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Total results: 462.

This document identifies how climate benefits can be optimised at different stages of support for rural bioeconomy in the CAP Strategic Plans (CAP SPs). It was produced in the frame of the ENRD Thematic Group on Bioeconomy and climate action in rural areas.

The LEADER project ‘At home in Emlichheim’ (Germany) seeks to enable elderly people to maintain their independence for longer by providing regular preventative home visits.

This case study illustrates how LEADER can respond to local development needs.

A local youth NGO in Flanders (Belgium) applied for LEADER funding to undertake an extensive survey of young people. The LAG approved the proposal and the survey findings have already informed two new community-based LEADER projects.

This case study illustrates how LEADER can respond to local development needs.

A study included in the national Evaluation Plan for LEADER (2014 -2020) by the Austrian Managing Authority explores social innovation and its relevance in LEADER projects.

This case study looks at social innovation, funding and resources in LEADER.

The LEADER project Gratitud Pallars (Spain) impresses by its integrated and innovative character in support of landscape conservation, climate change mitigation and smart sustainable tourism development.

A case study about animation, networking and cooperation in LEADER.

In Finland, the National Rural Network planned a comprehensive participatory approach in close collaboration with the Managing Authority to ensure full engagement of stakeholders in the preparation of the new LEADER programming period. The work was easily adapted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A case study on NRN support to designing LEADER.

In 2019, the national rural network in Spain (REDR) initiated a comprehensive research process involving all 185 Spanish LAGs, REDR Steering Committee and all 11 Regional Networks to explore their views and aspirations for the new programming period (2021-2027). The findings of the research fed into the position paper ‘The future of LEADER 2021-2027’, which informed policy-decision makers.

In order to contribute more effectively to combating climate change, a Romanian LAG included energy adaptation and mitigation projects in its local development strategy.

This case study looks at the role of LEADER in promoting renewable energies and energy efficiency.

This is the highlight report of the 11th ENRD Thematic Group meeting on 'Smart Villages' organised in the context of the ENRD Thematic Group 'Smart Villages'. It adresses ways to design support for Smart Villages in the future CAP Strategic Plans (SP) and Cohesion Policy based on the ideas being discussed by Poland.

It is followed by an Annex report reviewing questions and ideas raised in the context of the Thematic Group on Smart Villages.

This thematic Briefing is part of the series developed by the ENRD to assist Managing Authorities and rural stakeholders in designing supportive frameworks for Smart Villages initiatives in certain key domains. It focuses on renewable energy communities.
