Restoring forests damaged by natural disasters and improving the viability of forests - Slovenia

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This pan-Slovenian project is designed to combat the consequences of natural disasters that have affected forests across the country in the last six years. The project includes sustainable measures to restore damaged forests, adapting them to climate change, and is focused on areas that are under the greatest pressure. 

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Project summary: 

The project supports the implementation of measures to restore and maintain damaged forests. Forest owners have received forest tree saplings and protective materials from the Slovenia Forest Service. The owners also repaired damage and started restoring forests with financial support from project funds.

Project results: 

During the 2014–2020 RDP programming period, public funds were used to restore over 1 100 ha of damaged forests and to plant over three million saplings of 19 forest tree varieties. Almost 60 kilometres of fences protect these saplings against game and 130 000 were protected with casings or poles. Saplings in 1 750 ha were protected with deterring coatings and a further 2 000 ha of rejuvenated forests were also maintained. Removing fallen trees produced 36 000 m3 of damaged wood.
The development of forest tree nurseries was accelerated. These grew saplings in substrate, increasing the production of local variety saplings from 0.5 million in 2013 to almost two million in 2020.