Web based education for farmers in Austria

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An educational institution for farmers in Austria used RDP support to develop a training  programme using digital, web-based technologies and applications.

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Project summary: 

The project initiator LFI is the main institution for educating farmers in Austria. The availability of new digital and web-based technologies allowed the LFI to adopt new approaches for knowledge transfer, including podcasts, social media and e-learning courses.The use of the new technologies and applications helps farmers to easily access the knowledge they need for their business, whenever it suits them best. This project financed the development of the educational content, technical infrastructure, programming and delivery of the online training modules.

Project results: 

The quality of services offered by the LFI has increased. Making standardised training accessible nationwide avoids unnecessary duplication and saves time and money both for the institute and the trainees.

Almost 10 000 users are already taking advantage of these new online tools.