,02
29 16 06 05 up to 0,02
30 16 80 01 up to 0,05
31 17 01 01 up to 10
32 17 01 02 up to 10
33 17 01 03 up to 10
34 17 01 07 up to 10
35 17 01 80 up to 5
36 17 02 01 up to 10
37 17 02 02 up to 5
38 17 02 03 up to 5
39 17 04 01 up to 5
40 17 04 03 up to 5
41 17 04 04 up to 5
42 17 04 05 up to 5
43 17 04 06 up to 5
44 17 04 07 up to 5
45 17 05 04 up to 20
46 17 08 02 up to 10


Because of option on waste transfer to natural persons there could be problems with identifying amounts of waste recovered by these group.

As above

The most commonly committed and discovered errors are:

  • false classifications of types of waste,
  • submitting data on the amount of waste in false units - kilograms, litres and pieces instead of tonnes,

As for waste treated, there are no exclusions in the system of collecting administrative data for the facilities processing not defined type of waste. All facilities for waste treatment/processing are obliged to submit data on the range of their activity.




Coverage of waste treatment facilities and criteria for exclusion


No. of facilities included

No. of facilities excluded

Reasons for exclusion of facilities
and other comments

Item 1Incineration (R1)



no exlusion

Item 2Incineration (D10)



no exlusion

Item 3a Recycling (R2-R11)



no exlusion

Item 3b Backfilling


no information

In principal, in the case of reporting for 2020 and in previous years, information on backfilling was collected in terms of data on the amount of waste and treatment processes, which could be considered as a backfilling process. It should be noted that the very definition of this process has been implemented into the national waste act on the basis of Directive 2008/98/EC  and is only valid from 2021.
Backfilling calculation included data from BDO on waste subject to recovery outside the installation or device and data on waste transferred for use to individual persons or organizational units, other than entrepreneurs, for their own needs.
However, in the case of data for 2020, the national reporting did not collect information on sites where the backfilling process was specifically applied.


Item 4 Landfilling
(D1, D5, D12)



Item 5 Other disposal
(D2, D3, D4, D6, D7)



- Over-coverage - rate

Not applicable Common units - proportion

Not applicable

6.3.2. Measurement error

In the field of the amount of generated and processed waste the following  rule is kept:

-in case of hazardous and other than hazardous waste the waste holders keep a record in tonnes to three decimal places (accuracy up to 0,1 kg).

In Polish administrative data database (BDO) incentives for over- or under-reporting do not exist.

Instruments to reduce potential risks and avoid errors are data analyses of generated and treated waste by voivodeships. Each type of waste is verified separately. Verification lies in comparing the above data with statistic data collected by Statistics Poland in the framework of OS-6 and M-09 surveys and analyzing administrative data concerning waste on a national level, for each voivodeship, and for each type of waste.

6.3.3. Non response error

In case of BDO there is no possibility of defining how many waste holders  have not registered. For this reason administrative data are compared to statistical data. The result of the analysis is the thesis that level of amount of generated and treated waste are comparable. It means that waste holders which generate or/and treat a lot of waste are included in statistical survey OS-6 and in BDO. Unit non-response - rate

[not requested] Item non-response - rate

[not requested]

6.3.4. Processing error


Stages of elaboration of data on generation/treatment of waste from Statitics Poland.

  1. Collecting administrative data in BDO (Province Marshal Offices  verifiy and accept waste holdres).
  2. Analyzing data concerning waste generation by voivodeships and types of waste. Each type of waste is verified separately. Verification lies in comparing the above data with statistic data collected by Statistics Poland in the framework of OS-6 and M-09 surveys and between individual years.
  3. Analyzing administrative data concerning waste generation on a national level for each voivodeship and for each type of waste. Verification of administrative data is based on the comparison of these data with statistical data collected by Statistics Poland in the framework of OS-6 and M-09 surveys.
  4. In case of obtaining false values for any particular waste in the course of analyzing, verification is conducted at the level of waste holders.
  5. Submitting the corrections of wasteholdres s reports.
  6. Determining the level of waste generated in Poland on a national level by voivodeships and types of waste.
  7. Transmission of obtained data to Central Statistical Computing Center, which elaborate findings on NACE classification level of aggregation (Poland, voivodships).
  8. Analyzing data connected with treated waste by voivodeships and types of waste. Each type of waste is verified separately. Verification lies in comparison of data with the statistical data on treated waste collected by  Statistics Poland  in the framework of OS-6 and M-09 surveys and between individual years.
  9. In case of obtaining false values for particular waste, verification of these data at the level of wasteholdre.
  1. Analyzing administrative data connected with waste treatment on a national level by each  and each type of waste. Balancing the amount of waste on a national level, taking under consideration uneven placement of waste recovery and disposal installations in the area of Poland. Acceptance waste movement among the voivodeships.


