ViciGAL - transformation of a former railway line into a green lane for cycling

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Supporting the preparatory work for the creation of a 41 km green lane linking up bends the Meuse river between the municipalities of Yvoir and Huy in Wallonia.

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Project summary: 

The soft mobility scheme supports the creation of a 41 km green lane linking up bends the Meuse river between the municipalities of Yvoir and Huy. This area is going through the LAG area of Pays des Tiges et Chavées (Assesse-Gesves-Ohey). The new route is passing through a mix of public spaces (75%) but also requires the agreement of 31 landowners (25%). With the support of LEADER, the feasibility phase led to a financial commitment of more that EUR 3 million to develop the green lance.

Project results: 

A budget estimate was prepared for the retained options, including, where appropriate, the buyback or expropriation of relevant plots.

The financial estimate led to a EUR 3.1 million budget, subject to a formal commitment from the various budgetary sources in November 2016 .

The second phase of the project started in 2017 with the assignment of a prime contractor, the validation of owners' agreements and the purchase of plots, a communication campaign at local and regional levels, public information meetings with the population, and the launch of the first calls for tenders for the green lane layout.