Terroir Moselle - Wine and architecture route

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The ‘Terroir Moselle wine and architecture route’ is a ‘preparatory’ cooperation project gathering six LEADER areas, five wine growing areas from four regions and three countries.

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Project summary: 

The Moselle valley is one of the most renowned wine-producing regions in Europe. The sector covers more than 10 000 hectares of vineyards and some 4 000 wine-producing enterprises. The valley is divided between three different countries, nevertheless the winegrowers are still confronted with similar challenges.
Six LEADER areas from the French, Luxembourg and German Mosel Valley engaged in a project to prepare the next steps of their cooperation. Through this preparatory project, they examined the feasibility of a wider cross-border project. This project brought together residents and visitors linking European cultural heritage to viticulture and helped to preserve and market the wine architectonic cultural heritage of the area.

Project results: 

Submission of a co-designed cooperation proposal to the relevant funding authorities, in compliance with a joint agreement signed by all parties involved and validated by the programming committees of the six LEADER areas.
This cooperation proposal includes (i) the initial commitment of all interested parties, (ii) a pre-selection of built heritage and locations as an initial sketch of the wine and architecture route, (iii) the planned activities for developing and promoting this project, (iv) its time line and (v) a provisional budget.