  1. Determining the level of waste treated in Poland on a country level by types of waste.
  2. Elaborating data reports according to the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 2150/2002.

For 16 years of reporting the number of processing errors is low. Imputation - rate

 Not applicable.

6.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

[not requested]

6.5. Data revision - policy

Data are revised and clarified in each level (each institution) of elaboration data, waste holder, Marshal Offices, Ministry of the Climate and the Environment, Statistics Poland.

6.6. Data revision - practice

Data are revised and clarified in each level (each institution) of elaboration data, waste holder, Marshal Offices, Ministry of the Climate and the Environment, Statistics Poland.

6.6.1. Data revision - average size

[not requested]

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top

Timeliness for BDO

Stage 1




quarter of 2021


quarter of 2021


quarter of 2021


quarter of 2022


quarter of 2022

ongoing reporting by the waste holder







Accepting report by voivodeship’s







Verifying data on waste generation







Verifying data on waste treatment






Elaboration of QR and data for Eurostat









7.1. Timeliness

see point 7

7.1.1. Time lag - first result

From the last day of the reference period to the day of publication of first results there were 16 months.

7.1.2. Time lag - final result

[not requested]

7.2. Punctuality

There is no time lag between the actual delivery of the data and the target date when it should have been delivered.

7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

[not requested]

8. Coherence and comparability Top


8.1. Comparability - geographical

As it comes to Backfilling, the data collected concerns waste recovered outside facilities as described in the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 11th May 2015 on waste recovery and disposal outside installations (J.O.L  of 2015, position 796). Waste taken into account (see the list of codes below) can be used according to the above mentioned Regulation for operation R3, R5,

List of waste codes: 010101, 010102, 010180, 010306, 010308, 010408, 010409, 010410, 010411, 010412, 010413, 010481, 100101, 100102, 100105, 100115, 100124, 100180, 100182, 100201, 100208, 100214, 100580, 100680, 100903, 100906, 100908, 100910, 100912, 101006, 101008, 101010, 101201, 101203, 101206, 101208, 101382, 120121, , 170101, 170102, 170504, 170508, 191209, 191306


List of waste codes:


Data for the positions 1,2,3 were elaborated according to the Annex 2 Section 8 of the Regulation 849/2010.

Description of classifications used


Name of
classification(s) used

Description of the classification(s)
(in particular compatibility with WStatR requirements)

Economic activities


  as required

Waste types

 List of a Waste

  as required

Recovery and treatment operations


   as required


While selecting the method of data aggregation, Poland intended to make it consistent with methods described in Annex 2 Section 8 Regulation no. 849/2010 as of 27th September 2010 changing the Regulation no. 2150/2002 on waste statistics.

Apart from mineral waste, waste e code 19 13 06( sludges from groundwater remediation other than those mentioned in 19 13 05) are used as backfilling.

8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

[not requested]

8.2. Comparability - over time

 Changes compared with previous years:


For the reporting year 2020, the new Product, Packaging and Waste Management Database known as BDO was used for the first time as a data source for the purposes of the Regulation 21150/2002 on waste statistics. This source provided data for all waste streams and sources. In particular, the change is that municipal waste also came from this database on the basis of reports from gmina (local governments).

