Pilot Project on Circular Bioeconomy - Spain

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The project has enabled the living-lab, Josenea which is focused on organic farming, to collect bio-waste from neighbours and transform it into compost to fertilise their crops, with environmental, economic and social benefits.

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Project summary: 

In this project, the non-profit company Josenea acting as a living lab, the Public University of Navarra (UPNA) and two micro-enterprises (Luar Ingurumena and Maestro Compostador) focused on the collection and treatment of bio-waste, collaborated to design and develop a new decentralized waste management system that utilises organic matter in situ through a simple and low-cost process. 
Project activities included research on the optimisation of collection and composting of bio-waste, at local level, the effect of compost on crops, soil and climate, and dissemination and training activities for technicians and operators of bio waste management systems. As the project only requires local low-cost equipment, it is easily replicable elsewhere.

Project results: 

A new low-cost organic waste management system processes more than 300 tonnes a year of bio-waste, transforming it into 100 tonnes a year of organic fertiliser. Fertiliser is used on the same site to grow organic medicinal plants. 
The process has diversified the economic activity of Josenea and generated three new jobs. By application of organic fertiliser, the farm’s soil is being regenerated and protected and GHG emissions are reduced through carbon sequestration.
Waste management in the area has improved and contributed to the objectives of the European Waste Framework Directive, as well as reducing the cost and environmental impact of transporting waste to remote, centralised facilities.
The project contributed to increase the confidence and involvement of citizens in the management of their organic waste. It has also contributed to improving the perception and confidence of technicians on bio-waste management and policymakers in decentralised waste management systems.