Rural Youth in focus

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Youth strategy tackles rural depopulation challenges in western Finland.

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Project summary: 

LEADER funds supported the development of a strategy and related actions focused on involving youth in rural development. Young people informed the strategy’s preparations and identified demand for a series of capacity building events dedicated to youth participation in the revitalisation of their rural communities. 
The project also helped young people in the LAG area to develop project ideas and promoted rural networking connecting young people to rural youth development initiatives and opportunities outside of Finland via involvement in European partnership actions.

Project results: 

Production of a Youth strategy. 
Organisation of information sessions, other youth events and Erasmus+ project plans.
1 500 young people involved in project activities.
Creation of a network of municipal youth workers and other youth workers.
Plans for a Transnational Cooperation project (with two German and one Finnish LAGs) concerning youth inclusion, activation, entrepreneurship, and empowerment.