Due to the change in the data source, the method of reporting and compilation data on  treated municipal waste has been changed. In Poland, mixed municipal waste cannot be processed without prior segregation (with some exceptions). Segregation is a pretreatment process that is not covered by WStatR reporting. After initial segregation, municipal waste no longer has the code 200301, but one of the group 19 codes that fall into other EWC-Stat categories (including Mixed and undifferentiated materials or Sorting residues). In the previous reporting mode, the respondents produced year-end reports post factum and were able to report what final treatment processes were applied to the waste, even if the waste codes were changed in the meantime. But now reporting is done in real time and the operations are reported according to the waste codes to which they are actually subjected. We do not have a systemic ability to track changes to waste codes. Therefore, the amount of reported treated waste:  "Household and similar wastes" has decreased. We flaged "b" data on waste generation from households and  waste treateatment "Household and similar wastes".

Unfortunately, we do not have a methodology to be able to estimate this data for the previous years based on data for 2020. Due to the fact that both the methods of collecting data and collecting waste have changed, consumption patterns have changed along, and thus the composition and amounts of waste generated by households.

Compared to QR from previous years, which were submitted only in paper form, a greater number of entities submitted reports to voivodship marshals, due to the obligation to keep records of waste and prepare annual reporting only in electronic form via BDO, introduced as from 2020.

A new backfilling calculation method has also been applied. (description in point 8.1)

8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

[not requested]

8.3. Coherence - cross domain

Environment statistics:

Administrative data (from BDO database) are compared to statistical data published in Poland and used to prepare other reports for Eurostat. The levels of amounts of waste from both sources of data (administrative and statistical sources) are comparable, because both systems collect data from waste holders which generate or/and treat significant amount of waste. The statitics are coherent because of using the same classifications.


[not requested]

Socio-economic statistics:


Administrative data are compared to statistical data published in Poland used to prepare other reports for Eurostat. The amounts of waste from both sources of data (administrative and statistical sources) are comparable (in 90%), because both systems collect data from waste holders which generate or/and treat significant amounts of waste.

8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

[not requested]

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

[not requested]

8.6. Coherence - internal

[not requested]

9. Accessibility and clarity Top

[not requested]

9.1. Dissemination format - News release

[not requested]

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications

These data will be  presented in many publications of Statistics Poland: to the largest extent in an annual branch publication prepared by the Spacial and Environmental Surveys Department. These publications are available on the Internet. Data on facilities are also presented in Statistics Poland’s database - Local Data Bank.

9.3. Dissemination format - online database

 Data on facilities are also presented in Statitics Poland’s database - Local Data Bank.



9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

[not requested]

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

[not requested]

9.5. Dissemination format - other

[not requested]

9.6. Documentation on methodology

Statistics Poland published its methodology on waste statistic in 2020. Name of publication: Methodological report environment protection.

9.7. Quality management - documentation

[not requested]

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

[not requested]

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

[not requested]

10. Cost and Burden Top

Burden on respondents

Survey /

Type and total number of respondents

Actual no. of respondents

Time required for response

Measures taken to minimise the burden

Database BDO)

any waste holders (see definition of waste holder on point 12.1), carrying on activity in a given reporting year



1 –10 hours depending on the activity scopes



At this moment the entrepreneurs are doubly burdened. It results from the objective of introducing a new database of collecting data in Poland. For the last years data collection was run in two ways: by filling forms in the framework of the mandatory statistical surveys run by Statistics Poland (OS-6 and M-09) and by keeping an obligatory waste record and preparing collective data reports, according to the mandatory obligation put on the waste holders in compliance with the Act  of 14th December 2012 on waste.

The most burdened entities are those that generate more than 1 thousand tonnes of hazardous waste per year and other than hazardous in total (excluding municipal waste), or possesses 1 million tonnes or more of accumulated waste.

11. Confidentiality Top

Data do not require confidentiality clause.

11.1. Confidentiality - policy

Description of the relevant confidentiality policy:

According the act of 3rd October 2008 on the Provision of Information on the Environment and its Protection, Public Participation in Environmental Protection and Environmental Impact Assessments every person shall have the right to information on the environment and its protection the concerns: the types and amounts of the waste generated and the place where it is generated

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

[not requested]

12. Comment Top


Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
Annex 1 table of extra types of waste, which refer to particular codes (marked '80'),