Pueblos Vivos – Living Villages

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A project to address depopulation and attract new settlers in rural areas of the Aragon region.

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Project summary: 

‘Living Villages’ is an interterritorial cooperation project that aims to create the conditions for reversing the depopulation problem in the rural areas of Aragon. As a pilot project, it will establish and test a methodology of work that supports the population in rural areas and attracts new settlers.

The project is based on the active involvement of local people and local administrations. They will benefit from a series of actions such as awareness raising and training, collection and publication of information of interest for new settlers, actions to support the local population to remain in their territory as well as actions to improve the attractiveness of the three areas involved. The project promoter is the LAG Centro de Desarrollo de Somontano. 

Project results: 

28 municipalities and their councils are actively involved in the project.

100 people participate in the network of volunteer collaborators.

30 awareness-raising actions were carried out to disseminate information and exchange experiences.

28 municipal inventories of resources and utility services for new settlers have been prepared.

A website, to disseminate the municipal inventories and other information that may be useful to potential new settlers, has been created.

20 initiatives tackling depopulation have been documented and analysed. This includes both successful and unsuccessful examples.

8 groups / profiles of potential new settlers have been identified.